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386 posts. Alias of Jubal Breakbottle.

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* Saltmarsh *

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* Saltmarsh *

Welcome to our game. Our game, because it's yours as much as mine. I've been getting prepared for awhile, and now I need you to get ready.

Please let me know when you are done the following actions:

* Read the Google doc linked under my DM Jubal profile. It has two sets of information:
1. Data of your character are there. Please verify yours and fellow players
2. Common information that every character knows of the setting.

* Read your spoilers. I've got more details in there for you and your characters. These are ideas for us to develop together. Need your feedback. After our discussion, please finalize your character and backstories.

* Read the opening. I want to start the game ready to explore a Haunted House. If your characters have just met they've over an hour walking side by side to chit chat. Please let me know if you have any questions. Again, this is my suggestion and am completely open.

Four miles east of Saltmarsh, just inland of the old coast road, stands a haunted house. Until twenty years ago, it had been the residence of an aged alchemist of sinister reputation. Even then, locals avoided the house because of its owner's mysterious activities. Now, two decades after the unexplained disappearance of its occupant, the house has taken on an even greater air of evil and mystery.

Dilapidated and long abandoned, the house presents an unwholesome appearance. Those hardy souls who have infrequently sought entry (pursuing rumors of a secret hoard of alchemical gold) all returned with naught save grim tales of decaying chambers presided over by monstrous perils. Indeed, such is the reputation of the house that the fields around it, though prime agricultural land, remain untended and rank with weeds.

Last week, Manistrad Copperlocks who is the leader of the newly established mining operation in Saltmarsh reached the end of her patience with the stories of the haunted house which sat overlooking her supply line from the mine to Saltmarsh. She called a town council meeting to determine ownership and salvage rights. Then, she started to assemble a team around her kin, Tarn Copperlocks who she assigned to lead.

Eda Oweland, the current senior member of the town council, nominated Drusilla Orizorwyn. Eliander Fireborn, the burly captain of the Saltmarsh town guard, nominated Badger the Rover, an officer of the town guard. Gallen Primewater sponsored Blacklock, a local tough. Anders Solmor, the youngest person ever to be elected to the council, nominated Argyri Katrakis. Mithrandir Sylvenel just showed when they were leaving and joined them; Ferrin Kastilar suggested him to join.

I’m picturing Blacklock as ignorant of what actually is going on at the Empty Net, other than just hearing things. Please let me know if that aligns with your vision.

You've never spoken to Gallen Primewater, but you know who he is. Kreb Shenker gave you the invitation and told you to go. Kreb made it sound like Gallen wanted local who could take of themselves and who wasn't part of the guard.

More description:
8. Empty Net. Partially supported by stilts driven into the harbor waters, this rickety tavern is purportedly a haven for smugglers, mercenaries, assassins and even pirates. The owner, Kreb Shenker (male human), takes coin from anyone and asks no questions. Troublemakers are thrown out the door, over the railing, and into the reeking harbor. This is the best place for a rowdy night of drinking and brawling. The town guard comes here only if called.

For years your people survived in an isolated village in the Hool Marshes. Last year, lizardfolk fell upon your home. You escaped in the confusion, became lost, and ended up here. If anyone wants to go bash those scaly murderers, you're ready to leap into action.

A couple of years ago when goblins emerged from the Dreadwood to raid the area, you distracted them long enough for the militia to prepare an ambush that sent them fleeing back to the forest. The captain of the guard, Eliander Fireborn, has given you a commission as an officer of the town guard.

More details of a key NPC ally:
Eliander (male human) fought in the royal army of Keoland, where he earned a name driving the wild things of the Dreadwood away from the settled lands. Eliander suffered a tremendous injury to his leg in a battle against an owlbear and now walks upon a finely carved wooden peg. Despite his injury and advancing age, the burly captain of the Saltmarsh town guard remains an imposing figure. Eliander is a local celebrity thanks to his facility with languages, and he is often called upon by the town's various organizations to assist with translations. He is fully literate in Common, Dwarvish, Gnomish, Elvish, and Halfling; he can also speak and understand Orc and Draconic.
Personality Traits. Caution guides Eliander's thoughts and his every action. Slow and steady wins the day, as he likes to say.
Ideal. Eliander is a faithful servant of the crown. The law must be obeyed, as faithful service and iron discipline are the surest ways to maintain peace and order.
Bond. Once he gives his word, Eliander keeps it to the death. Honor is his life, and treachery earns his wrath.
Flaw. Eliander is stubborn to a fault. Once he sets his mind to a belief or a course of action, little can dissuade him.

More details of key locations:
4. Eliander's House. Tucked at the edge of town and overlooking the sea, Eliander's home provides him with a relaxing sanctuary away from the bustle of Saltmarsh. Eliander maintains the largest library in town; during his days of military service, he made a hobby of collecting rare books. If you need information on the history of Saltmarsh, you might find it in Eliander's archives.

12. Hoolwatch tower. This 60-foot-tall tower was the first defensive building of Saltmarsh, and it still serves as an armory and lookout as well as the official base of the town guard. Eliander spends most of his time here in his duties as commander of the guard. He sometimes has need for adventurers, and at such times he posts jobs on a board hanging by the tower's entrance.

3. The Wicker Goat. Bearing the dubious honor of being the oldest tavern in town, the Wicker Goat is owned by Lankus Kurrid (male human), a retired officer of the Keoish army who caters to the dwarven miners and town guard. The two-story building has sleeping quarters for rent on the upper floor, usually sufficient to accommodate the slow stream of travelers making their way through Saltmarsh on the way to somewhere else.

You’ve been escorting supply wagons moving to and from Saltmarsh. What is your exact relationship with Manistrad? I would like to define, even if it is not very close.

More details of a key NPC ally:
Manistrad Copperlocks is the leader of the newly established mining operation in Saltmarsh is an iron-willed dwarven woman named Manistrad (female dwarf). She runs the mining outfit from a small office near the edge of town. Manistrad is a competent leader, as well as a savvy miner with a knack for pulling off impossible jobs. She's convinced that the veins of gold found in the cliffs near Saltmarsh are indicative of more valuable stones deeper in the rock. She was once a fearsome warrior, and she's not above delivering a few well-placed blows to ensure her orders are followed. Manistrad occupies an awkward place on the council. She was placed in her position by royal decree; the crown decided that if Saltmarsh is to support a mining operation, the miners would need a political voice. A more diplomatic figure might have smoothed over the tension, but Manistrad has little patience and sees the rest of the council, save for Eliander, as rustic dullards.
Personality Traits. Manistrad is a woman of few words. She is curt and quick, yet she gives every person who comes before the council a fair accounting. She's nobody's fool.
Ideal. Curiosity and hard work mark everything Manistrad does. Once she is interested in a topic, she is relentless in learning about it. Obstacles don't slow her down.
Bond. Manistrad is intensely loyal to her kinfolk and the mining operation her clan seeks to establish here. Threats to the livelihood of the dwarves earn her wrath.
Flaw. Manistrad has little patience; she tends to push for quick results over a more measured approach.

More details of key locations:
3. The Wicker Goat. Bearing the dubious honor of being the oldest tavern in town, the Wicker Goat is owned by Lankus Kurrid (male human), a retired officer of the Keoish army who caters to the dwarven miners and town guard. The two-story building has sleeping quarters for rent on the upper floor, usually sufficient to accommodate the slow stream of travelers making their way through Saltmarsh on the way to somewhere else.

5. Mining Company Headquarters. Once a mansion owned by a local noble family, this building was purchased by the crown and serves as the dwarven mining company's headquarters in Saltmarsh. Manistrad Copperlocks stays here when she must do business in town; otherwise, several dwarf clerks work here during the day, logging deliveries at the docks to be transported to the mine and arranging for the processed ore to be loaded on trade ships bound for distant ports. Rumors abound of a vault hidden beneath the building. In the cellar, the dwarves have dug a chamber in the earth that is sealed with a heavy iron door and a fine lock.

Eda Oweland and her family are the informal leaders of the fishing industry in Saltmarsh. You can always count on the Owelands for minor aid and can gain access to Eda if the need is obvious and imminent.

More details of a key NPC ally:
Eda Oweland (female human) is the current senior member of the town council, as well as the owner of three large fishing boats. She has lived in Saltmarsh all her life and has been elected to the council three times. She is a gruff, pragmatic woman whose graying hair is cut short and whose face bears the marks of a life lived outdoors. Eda is keenly interested in expanding Saltmarsh's fishing industry, her sights set on a wild section of the coast where she hopes to build a new dock. She is suspicious of the dwarves' mining enterprise and doubts it will amount to much.
Personality Traits. Eda swears like a sailor when she is frustrated or angry, and the folk in town who support her appreciate her willingness to stick up for them. Despite her temper, she respects those who keep their cool. Anyone who stands up to her wins her respect. Those who try to flatter her earn her contempt.
Ideal. If anyone in town needs help, Eda is the first to volunteer. She believes community binds people together and allows them to ride out the fiercest storm.
Bond. Saltmarsh is Eda's home. She would protect it to her dying breath and wants its people to prosper.
Flaw. Eda is suspicious of outsiders, and she is too quick to trust those familiar to her.

More details of key locations:
13. The Snapping Line. This popular inn and tavern is built from the planks and hulls of half a dozen decommissioned fishing ships. Its decor is predictably nautical in theme, and its sleeping rooms are plain but comfortable renditions of a ship's cabins. The smell of fish has never been scrubbed from its walls, and those who stay the night find their belongings steeped in the scent, which lasts for several days. Sailors and fishers gather here to trade stories and drink into the night. The Snapping Line is run by a young woman named Hanna Rist (female human), who comes from a family of well-known lobster catchers. The Rist family also makes a spirit from lobster meat and potatoes called claw wine; it is, to put it mildly, an acquired taste. Hanna employs several former dockhands to keep peace in her bar.

You were given your invitation by Skerrin Wavechaser who is the faithful and trusted butler of Anders Solmar. Tall, lean, tan, with short silver hair, he speaks in precise, measured statements of a man who has a keen eye for detail. He is dispassionate and takes a protective stance toward Anders.

More details of key locations:
21. Mariners' Guildhall. The mariners' guild serves all the towns along the coast, providing a bunk and a meal for sailors passing through. Sea captains in search of a crew stop here, as do others seeking news from afar. The guildhall is an excellent place to discuss seafaring, as well as the various threats to navigation along the coast.

13. The Snapping Line. This popular inn and tavern is built from the planks and hulls of half a dozen decommissioned fishing ships. Its decor is predictably nautical in theme, and its sleeping rooms are plain but comfortable renditions of a ship's cabins. The smell of fish has never been scrubbed from its walls, and those who stay the night find their belongings steeped in the scent, which lasts for several days. Sailors and fishers gather here to trade stories and drink into the night. The Snapping Line is run by a young woman named Hanna Rist (female human), who comes from a family of well-known lobster catchers. The Rist family also makes a spirit from lobster meat and potatoes called claw wine; it is, to put it mildly, an acquired taste. Hanna employs several former dockhands to keep peace in her bar.

Ferrin Kastilar told you about the mission and suggested you go.

More details of key locations:
29. Sea Grove of Obad-Hai. Open to the air and set in a grove outside town, the sea-grove is a gathering place for seagulls, sailors, and swamp folk, as well as an information market for traders and trappers. Ferrin Kastilar (male halfling druid), a somewhat melancholy individual of middle years, tends the shrine with his bullfrog companion, Lorys. Ferrin always keeps an eye out for rumors of aberrations in the wild. He also has contacts with the elves of the Dreadwood, and they send word to him if a monster escapes that forest and heads in the direction of Saltmarsh. If news of an aberration reaches him, he hires adventurers to stalk and kill the creature.

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The recent interest check of 5e showed me the opportunity of running a game which has been turning in my head for months. As per the title, I plan to run Ghosts of Saltmarsh starting at first level.

Ability Scores: Point Buy
Race: Only Player's Handbook
Class: Only official. No Artificer. Yes Revised Ranger.
Background: Only Player's Handbook, plus Ghosts of Saltmarsh. I'll provide options to connect your backstory to Saltmarsh based on your background, unless you've access to the Saltmarsh book.

I've put maps and information about Saltmarsh and its region in the link.

Deadline: Targeting to select characters on Sunday, January 9.


I use Firefox. For the past while, I'm really struggling with the Paizo site. Sometimes, when I follow a link to a Messageboard post, the page is blank. Sometimes when I post, it does not show when it updates the page, so I don't if it actually posted. And many times, it shows slowly waiting for Paizo.com or mutomo.paizo.com.

What can I do differently to eliminate these issues? Change browser or setting?


* Saltmarsh *

Welcome, Tolkien addicts

Decimus Observet - Findegil, Minas Tirith Warrior (knight)
Qstor - Anar Broadanvi, Dearf of the Lonely Mountain Warden Magician (Folk Healer)
david barker - Krogen, Dúnedain Scholar

LazyFishermen - Silvane,
Yucale - Silvan scout

Alright, I'm back from out of town, so I can post more regularly. I'd like us to look in the mirror of the gameplay to date. I feel that everyone is throwing in hooks to bait role-playing, but no one is biting. The game hasn't really developed much momentum. What do you think?

My idea for giving you control over canon characters was to inspire more role-playing, because the characters and setting are so rich. It's like that trick in media to put a second character in a scene for them to express to each other what their feeling, as opposed to leaving it bottled up.

How can we improve this? BTW this scene is just to develop the characters and relationships. I'm ready to start the adventure if that would help.


* Saltmarsh *


On the fifth anniversary of the eponymous battle, in the last days of November in the year 2946 of the Third Age, a great feast celebrating the victory at the Battle of Five Armies is held in Dale for the first time. People from all neighboring lands are expected to participate in the revels, as the feast has been arranged to coincide with local celebrations held for the end of the harvest season and the beginning of the colder months of the year. During the first Gathering of the Council of the North, envoys from Lake-town, the Woodland Realm and the Kingdom under the Mountain meet in the presence of King Bard to debate matters concerning Wilderland.

The royal feast continues in the throne room where dozens of wooden tables cover the floor. The remnants of a great feast litter the tables with dogs fighting for scraps. A couple hundred celebrants enjoy small conversations and several minstrels, while key notables politely excuse themselves to join the king.

The council room of King Bard connects the throne room and the royal apartments. Like the rest of Dale, the stonework and woodwork are newly appointed by dwarven and elven masters, respectively. The room is open with seats along the walls.

King Bard stands near the center speaking to two elder dwarves and members of Thorin’s company who succeeded in their quest for Erebor, Balin and his younger brother Dwalin.

Proclamation of his Majesty King Bard of Dale

Free Peoples of the North!

We have won our freedom from the oppression of the Dragon,
have cleared from our lands the threat of the Goblins from the far
mountains, and have proved that together we are mightier than our

I believe that our destiny is in our own hands, providing that we do not
forget this lesson. Together we are strong. Before we came together,
we were as frightened children, hiding in our homes from the shadows
of the wider world. But now we have a chance of something better,
and all it takes is our courage to grasp it.

And so, Free Peoples of the North, gather up your courage and bring
it to me. I have plans for the North such as you will scarce believe, but
I need your strength to turn plan to deed. In return for playing your
part in our rebirth, I will pay well in gold, land and the satisfaction
of knowing you lead your people from the shadows into a brighter

Make haste to Lake-town. On the first day of each month my
advisors and I will appoint tasks to the willing, and disperse rewards
to those who bring their tasks to completion. And they shall be
celebrated, for they are the heroes of our age.


Ability Scores
Roll six 4d6 scores and drop the lowest d6
Or 27 point buy per PBH page 10

Guide – In charge of all decisions concerning route, rest, and supplies. Guides rely on Wisdom and Survival proficiency.
Scout – In charge of setting up camp, opening new trails. Scouts rely on Stealth and Investigation.
Hunter – In charge of finding food in the wild. Hunters rely on success with Survival checks.
Look-out – In charge of keeping watch. Look-outs rely on their abilities in Perception.

Violent threats – 1 Shadow point gained
Lying purposefully, subtly manipulating the will of others – 2 Shadow points gained
Cowardice, theft and plunder – 3 Shadow points gained
Unprovoked aggression, abusing own authority to influence or dominate – 4 Shadow points gained
Torment and torture, murder – 5 Shadow points gained

When a Player-hero’s Shadow point total exceeds their Wisdom score, they have been made Miserable, as their spirit is weakened by too much grief, sorrow and dark experiences.
New Condition: Miserable
• A Miserable creature has disadvantage on attack rolls.
• The creature automatically fails Charisma ability checks.

In the last days of November in the year 2946 of the Third Age, on the fifth anniversary of the eponymous battle, a great feast celebrating the victory at the Battle of Five Armies is held in Dale for the first time. People from all neighboring lands are expected to participate in the revels, as the feast has been arranged to coincide with local celebrations held for the end of the harvest season and the beginning of the colder months of the year.

During the first Gathering of the Council of the North, envoys from Lake-town, the Woodland Realm and the Kingdom under the Mountain meet in the presence of King Bard to debate matters concerning Wilderland.

The player-heroes should find a reason to be at the Gathering. They will asked to carry a message to Woodland Hall.

I will take the company from Lake Town to Woodland Hall and second level.

Each player-hero should claim a set of notables, canon characters and patrons. You can use those to manipulate the story and advance your storyline.

Please volunteer to take the company from one location to another and estimate what level the company will be when they arrive.

5e has hooked me. And, I've been recently reading the Middle Earth Player's Guide, due to fond memories of reading Tolkien in my youth.

Is there anyone else out there who wants to play this game mechanics and setting on PBP? Especially, a GM?

The base game setting starts 5 years after the end of the Hobbit. The adventures have mechanics that mimic the fellowship of the ring story line with travel and audiences with various potentates. It just reads cool.


* Saltmarsh *

It is a Sunday morning, and you are all gathered together around a table at URGENT Headquarters in Megapolis, enjoying a hearty breakfast, a cup of coffee, and a well deserved break from saving the day. While trying to read your favorite section of the Sunday paper, you are distracted by a breaking story on the television.

”Three brutal murders all last night in Kirby Row. All the victims were members of rival gangs. Police are unsure if the crime is gang related, however, as the victims apparently died of severe lacerations caused by a blade. Vigilantism is a potential motive, and the police are looking for any information that might bring them more leads in this case. In other news...”

Kirby Row is the least affluent area of Megapolis, and it always has been. The land used to be home to Titan Steel Company Housing, but today it is a collection of run-down houses. The worst neighborhood here is a place now nicknamed “Destitution Drive”. Half of the buildings here are burnt-out shells, abandoned by their owners now serving prison time from when they hired Burn Cycle to torch the place. The crime here is so bad that regular police won’t even go there anymore (there have been numerous cases of fake emergency calls that ended up being ambushes to kill cops as part of gang initiations).

The only justice in Destitution Drive comes from super heroes and URGENT, and super criminals tend to also stay out of the area, as there is not much of value to take. Destitution drive is the home to one super: Vengeance. Whether he is a hero or villain depends on your point of view. He rescues people from violent crime, and punishes the offender with extreme prejudice, usually breaking limbs. The locals have a saying, “In Destitution Drive there is no justice: only Vengeance”. Vengeance is currently being investigated by URGENT and is wanted for being an unregistered hero and using excessive force. So far, nobody in the neighborhood has come forward with any information.

Would appreciate if you would build a profile that looks like this one.


Alright comic fans, Defenders is just about to drop on Netflix, and I’ve got the bug to attempt another Super campaign. There appears to be some appetite for Supers games here on the Paizo Pbp site, so I’m starting to recruit. I plan to use the game mechanic of BASH UE (Ultimate Edition).

You don’t know about BASH? You should, because it’s great. It’s a super simple, Supers game mechanic (pun intended). Here’s the preview of the rules that we’ll be using. You don’t need to buy the game, because I’ll be making the characters to ensure power level playability.

The game will be set in Megapolis. Characters will be first year members of the local URGENT team. Description of Megapolis and URGENT are on the Campaign page, but think Avengers.

Since I will build your characters after selection, your submission will be ALL DESCRIPTION. I’m looking for a team of characters to work together against local super villains. If you need to see how the game mechanics work, in order to imagine how your character will be built, there are two links to follow:

For your submission, please include the following descriptions of your character:

  • Summary Give me an overall description of the character is few sentences to set the tone. Feel free to use famous comic characters as a guide. For example, you could start with, “she’s Batman without the wealth.”
  • Stats Use page 8 as your guide here. Remember think Year One characters.
  • Powers Think of just a couple powers to identify your character as “gifted.”
  • Skills What are they trained to do?
  • Mental Malfunction Why are they superheroes?
  • Origin & Current How did your character become gifted? Who else is in their life?
  • Picture Worth a thousand words. Not required but very cool. You could say, she looks like this except with green hair.

I prefer once per day, but games can get a bit slower especially around holidays. After a couple of weeks of silence, characters are written out. After a couple of characters are written out, I’ll reopen recruitment.

I’ll use Roll20 for maps and combat. Plus, the chat there is nice.

I would like to set the deadline for Sunday, August 20. It could change depending on the amount of submissions. I would appreciate a final post with your complete submission. You could link previous posts if you build the character in stages. We will start as soon as possible, but I probably will open the Gameplay sooner rather than later for you to start role-playing while I finalize the character builds with you.

* Saltmarsh *

Issue #1 of the Chicago Defenders
*** The Rise of the SuperVillains ***

Winter came fast and furious to the Windy City after the summer of Ultron. Besides the explanation of El Nino, there were unsubstantiated rumors of a supervillain manipulating the weather or bringing the cold. There was a flurry of news stories about “super” heroes and villains that turned out to be nothing supernatural. Chicagoans seemed to want their share of the Supers. However, by December the news organizations had returned to being overly conservative on reporting “super” stories having their credibility burned too many times. Only local blogs which most people didn’t read anyway continued to “cry wolf” telling “super” stories.

In this cold news climate, a bank robbery made no mention of devil masks or connection to occult practices. Further, the recent spike of violent crimes statistics failed to get much mention, since the increase in victims came from either gang members or recognized criminals. Editorials on the subject summarized the situation as “good riddance.”

The current weather is bad: unnaturally cold and snow-filled.


Trevor Horton:
Hiram Leftkobitz didn’t even get booked at the police station. The cop who met you at the scene and saw the demonmen called you. Before Leftkobitz’s lawyer arrived, the perp was comfortably having coffee in the captain’s window-enclosed office. After a five minute conversation, the lawyer wheeled Hiram out. They left in a limousine.

The next day, Trevor followed the only lead he had. He returned to and staked out that small townhouse that seemed abandoned from the outside. In the afternoon, two guys with a 10’ moving truck from U-Haul arrive in front. Despite their casual attire, the two guys look like ex-military: short cropped hair, physically fit, heads on swivels, etc. They start to unload and bring medium U-Haul boxes into the townhouse. You don’t get a good look at the person who answers and manages the door.

What do you want to do? Watch or act? Please post within a spoiler.

Your latest lead on Swiftgarde staked out a mostly abandoned strip mall. There you watched two guys with a 10’ moving truck from U-Haul park behind a closed shoe store, finally identifying which shop they are using. Despite their casual attire, the two guys look like ex-military: short cropped hair, physically fit, heads on swivels, which is typical for Swiftgarde.

Within an hour, the two guys load the truck with 23 medium U-Haul boxes. Deciding to inspect the shoe store later, you follow the guys on an hour long drive to a small townhouse that seemed abandoned from the outside. There, the two guys start to unload the truck into the townhouse. You don’t get a good look at the person answering and managing the door.

What do you want to do? Watch or act? Please post within a spoiler.


Several weeks later and all healed except your pride, you get a lucky break when someone describes Beard riding his motorcycle on a relatively sunny day in freezing weather. You first locate the motorcycle, which is not in storage like most bikes, under a metal awning of an alley loading dock. The snow drifts have been shoveled to make room for the bike as well as the usual garbage containers. You stake out the buildings that exit that alley from a café across the street. The most probable locations are a seedy bar, discount clothes store that uses the loading dock, and a restaurant. You’re reluctant to get into close quarters with him yet so decide to watch his movements.

Over the next few days, you discover that Beard doesn’t leave the bar much and suspect that he sleeps on one of the three floors above the stores. He either eats supper in the restaurant or orders food delivered to the bar. You become friendly with the café staff and realize that the seedy bar is a prime location for the criminal gang, Reapers.

Wait for more description before acting. If you want to post some internal RP, please spoiler.

Daniel Dunsmore:
Several weeks ago, Vincent Marcini, an enforcer for the Chicago Outfit, was found dead. His head neatly turned 180 degrees around snapping his spinal cord. After gathering information, Daniel discovered that the last person seen with Vincent was a small time gambler at an underground casino (gambling is illegal in Chicago). There was a conflict at the table between them. Vincent escorted her outside, and no one saw him alive again. The girl looked about twenty with thick auburn hair dressing better than her apparent means would allow.

Daniel had been half-heartedly playing blackjack on and off for a week at another underground casino. Today, he finally found her and followed her when she left. He stopped his cab a corner after her and watched her enter a known Reapers bar. He wonders, Interesting. What’s her connection to Enzo? After paying the cab, he catches a greenlight and crosses the cross street putting him across the street from the bar. He starts walking toward the middle of the block on the opposite side of the street to be directly in front of the bar. There appears to be a café that would make a good stakeout location.

What do you want to do? Watch or act? Please post within a spoiler.

Walking along the street, Gothic randomly gets hit with a very clear mental picture of Ciandra from a guy who is dressed for winter following her. His thoughts are uncluttered and focused on her. He knows that she was the last person to see Vincent Marcini alive and wants to speak to her. However, he prepares for her to have the power to have snapped Vincent’s neck.

Gothic decides to postpone her personal errands and hails another cab to follow the guy who is following Ciandra. From the guy’s thoughts, she figures out which cab Ciandra is in. She can’t see Ciandra to start reading her thoughts, but she stops her cab when Gothic sees her stop in front of café. Gothic slowly pays the cab, so she doesn’t get out before Ciandra enters the seedy bar. When Gothic sees her, she gets a clear but ugly picture of the guy Ciandra plans to meet. His name is Bobby “Beard” Bonnet, but then you lose sight of her.

Gothic exits the cab and looks around. She sees the guy following Ciandra approaching her. As she glances inside the café, she sees a teenage girl with dark hair. Weirdly, her surface thoughts send her the same clear but ugly picture of a guy by the name of Bobby “Beard” Bonnet. Gothic knows that he is in the seedy bar and is very dangerous. In the back of the teenager's mind repeats an internal pledge, I’ll get him Tina, I promise. For you, and for Cherry, and for what he did to me.

What do you want to do? Watch or act? Please post within a spoiler.

* Saltmarsh *

It appears that you are excited about playing the MCU as I am.

I would greatly appreciate if the formatting of your characters matches how I posted them. With the game mechanics behind spoilers.

Please copy your mini-series into your profile, so we have all your character development together. Please spoiler your stories.

Please link 1-3 of your character's pictures. If you don't have picture yet, please pick an actor to play your character.

In your level line of your profile, please format like the following. Meaning, put your stats, then anything that is different than your default stats:
B1 A1 M1 | x3 Priority, x2 Defense (x4 vs. hand-to-hand), x2 Soak (x4 vs. Unarmed)

Alright comic fans, I’ve just finished binge watching Jessica Jones and can’t wait for the Defenders and Luke Cage in 2016. There appears to be quite an appetite for Supers games here on the Paizo Pbp site, so I’m starting to recruit for another one. I plan to use the game mechanic of BASH UE (Ultimate Edition). You don’t know about BASH? You should. It’s a super simple, Supers game mechanic (pun intended). Here’s the preview of the rules that we’ll be using. You don’t need to buy the game, because I’ll be making the characters to ensure power level playability.

The game will be set in either Montreal or Chicago depending on the votes of selected players. The power level is the MCU interpretation of the future Defenders: Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones and Iron Fist. I specify this power level, because I feel that it’s lower than some versions of Daredevil and Luke Cage who have run with the big boys on occasion. Maybe we can view them as the equivalent power level of Batman Year One, too. The setting will be MCU after Avengers 2 Age of Ultron, so people are aware of aliens and supers but not locally.

Since I will build your characters after selection, your submission will be all description. I’m looking for four characters to work together against local super villains. If you need to see how the game mechanics work, in order to imagine how your character will be built, there are two links to follow:

For your submission, please include the following descriptions of your character:

  • Summary Give me an overall description of the character is few sentences to set the tone. Feel free to use famous comic characters as a guide. For example, you could start with, “she’s Batman without the wealth.”
  • Stats Use page 8 as your guide here. Remember think Year One characters.
  • Powers Think of just a couple powers to identify your character as “gifted.”
  • Skills What are they trained to do?
  • Origin & Current How did your character become gifted? Feel free to use the IGH organization experimenting on them as children from Jessica Jones, or Inhumans from Marvel’s Agents of Shield. How are they planning to become a hero? Who else is in their life? How do they earn a living?
  • Picture Worth a thousand words. Not required but very cool. You could say, she looks like this except with green hair.
  • City preference Montreal or Chicago?

Now, repeat the process for a super villain intertwined with your character, e.g. Kingpin to Daredevil, Kilgrave to Jessica Jones, etc. Great villains, make great heroes.

I prefer once per day, but games can get a bit slower especially around holidays. After a couple of weeks of silence, characters are written out. After a couple of characters are written out, I’ll reopen recruitment.

I’ll use Roll20 for maps and combat. Plus, the chat there is nice.

I would like to set the deadline for Wednesday, December 23. It could change depending on the amount of submissions. I would appreciate a final post with your complete submission. Please link previous posts if you build the character in stages. We will start as soon as possible, but I probably will open the Gameplay sooner rather than later for you to start role-playing while I finalize the character builds with you.

If I read RAW, a large creature needs a DC 25 Climb check to escape a 10 foot, right? But the creature can physically reach the top and brace against the sides to climb out. If a medium creature fell into a hole 5 foot deep, it seems to me that it would be easier to climb than DC 25.

Is there RAW to transition a climb check to an obstacle where the creature automatically climbs but takes more time?


* Saltmarsh *

Welcome protagonists

If you hneed to post anything completely out of character (ooc), please post here. If you have an ooc request for clarification, go ahead and include it in a Gameplay post among your description of in character actions.

Please review Doomed Hero's Play-By-Post guide for combat formatting. I plan to always roll initiatives for you and sometimes perceptions. Initiatives will be handled in two initiative blocks, you and the other guys. Please post when real life enables you, and I will knit together your posts for a Round Summary.

I expect one post per day on weekdays and will accept once in two days. If you will be absent for more than two days, I expect a warning post from you. I will NPC you, so provide any guidance for actions if you want in that post. In return, I plan to reciprocate daily posting rate.

Please log into the Roll20 campaign here. The sooner everyone is logged on with tokens, we can turn the page to chapter two.

Let’s have fun!


* Saltmarsh *

The Killin’ Ground, named for its position on the sloped ascent between the Trunau’s two inner gates, started as a way for Rabus Clarenston to finance the production of his beloved moonshine. Despite the vocal disapproval of Tyari Varvatos, the local high priestess of Iomedae, and some of the town’s more straight-laced residents, Rabus does a brisk business—with the only law governing his trade being that, should someone show for a patrol or watch duty drunk on his product, Rabus himself must share in the punishment. As a result, Rabus knows the shift schedule better than anyone, and despite his own near-constant inebriation, he never allows anyone to drink in his bar within 4 hours of his or her next shift (or 6 or even 8 hours, for those he knows can’t handle their drink). The Killin’ Ground itself is a strange structure, with walls that begin a foot off the ground and a roof made entirely of canvas. When the furious local storms roll in, Rabus pulls back the canvas and lets the rain and the slope of the hill wash the filth of the bar’s constant partying away—which greatly annoys his downhill neighbors.

It has been five years, since Chief Defender Halgra of the Blackened Blades challenged your circle of companions who had spent the majority of your lives in Trunau. She stated that she had lived a full life well before returning to settle down in Trunau with many of her children. After many beverages, some of you decided to leave Trunau to seek their fortunes and return in five years. Tonight is the fifth year anniversary, and Rabus remembers. You drink for free… tonight.

One of your companions from that fateful night will not be here tonight, Rodrik Grath, the older Grath twin. You remember helping them through the death of their mother Ila Grath who died on patrol during an orc ambush. Their heartbroken father Jagrin Grath is now the Patrol Leader. The twins traveled for a year but returned to Trunau to become the two Patrol Captains of Trunau. Tonight Rodrik is on patrol. Kurst, the younger twin, promised to make it the Killin’ for a drink. Rodrik was always a leader of your companions while Kurst lived in his shadow.

Knowledge (local) DC 12+:
“Rumor has it that Rodrik Grath is next in line for the position of patrol leader after his old man Jagrin retires. Jagrin’s a good commander, but he’s getting old, and it might be time for some new blood in the militia’s leadership.”

Knowledge (local) DC 15+:
“Shame about the graffiti all over town. The militia’s got better things to do than clean up youngsters’ messes, but even stranger is how long it lasts. Try as one might, soap and water don’t do a thing to those marks!”

Knowledge (local) DC 18+:
“Rodrik Grath’s has become a home-grown writer. Have you read Rodrik’s latest work, ‘The Other Side of Contempt’? It’s a controversial poem, but that’s what makes Rodrik’s writing so strong—he’s not afraid to push limits. The Other Side of Contempt is easily Rodrik’s most controversial poem among Trunauans, this six-stanza monody weaves the tale of a young half-orc whose orc mother died when human raiders overran the orc settlement in which he grew up. ”

Knowledge (local) DC 22+:
“Rodrik Grath is slated to replace his father as patrol leader, but from what I hear, he’s more concerned with his poems and plays than with militia matters. He’s diligent, don’t get me wrong, but I’m not quite sure either of the Grath boys is ready to lead the town’s defense.”

Once your character’s profile is complete, you can start posting here. Feel free to write your interaction with the proprietor Rabus Clarenston who remembers your character taking your first drink of his moonshine and the famous night when you declared to return in five years. Role-play among characters sharing stories and catching up with old friends. I suggest that your character stay relatively sober. Significantly inebriated characters will not continue in the campaign.


Congratulations, if you recognize the reference in the campaign title. I greatly enjoyed the original trilogy. It started with a bunch of friends getting back together after traveling away from home for five years gaining experience. After reading the first book of the Giantslayer Adventure Path, there appears to a close enough parallel to remove the start at 1st level that I don’t enjoy. To be clear, this game follows the Giantslayer Adventure Path after it starts differently.

The campaign begins five years after a night to remember at the Killin’ Ground (#15 in the Player’s Guide). When Chief Defender Halgra of the Blackened Blades challenged a youthful circle of companions who had spent the majority of their lives in Trunau. She stated that she had lived a full life well before returning to settle down in Trunau with many of her children. Had these youthful companions lived well yet? After many beverages, some of the companions decided to leave Trunau to seek their fortunes and return in five years.

Your character is one of those companions. Your background should explain how your character fit into the companions before the departure: were they a leader, a follower, a boyfriend of the leader, etc. Then, describe what your character has been doing for the past five years, which explains your three levels of experience. Did your character leave Trunau? Did they stay? What did they do?

Expected posting frequency is at least once per 48 hours, preferably once per 24 hours. Posting delays beyond 48 hours should be warned in advance.

I will also be making limited use of Roll20 as a place to host maps. Beyond that it will simply be a place to lounge and chat with one another.

Now, let's get into character creation guidelines.

Character Creation:
Starting Level: PCs start at 3rd level. Experience will not be tracked. Levels will be based on story.
Alignment: Must be either a Good or Lawful alignment.
Ability Scores: 20 point buy.
Races: Core races only.
Classes: All classes from Paizo products.
Hit Points: Maximum for each level.
Traits: 2 traits; can take a drawback and a 3rd trait
Starting Wealth: 3,000 gp, in addition to a masterwork dagger (hopeknife). If your character has the Trunau native campaign trait, you may also have another masterwork weapon of your choice, too.

Please create a profile with the relevant info contained within. I'm looking for profiles that are easy to read. If your profile looks like someone vomited a random block of numbers, words, and letters into a pile, I'm not going to bother reading it. Here is a decent example of what I'm looking for. Your profile does not have to be identical to this layout, but it should be similar.

All submitted characters will require the following: Character Description, Personality, and Background. Please put some effort into this. As mentioned before, I'm not looking for perfunctory descriptions. A couple of bland sentences is not going to inspire me to consider an application.

Once your character’s profile is complete, you can start posting in the Gameplay thread. The campaign begins in the Killin’ Ground (#15 in the Player’s Guide). Feel free to write your interaction with the proprietor Rabus Clarenston who remembers your character taking their first drink of his moonshine and the famous night when you declared to return in five years. Role-play among applicants sharing stories and catching up with old friends. I suggest that your character stay relatively sober. Significantly inebriated characters will not continue in the campaign.

Please use the Recruitment thread to discuss character creation.

After Recruitment closes and a half-dozen characters are selected to continue, then those characters will leave together and start the campaign. If selected characters drop the game, then replacements will first be sought from submitted characters.

Recruitment will close noon Eastern Time on Friday, May 22th. I reserve the right to close recruitment early. If I do, I will give several days warning.

Acknowledgements: Special appreciation to Brimleydower for recruitment descriptions and Jelani for map advice.

This thread continues brainstorming for the Spooky's potential campaign that was initially recruited here.

Spooky wrote:

I'm looking to run some very derivative, very high-power superhero fun, and to give people who ponder the Pathfinder builds for fictional characters something to work with, using Golarion with a few key changes to adapt various important elements of the Marvel Universe over. I ran something very similar last spring before living situation issues forced me to stop down, but in bringing it back I'd like to tighten the focus away from "everything Marvel and DC" to purely Marvel, just to bring it all in.

To help achieve builds, we will be working with the gestalt rules. Even if we're going for high power and cheese, your enemies will not be pushovers, and of course the major threats you face will also be gestalt, for fairness. A pummelfest just wouldn't be fun, y'know?

Character Creation Guidelines:
-Any heroic character from Marvel comics, save for the following banned heroes, who I'm not allowing for reasons I will be vague about when asked:
--Doctor Strange, the Fantastic Four, Ghost Rider, Hulk, Jean Grey, Nick Fury, Professor X, Red Hulk, The Punisher, pretty much any cosmic hero, and either heroic version of Venom (as tempting as recreating Venom: Circle of Four may be.)
-Gestalt. If you're not familiar with the rules, you can read them here.
-As is allowable by gestalt rules, you may substitute class levels on one side for an applicable template or to use a creature of CR 5 or lower.
-25 point buy
-Starting level is 5th
-Two traits
-Material from any applicable Paizo sourcebook is allowable.
-Third-party material is on a case-by-case basis. Anything that introduces entirely new subsystems, such as Path of War or Psionics, is disallowed. Beyond that, my biggest issue is being able to see it; if I have the book or it's on a site like D20PFSRD then I will be able to approve or deny it. If I can't, it's a flat "no".
-Any race under 20 RP.
--When I initially ran this, I allowed the use of a "race enhancer" system, to help people suit their build and concepts more tightly. Everybody gets ten additional race points for an extra point buy sort of thing. Using the rules for creating new races, you may modify your chosen race with the traits on the page, even without meeting the listed requirements.

You can also spend one point to "embed" a magical item inside of you. You still have to buy this item, but you will get the effect while no longer taking up a slot, and it cannot be removed, broken, or dispelled (although the plot monster may find some way to suppress things if needed for drama's sake). Again, these have to be items that fit your character's canon powers. For instance, if you're making Martian Manhunter, you can embed a Hat of Disguise, allowing you to change shape and disguise yourself fluidly at will.

I'll allow allow custom abilities where needed, particularly for things not easily emulatable by anything else in the game.
-Everything can be refluffed. Everything. Want to run Thor as a cleric? He doesn't need to worship anything. Want to use the dwarf stats for him because of the bonus against giants? He doesn't have to be 5'0". I'm flexible as s!+# about this.
-10,500 starting wealth, as appropriate for 5th level characters.
-I'm flexible and willing to houserule a great deal of things to achieve the intended aim of a character, so feel free to ask about any changes or tweaks.
-Obviously, provide a background wherein you rewrite and refluff your character's origin story to fit the setting, replacing details like "science experiment" with magic and alchemy where required. I'll be taking background strength into consideration a great deal, actually; the ability to give a creative twist to fit the setting is a good asset that says good things about how you'll be playing the character. Along with the background, give me a rundown of their personality, in your mind.

On a note of morality and tone; killing is obviously more acceptable in this universe than it is in the universes of comic books. As a result, even characters notable for the golden rule will not be expecting to uphold it here, although making someone who has focus on nonlethal damage so that they don't have to just kill all the time is certainly a good way to go. However, I'm very much of the "superheroes are fun" camp. Complexity and conflict are good and can build deep characters, but endless brooding and angst are not. Broody necksnappiness is not something I'm keen on, and characters who just kill kill kill like The Punisher are also not really what I'm after. Look to the recent Marvel movies for the sort of thing I'm going for; superheroes are fun and good; Captain America isn't a dick, and at the end of the day the hero shows expression that aren't just scowls.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

One of my favorite candies is Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. Like them, I hope to combine two great tastes that will taste great together: Pathfinder & superheroes.

I'm thinking about running the 3rd book of the Adventure Path Curse of the Crimson Throne with superheroes. The idea came from the Korvosan vigilante Blackjack. I plan to start recruitment after my Fairhaven campaign finishes. The PCs have started the last crazy encounter, that may last a month in real life. We'll see.

Making good characters takes time. Making great characters takes time and inspiration. This interest check thread is to provide an opportunity to develop great characters and test my creation rules. Please get creative.

This third book of the Curse of the Crimson Throne is the debut of Korvosa’s first team of masked vigilantes, the PCs. Each PC has been cultivated and trained to varying degrees by Blackjack who is Korvosa’s original masked vigilante; however, Blackjack’s identity remains a mystery. While Blackjack behaves like Zorro, the situation of Korvosa appears more like Gotham City at the end of the movie Batman Begins. Field Marshal Cressida Kroft plays the role of Commissioner Gordon attempting to make things better with both hands tied behind her back.

PCs in their masked personas have individually operated in the city sporadically without coordination over the past several months since the death of Eodred II. Blackjack began test running the new heroes, because the burden of Korvosa’s need during the blood veil plague was overwhelming for him. They certainly know of one another’s masked persona and their shared connection to Blackjack but have yet to be formally introduced. They each discovered some evidence that Blackjack integrated linking the queen to the introduction of the blood veil plague. Therefore, they are all minor enemies of the queen; however, they know that Blackjack works closely with Field Marshal Cressida Kroft. Each PC has met Field Marshal Cressida Kroft in persona with Blackjack.

PCs need superhero names as well as secret identities. Backgrounds should clearly explain their motivations and reasons for the secret identity. Don’t connect your backgrounds with another player’s submissions. Feel free to use knowledge of the first two books of Curse of the Crimson Throne to inform and illuminate your background.

The adventure begins a couple days after the failed assassination attempt on the queen.

Starting Level: PCs will start at 5th level with 1 Mythic tier
Alignment: Must be good alignment.
Ability Scores: 25 point buy.
HP: Max HP for all levels
Traits: 3 traits, one of which must be a Curse of the Crimson Throne campaign trait from the Player's Guide.
Base Starting Money: 20,000 gp. Make it easy for me to audit.
Races: Any race from the Core Rulebook is preferred. Players wishing to use additional Paizo-created races must request approval.
Classes: All classes from Paizo products.
Firearms: Firearms operate under the "early guns" rule.


OK I'm trying to create a "Jedi" like character. So I'm thinking of a Monk and Empyreal Sorcerer for Jump, Feather Fall, and some cantrips.

So can a 6th level Quiggong Monk that takes Gaseous Form as a Ki Power qualify for the 3rd level arcane spell-casting prereq of Eldritch Knight? Yes, he would need another class dip in something for the Martial Prof.

Then, the knight class increases the sorcerer casting class.


Does anyone know where is the table for the aging descriptions of Other Races? For example, when do Aasimar become old?


I've an itch to play a paladin, but something a bit less plain vanilla. I've found several creative approaches for paladins and wondered if anyone had any more.

STR Ranger built a tactics-based paladin

There's the Oradin

Heliopolix built a arcane duelist dex paladin

More ideas?

Watching a movie. A bad guy has a gun drawn on the unarmed protagonist. The good guy draws the opponent's knife and starts kicking butt.

What Pathfinder game mechanics would that be?

1 person marked this as a favorite.


The year is 495. On May 22, King Uther Pendragon, strapped to his horse, led his army of Logres to surprise and slaughter the Saxons who were led by Kings Octa and Eosa at the Battle of St. Albans. You were there with the responsibility for your knight’s weapons, armor, and horse. As the victorious Britons were celebrating, a treacherous Saxon, masquerading as a doctor, poisoned the water. The king and most of the reigning nobility died, including your knight’s lord, Earl Roderick of Salisbury.

Led by Sir Amig and Sir Leo, who are the marshal and constable of Salisbury respectively, you accompanied the Salisbury contingent of about seventy knights, 150 spearmen, and baggage train with the dead bodies of your knight and his lord home. It became clear in the week following the battle and the ponderous journey home that anarchy now reigns as noblemen kill each other to seize positions of power vacated by the mass death of the lords.

It has been a month since your return. The dead are buried and continue to be mourned. Earl Roderick’s widow, Lady Ellen of Salisbury, attempts to rule as a regent for her ten year old son Robert, the heir to Salisbury. You are gathered at Salisbury Castle under the charge of Sir Amig, who is also the castellan of Vagon Castle and is supervising the final phase of your squiring. Due to the fragile state, the regency council has scheduled your knighting ceremony for August 2nd to bolster their culled ranks.

Five days before the ceremony, Sir Amig worked you hard this morning practicing with the lance targeting a simple wooden plate and then against the quintain, which is a vertical post with a rotating horizontal arm. One end has a shield, and the other a rope and stone. Practice consists of charging against the quintain, striking the shield, and ducking the swinging rock as it comes around from the force of the blow. After lunch, you sparred with one another with wooden swords and padded armor. You are all sweating and exhausted late in the afternoon, when Sir Amig finally calls an end to it when he returns from another errand.

Sir Amig d’Imber is a short stocky man with a chest like a barrel and arms thick as some people’s legs. He has short black hair and a bushy mustache speckled with gray to show his age of the mid thirties. His normal affable nature has been scoured clean by the death of the earl. After you gather around him, he says, ”Well, that’ll do. I’ve seen worse squires knighted. Tomorrow, I want you out of here. Deliver some scrolls to my manor Imber in the west county. It’s more than a day’s ride from here, so you’ll rest at Tilshead. Stay the night at my manor and hunt in my forest as a reward. Return the day after, so you arrive the day before your ceremony. Now grab your horses, I want you to race around the city. The first one back leads the hunt.” You are not certain what surprises you more: a reward from Sir Amig or the immediate race. After a startled pause, Sir Amig yells, ”GO! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?” With that you get the hint and run to your horses that are tethered nearby. Sir Amig waits for you in the castle to judge the winner.

<< Encounter: Race to the Front >>

First, you are fatigued, so -2 penalty to your Dexterity. Second, you have no armor check penalty wearing padded armor without your shield. If you have a bonded mount, then you ride the bonded mount.

The encounter consists of seven (7) Ride checks: 1. to mount your horse, 2. out of the castle, 3. through the city of Sarum, 4. out of the city, 5. around the city, 6. back into the city, and 7. back into the castle.

Make seven consecutive successful Ride checks of DC 15. If you fail by 5, i.e. miss a DC 10, you lose one of your previous successes. The PC with fewest Ride check attempts wins.

Character reviews

Welcome to the game. Please find below a bunch of comments for everyone. Please let me know when you have finalized your avatar, so I can review then and start the game.


For everyone

  • Naming convention is ‘first name’ de or of ‘your manor,’ for example Bran of Tisbury. In the game, that’s what most NPCs will refer to you as (or Sir Bran or Tisbury maybe fondly as Maddog) and how you should introduce yourself. Therefore, modify your avatar name as you wish
  • Finalize your player manor. If you don’t like Tisbury as a name, there are others
  • Don’t forget your favored class and its bonus. Vigor effectively replaces Hit Points for the choice.
  • I specified gauntlets, because they keep you ‘armed’ without a sword. Please specify on your sheets
  • Please specify your armor check penalty and the skills that apply it to facilitate the first encounter when it won’t be applied
  • Please put the following in your Avatar Gender – Wounds 26/26 | Vigor 9/18 | Hero 1 | Honor 5 | Challenge 1/1{spoiler=Stats}AC 16, T 12, FF 14; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +3; Init +3; Perception +6[/spoiler} The point is obviously tracking consumable abilities and easy reference combat info
  • Please review your fellow player’s characters. Maybe I missed some comments. You know each other fairly well.
  • You start with a number of honor points equal to your Charisma score plus your character level.

  • Huntmaster requires you to specify animal type, right? I assume it is dog, but you could put it toward horse. Please specify.
  • For your Provincial drawback, can you specify your religion? Pagan, I think.

  • Add in your background that your father had added you to his will with the earl of Salisbury.
  • Please move your Special Abilities down, so I can review your most used stats earlier in your block
  • Change Latin to Roman. The written is the same, but Romans speak a bastardized version of it.

  • Influence trait, please specify your class skill.
  • Please specify your skill ranks and list like other characters
  • Alter your background to include that your character was willed Falt BEFORE Nonus died
  • Your horse doesn’t get hero points
  • Please add line spaces in your Background

  • Militia trait, please specify your class skill.
  • I think your move is 30 from your special ability
  • I chose your character, because you have a clear view of this character. However, I need more information in your background. Please specify how Martin learned his skills as a squire from a monastery. I think you infer that your family died at the Battle of St. Albans, but please make that clearer.

Character reviews

Welcome to the game. Please find below a bunch of comments for everyone. Please let me know when you have finalized your avatar, so I can review then and start the game.


For everyone

  • Naming convention is ‘first name’ de or of ‘your manor,’ for example Bran of Tisbury. In the game, that’s what most NPCs will refer to you as (or Sir Bran or Tisbury maybe fondly as Maddog) and how you should introduce yourself. Therefore, modify your avatar name as you wish
  • Finalize your player manor. If you don’t like Tisbury as a name, there are others
  • Don’t forget your favored class and its bonus. Vigor effectively replaces Hit Points for the choice.
  • I specified gauntlets, because they keep you ‘armed’ without a sword. Please specify on your sheets
  • Please specify your armor check penalty and the skills that apply it to facilitate the first encounter when it won’t be applied
  • Please put the following in your Avatar Gender – Wounds 26/26 | Vigor 9/18 | Hero 1 | Honor 5 | Challenge 1/1{spoiler=Stats}AC 16, T 12, FF 14; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +3; Init +3; Perception +6[/spoiler} The point is obviously tracking consumable abilities and easy reference combat info
  • Please review your fellow player’s characters. Maybe I missed some comments. You know each other fairly well.
  • You start with a number of honor points equal to your Charisma score plus your character level.

  • Huntmaster requires you to specify animal type, right? I assume it is dog, but you could put it toward horse. Please specify.
  • For your Provincial drawback, can you specify your religion? Pagan, I think.

  • Add in your background that your father had added you to his will with the earl of Salisbury.
  • Please move your Special Abilities down, so I can review your most used stats earlier in your block
  • Change Latin to Roman. The written is the same, but Romans speak a bastardized version of it.

  • Influence trait, please specify your class skill.
  • Please specify your skill ranks and list like other characters
  • Alter your background to include that your character was willed Falt BEFORE Nonus died
  • Your horse doesn’t get hero points
  • Please add line spaces in your Background

  • Militia trait, please specify your class skill.
  • I think your move is 30 from your special ability
  • I chose your character, because you have a clear view of this character. However, I need more information in your background. Please specify how Martin learned his skills as a squire from a monastery. I think you infer that your family died at the Battle of St. Albans, but please make that clearer.

Started because I messed up my discussion thread.

Please find a link to a campaign that I'm starting that is based on Pendragon RPG but converted to Pathfinder.



The year is 495. On May 22, King Uther Pendragon, strapped to his horse, led his army of Logres to surprise and slaughter the Saxons who were led by Kings Octa and Eosa at the Battle of St. Albans. As the victorious Britons were celebrating, a treacherous Saxon, masquerading as a doctor, poisoned the water. The king and most the reigning nobility died. Anarchy now reigns as noblemen kill each other to seize positions of power vacated by the mass death of the lords.

Player characters (PCs) begin as young squires between 17 to 19 years of age who were at the battle of St. Albans with the responsibility for their knight’s weapons, armor, horse, and funeral. They all have inherited one of the Salisbury manors from their deceased father, brother, uncle, or cousin who died from their battle wounds or poison.

After the loss of several knights at the Battle of St. Albans and Earl Roderick of Salisbury, who was also poisoned with his king, the county of Salisbury is in a fragile state. Earl Roderick’s widow Lady Ellen of Salisbury attempts to rule as a regent for her five year old son Robert, the heir to Salisbury. Sir Amig and Sir Leo, who are the marshal and constable of Salisbury respectively, plan to knight the PCs before traditional requirement of 20 years of age to bolster their thinned ranks.

Campaign setting
The Feudal World
The Social Classes
The Christian Church

Norms of society
Culture of Salisbury
The Customs of Society
The Customs of the Family
The Customs of Knighthood

Player Maps
Player map of Britain
Another player map of Britain
Player map of Logres
Player map of the County of Salisbury
Player map of travel times

Maps of the World
Regions of Britain
the North
France and Gaul

Recent History
495 – Battle of St. Albans and current year
493 – Octa and Eosa, the Saxon Kings, escape prison and begin a rebellion. Uther is taken ill and cannot leave his bed.
492 – Cornwall is conquered by Uther. King Uther marries Igraine.
491 – Duke Gorlois of Conrwall rebels against King Uther, and a new civil war begins.
490 – Kings Octa and Eosa, with more Saxons, land in Britain to help their kinsmen but are defeated in battle and captured.
488 – King Uther wars against the Franks on the continent
486 – King Clovis of the Franks conquers Soissons, the last Roman province in the west.
485 – New Saxons from the continent seize Essex
484 – Saxons besiege Eburacum. Uther is defeated in battle, but at Mt. Damen he attacks at night and wins.
483 – High King Aillill of Ireland is killed.
480 - Menevia is seized by Irish who are led by King Guillomaur and Saxons who are led by Pascent, the son of Vortigern. Aurelius Ambrosius is poisoned and dies. His brother, Uther Pendragon, leads the army, defeats the invaders, and is crowned king.
478 – A British fleet, led by Aurelius Ambrosius, attacks the Frisians on the continent, establishing peace for a time.
477 – King Aelle, with more Saxons from the continent, lands and seizes Sussex.

To be clear, we are using Pathfinder rules with the following changes.

PCs will be knights and must begin with martial weapon proficiency and medium armor proficiency limiting the starting classes to the following: Barbarian, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Cavalier and Magus who takes medium armor proficiency feat. When directed by their lord, they will be obligated to fight from horseback with a shield and at least medium armor.

After 1st level, you can build your characters as you want. However, see the Changes to the Game Mechanics section before you finalize your character concept.

PCs must be human.

PCs can place the following six scores how they want: 16, 14, 13, 12, 11, and 10

PCs can take two traits. Besides Paizo-published traits, PCs can create their own trait with the game mechanic benefit of making a skill a class skill with a +1 trait bonus. PCs can take a third trait if they also take a Paizo-published drawback.

PCs will be knights, i.e. mounted warriors, so pay attention to Ride and Handle Animal. Knights are nobles who hunt and attend courts, so pay attention to Survival, Diplomacy, and Knowledge (nobility). Knights like most everyone except Christian clergy start illiterate and can learn to read with a skill rank in Linguistics.

There is Evil in Pendragon taking the form of demons, evil enchanters, and people who have sold their soul to the devil. Both Pagan and Christian can be Good or Evil. PCs must not be Evil. Alignment is your commitment of how you plan to role-play the character. Being Lawful consistently conforms to the norms of society. Playing Good consistently behaves mercifully, generously, and charitably. Chivalry is currently not popular, but it will be popular within a generation.

PCs begin with the following: hide armor with gauntlets, a lance, a shield, a longsword, a dagger, a courtier’s outfit, a combat-trained light horse, a common riding kit, and their starting class kit.

When you create a submission, please create a character avatar and include your character information in the form of a bestiary stat block like Karrick's profile. Notice the game mechanics are not in spoilers. Also, include the following information in your profile which can be behind spoilers:

Please find some changes in the standard Pathfinder game mechanics to reflect that this is a low magic and low technology campaign.


  • The following classes are unavailable: Alchemist, Antipaladin, Gunslinger, Monk, Ninja, Samurai, and Summoner.
  • A spell-caster must be either Pagan or Christian
  • A divine spell-caster can be either Pagan or Christian
  • An arcane spell-caster can only be Pagan
  • Non-spell casters can be Pagan, Christian, both, or neither. The median, mean, and majority of commoners are Celtic Christian (see the definitions in the Christian Church description) with tremendous respect for Paganism.


  • No magic items are available for purchase.
  • No magic item creation feats are allowed.
  • No Conjuration spells function.
  • No Evocation spells function.
  • Positive Channeling and Lay on Hands can only cure Vigor


  • No alchemical items are available.
  • No heavy armors or Breastplate are available, yet.
  • Obviously, no firearms.
  • The following weapons are available: any axe, any bow, any mace, any spear, dagger, gauntlets, javelin, light crossbow, lance, longsword, and shortsword.
  • Other weapons and armor will be available in later years.

We are also using the following variant rules.
Wounds and Vigor
Hero Points
Honor using the Code of Chivalry


  • I’m looking for 4 to 6 player characters
  • Recruitment deadline depends on quantity and quality of submissions
  • I’ll give at least 48 hours notice before closing recruitment
  • Posting expectation is at least once per 48 hours

I’m in the middle of reading Bernard Cromwell’s Warlord Chronicles trilogy, and my current play by posts have slowed down. So I dug out my old Pendragon material that I’ve never used, and I’m thinking of running this campaign. Since the setting and game mechanics are A significant departure from standard Pathfinder, I would like to get feedback before I start recruiting. Please consider this post an interest check.

The year is 495. On May 22, King Uther Pendragon, strapped to his horse, led his army of Logres to defeat the Saxons at the Battle of St. Albans but died of poison immediately afterwards. Without an heir the land falls into civil war.

Player characters (PCs) begin as young squires between 17 to 19 years of age, which plan to soon be knighted by their lord Robert, Earl of Salisbury. This knighting ceremony is several years early from the traditional requirement of 20 years of age due to the recent losses of knights. The PCs were squires at the battle of St. Albans responsible for their knight’s weapons, armor, horse, and funeral. They all have inherited one of the Salisbury manors from their deceased father, brother, uncle, or cousin who died from their battle wounds.

Campaign setting
The Feudal World
The Social Classes
The Christian Church

Norms of society
The Customs of Society
The Customs of the Family
The Customs of Knighthood

Player Maps
Player map of Britain
Another player map of Britain
Player map of Logres
Player map of County of Salisbury
Player map of travel times

Maps of World
Regions of Britain
the North
France and Gaul

Recent History
495 – Current year
493 – Octa and Eosa, the Saxon Kings, escape prison and begin a rebellion. Uther is taken ill and cannot leave bed.
492 – Cornwall is conquered by Uther. King Uther marries Igraine.
491 – Duke Gorlois of Conrwall rebels against King Uther, and a new civil war begins.
490 – Kings Octa and Eosa, with more Saxons, land in Britain to help their kinsmen but are defeated in battle and captured.
488 – King Uther wars against the Franks on the continent
486 – King Clovis of the Franks conquers Soissons, the last Roman province in the west.
485 – New Saxons from the continent seize Essex
484 – Saxons besiege Eburacum. Uther is defeated in battle, but at Mt. Damen he attacks at night and wins.
483 – High King Aillill of Ireland is killed.
480 - Menevia is seized by Irish who are led by King Guillomaur and Saxons who are led by Pascent, the son of Vortigern. Aurelius Ambrosius is poisoned and dies. His brother, Uther Pendragon, leads the army, defeats the invaders, and is crowned king.
478 – A British fleet, led by Aurelius Ambrosius, attacks the Frisians on the continent, establishing peace for a time.
477 – King Aelle, with more Saxons from the continent, lands and seizes Sussex.

To be clear, we are using Pathfinder rules with the following changes.

PCs must begin with martial weapon proficiency and medium armor proficiency limiting the starting classes to the following: Barbarian, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Cavalier and Magus. After 1st level, you can build your characters as you want. However, see the Changes to the Game Mechanics section before you finalize your character concept.

PCs must be human.

PCs can place the following six scores how they want: 16, 14, 13, 12, 11, and 10

PCs can take two traits. Besides Paizo-published traits, PCs can create their own trait with the game mechanic benefit of making a skill a class skill with a +1 trait bonus. PCs can take a third trait if they also take a Paizo-published drawback.

PCs will be knights, i.e. mounted warriors, so pay attention to Ride and Handle Animal. Knights are nobles who hunt and attend courts, so pay attention to Survival, Diplomacy, and Knowledge (nobility). Knights like most everyone except Christian clergy start illiterate and can learn to read with a skill rank in Linguistics.

PCs must not be Evil. Alignment is your commitment of how you plan to role-play the character. Being Lawful consistently conforms to the norms of society. Being Good consistently behaves mercifully, generously, and charitably. Chivalry is currently not popular, but it will be popular within a generation.

PCs begin with the following: hide armor with gauntlets, a lance, a shield, a longsword, a dagger, a courtier’s outfit, a combat-trained light horse, a common riding kit, and their starting class kit.

When you create a submission, please create a character avatar and include your character information in the form of a bestiary stat block like Karrick's profile. Notice the game mechanics are not in spoilers. Also, include the following information in your profile which can be behind spoilers:

  • Appearance
  • Personality
  • Background Please select a Player’s manor on the County of Salisbury map

Please find some changes in the standard Pathfinder game mechanics to reflect that this is a low magic and low technology campaign.


  • No magic items are available for purchase.
  • No magic item creation feats are allowed.
  • No Conjuration spells function.
  • No Evocation spells function.


  • No alchemical items are available.
  • No heavy armors are available, yet.
  • Obviously, no firearms.
  • The following weapons are available: any axe, any bow, any mace, any spear, dagger, gauntlets, javelin, light crossbow, lance, longsword, and shortsword.
  • Other weapons and armor will be available in later years.

We are also using the following variant rules.
Wounds and Vigor
Hero Points


  • I’m looking for 4 to 6 player characters
  • Recruitment deadline depends on quantity and quality of submissions
  • I’ll give at least 48 hours notice before closing recruitment
  • Posting expectation is at least once per 48 hours


The first community that you will pass along your journey through the Bloodsworn Vale is the idyllic mining community of Fairhaven. Though forged out of conflict, Fairhaven has known peace for several generations, but not without a cost. Goramial, an ancient red dragon laired nearby, appears content to let the settlement remain unmolested in exchange for a monthly tribute in the form of art produced from the mine’s gems and metals. Over the course of many years, Fairhaven has become a refuge for the artistically inclined. Your map and planning have you reaching the town after seven days of travel on the rugged, snow-melted Peak Path.

<< Peak Path Woods | an hour after dawn | blue skies, cool temperatures, and light winds | Day 1 >>

The rays of the sun crested the mountains to the east an hour ago opening your fourth day on the Peak Path while the valley below is still cast in shadow. The advice of the greybeards proved accurate. The high mountain pass has been wet and muddy but passable on foot. It would be another couple of weeks before merchants can bring horses and their wagons. Yesterday was probably the worst of it passing through the wind-shaved treeless zone, such that last night you could camp in a wide place of the rocky path through a sparse forest of fifteen foot trees.

As you pack after breakfast, a thunderous crack precedes the trees suddenly bursting toward you, their foliage exploding into the air leaving bits of splintered wood, leaves, and other plant matter to settle to the rocky, forest floor and scattering the remnants of your fire in a small puff of sparks and ash.

Make a flat-footed DC 13 Reflex save to completely avoid 3d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 6) = 12 damage from two of the impacted trees crashing into your campsite.

As you recover your wits, you see a haggard looking griffon, which is clearly injured from its plummet, rolling to its feet. It pauses for a moment looking at you, its great chest heaving as it tries to reclaim its breath. A poorly hafted arrow held together with twine and fletched with chicken feathers protrudes from its awkward left wing. An elaborate saddle of exquisite craftsmanship is buckled to the beast’s back, but no rider can be seen.

<< Encounter: It Came From Above | Surprise Round | Environment: Rocky & Steep Grade (difficult terrain) | Encounter Map: Crashing Landing >>

Everywhere is difficult terrain due to the rocks and steep grade of the mountain (double movement and no 5-ft steps). Please confirm your icons to start within the 5x5 square that is centered on the red sunburst, which is the remnants of your fire. Light green squares are sparse forest giving partial cover (+2 AC & +1 Reflex); the first save already included the bonus in the DC. Dark green squares are the wreckage of the griffon’s fall giving you the choice to take any level of cover from a designated threat: partial, full cover (+4 AC & +2 Reflex), and total cover. White squares are otherwise normal.

Round 1 Initiative
20 Kel "Elbows" Ursanel
19 Tris
18 Devan Steed
16 Esaul
14 Carter H. Crosby
5 griffon
3 Thondrir Baradorn

Initiative rolls:

griffon: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Esaul: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Devan Steed: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
Tris: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
[dice=Kel "Elbows" Ursanel]1d20+2[/dice]
Thondrir Baradorn: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19
Carter H. Crosby: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

In preparation for selection, I'm opening the Discussion thread. I think these are the priorities before we can start. Feel free to add or adjust them:

1. Finalize the description of the Samaritans.

2. Finalize the collective background ending with entering the mountains to investigate some minor earthquake rumblings. There have been two in the past several weeks. It's Spring, and you are the first crew across this particular high mountain pass after snow melt. The trail is rocky, muddy, and impossible for any large quadruped that can't Climb or Fly. For Medium-sized creatures, it counts as difficult terrain with rare flat spots.

3. Finalize character's backgrounds and game mechanics. Please let me know when your character is complete. I will give it a final review. When all characters have been finally reviewed, we can start. My introductory post is already written and ready to be pasted into the Gameplay thread.



Your character belongs to a team of four to six veteran agents (adventurers) who have been working together for an organization to be determined or maybe freelance. You are currently crossing the particular mountains to be determined (Mindspin, Menador, or other temperate, Golarion mountain range in the Spring soon after snowmelt had cleared the high passes. From there, the adventure will begin.

Feel free to prepare answers for the items to be determined. After all of the agents have been selected, the majority will decide the items to be determined. Everyone can participate to create a collective background starting from 1st level.

Expected posting frequency is at least once per 48 hours, preferably once per 24 hours. Posting delays beyond 48 hours should be warned in advance.

Pre-selected players are:
1. Kagehiro
2. WesternWolf777

Recruitment will close noon Eastern Time on Friday, December 20th. I reserve the right to pre-select additional players with whom I have played and close recruitment early.


Starting Level: PCs will start at 3rd level.
Alignment: Must be either a Good or Lawful alignment.
Ability Scores: 20 point buy.
Races: Any race from the Core Rulebook. Players wishing to use additional Paizo-created races must request approval.
Classes: All classes from Paizo products. Players wishing to play-test a Paizo Advanced Class must request approval.
Hit Points: Max HP at 1st level. Players can either take (half Hit Die +1) or roll for HP from level 2 onward.
Traits: 2 traits; can take a drawback and a 3rd trait
Starting Wealth: 3,000 gp

When you create a submission, please create a character alias and include your character information in the form of a bestiary stat block like Karrick's profile. Also, include the following information in your profile:
1) Appearance
2) Personality
3) Background to the start of 1st level. We will write a collective background where the group met and what you have been doing since.

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First, let me state that my enjoyment of Pathfinder has enabled me to continue playing an incarnation of D&D throughout the past 30 years.

However, one of my aggravations with the game mechanics has been the concept that very experienced fighters are just as easy to hit as inexperienced fighters, which never made sense to me nor aligned with stories of fact or fiction. Armor class or THAC0 has never scaled with experience. Reading a book the other day reminded me of this aggravation, and I thought about Pathfinder.

An idea I had was Combat Maneuver Defense (CMD), which scales with experience in BAB. How would the game change if we replaced Armor Class (AC) with CMD?

Then what happens with Armor? What if we used Armor Class bonuses as damage reduction, which is bypassed with critical hits?

Then, why doesn't everyone where full plate if they could avoid it? Because it weighs a ton and slows fighters down. So what if we then apply the Armor Check Penalty to the CMD, now replacing armor class, to represent armor slowing fighters down?

What do you think? Would anyone want to playtest?

Does the additional +1 dodge bonus to your Armor Class. affect Stalwart's ability to forgo the dodge bonus to AC you would normally gain to instead gain an equivalent amount of DR? Therefore giving +4 dodge or +4 DR for fighting defensively (+2 to start +1 for 3 ranks of Acrobatics and +1 Crane Style bonus).

I just realized yesterday that witch hexes and the abilities of sorcerer and wizards are either spell-like, supernatural, or extraordinary abilities. So what? None of these abilities affect arcane spell failure.

What's the best arcane full caster can we build that primarily relies on their abilities (avoiding spell failure)? Some combat and utility spells could be cast with Still Spell. Other buff and utility spells could be cast without armor at camp. How does the build compare with a magus of equal level?

Also, arcane casters might not need armor proficiencies. They just need to minimize the armor class penalties for their rays and touch attacks. But they're still just hitting a touch AC.


My first idea was a gnome sorcerer with fell magic and marid bloodline. At 1st level, he gets chill touch once per day, a frost ray a few times per day, and Sotto Voce at will. At 4th level, he gets Blindness/Deafness. Then, at 9th level, he gets an adamantine, area of effect attack at will.


Has anyone started converting Arcanis to Pathfinder?

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Water’s Fury (Su): At 9th level, you gain the ability to summon a rushing jet of water from the elemental plane of water and direct it against your foes. As a standard action, you can create a jet of water in a 60-foot line that deals 1d6 points of damage per two sorcerer levels you possess, and blinds the target that was struck for 1d6 rounds. A Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 your sorcerer level + your Charisma bonus) reduces the damage by half and negates the blinding effect.

1. Is this 9th level ability at will?
2. Can the damage be changed to cold with the Marid's arcana?

If a character with crane wings has the grappled condition (being grappled), can they use crane wings to deflect one melee attack per round from the grappling opponent?

Does the answer change if the grapple started with adhesive properties of a mimic?


I've been reading a bunch of Richard Sharpe novels by Cromwell. If you're unaware, they're historical fiction set in the early 1800's about the British Army. The author goes into quite a bit of detail of musket firing and fighting.

A couple books ago, he wrote quite a bit about musket loading with cartridges. To summarize:

Poorly trained troops could fire twice in one minute = reloading takes 9 move actions.

British-trained troops could fire three times in one minute = reloading takes 5 move actions

Veteran British troops could fire four times in one minute = reloading takes 4 move actions.

Expert troops could fire five times in one minute = reloading takes 3 move actions.

I don't imagine that the British muskets fighting Napoleon would be less advanced than Early firearms of Pathfinder.

My point is that if I would rewrite the game mechanics of firearms, I would increase the reloading times to the above times and use the Gunslinger class and Rapid Reload feat to reduce the times. These changes effectively nerf high level Gunslingers with multiple attacks.

To offset, I would let Gunslingers be able to take multiple attacks using one bullet. Plus, I would add a Stunned condition with a Fort save DC of 10+damage AND 1 point of stacking Bleed damage to any successful bullet hit. This would simulate stopping power and the horror against troops who can't stop their bleeding wound.


Tengu's can get 3 primary natural attacks at 1st level with alternate racial traits. With their bonuses in Dex and Wis, is there a great build that uses Sorcerer (crossblooded Empyreal & Draconic), Monk of Many Styles, & Dragon Disciple? I like Tengu's, but I'm not great at optimizing those three classes.

Advice? Example builds are preferred.


How would you convert the pictured character to Pathfinder?

Samurai Vader

Pure fighter or samurai?
hybrid spellcaster magus or inquisitor?

Samurai Vader

Pure fighter or samurai?
hybrid spellcaster magus or inquisitor?

Is there a way to get a second domain for an Inquisitor?

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Recently, Paizo introduced the game mechanics increasing the ability to overcome damage reduction for the monk's unarmed strikes. They put it in the Ki Pool.

Similar to the Abundant Step and other Ki pool-fueled abilities have there been in official clarification for the Martial Artist archetype that appears even more hosed?


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I’ve been tinkering with a gnome illusionist as a sorcerer or wizard for my next campaign. But yesterday I found the prestige class Veiled Illusionist. It’s awesome!

Besides gnome magic, the main benefit of the gnome illusionist is Effortless Trickery. With a gnome’s +2 Cha, you would want to go sorcerer. However, I haven’t found an illusion improving bloodline. On the other hand, my primary reluctance to a sorcerer is spell selection. However, the first power of this prestige class, which one can start at 6th level, gives the illusionist a bonus spell known for every illusion spell known at whatever spell level. As opposed to one level lower, like the human favored class bonus. Plus, it gives the ability to hide spell casting like Arcane Trickster and reroll a spell resistance check!

Please review and advise my build, especially feat and spell selection. I’m concerned about his tactics when Color Spray becomes ineffective and before he gets Shadow Conjuration. He would have his illusions, pits, and magic missiles, but is there something better? Thanks

gnome veiled illusionist:

20 point build and 2 traits, and only Paizo-published game mechanics

Str 5, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 18

Traits: Excitable & Trickster

First five levels as Sorcerer (arcane bloodline – bonding a ring)
Next ten levels as Veiled Illusionist

1st level – Effortless Trickery
3rd level – Craft Wondrous Items
5th level – Spell Focus (illusion)
7th level – Greater Spell Focus (illusion)
9th level – Piercing Spell
11th level –Persistent Spell
13th level – Quicken Spell
15th level – Spell Perfection (Shadow Conjuration)

0th level – Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Daze, 2nd Mending, 4th Mage Hand, 6th Message, 8th Light, 10th prestidigitation

1st level – 1st Color Spray (at 6th Windy Escape), 1st Silent Image, Identify (Bonus 3rd), 3rd Grease (at 8th Shield), 5th Magic Missile, 7th Illusion of Calm

2nd level – 4th Create Pit, Invisibility (Bonus 5th), 5th Glitterdust (at 10th See Invisibility), 7th Minor Image, 9th False Life, 11th Mirror Image

3rd level – 6th Haste, Veiled 6th Displacement, 7th Fly (at 12th Slow), Veiled 7th Major Image, 9th Magic Circle against Chaos/Evil/Good/Law, 11th Shrink Item

4th level – 8th Dimension Door, Veiled 8th Shadow Conjuration, 9th Emergency Force Sphere, Veiled 9th Phantasmal Killer, 11th Stone Shape, 13th Ride the Waves

5th level – 10th Teleport, Veiled 10th Shadow Evocation, 11th Overland Flight, Veiled 11th Mirage Arcana, 13th Permanency (at 14th Wall of Stone), 15th Communal Stoneskin

6th level – 12th True Seeing, 12th Veiled Mislead, 13th Contingency, Veiled 13th Permanent Image, 15th Greater Dispel Magic

7th level – 14th Statue, Veiled 14th Greater Shadow Conjuration, 15th Spell Turning, Veiled 15th Phantasmal Revenge, 17th

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The Jedi and Sith thread got me imagining and remembering a one-off adventure in 3rd edition that I ran at a convention many years ago. The player characters played the protagonists in Episode IV to rescue the princess from the prison of a floating island that was run by a evil necromancer clad in all black armor.

Converting Star Wars, I replaced blaster fire with melee combat. The Force was magic. Stormtroopers were white skeletons with low-level necromancer sergeants and lieutenants. I didn't include the droids.

Now I was thinking about preparing to run my tabletop group through Episode IV and give XP for quoting their character's lines. I've four players, so I was thinking about them playing Han, Chewie, Luke, and OB1/Leia. How would you build those five characters in Pathfinder?

Having not seen the Hobbit yet, I've only the book to rely for the Middle Earth discussions.

However, my kids love Kung Fu Panda. Has anyone thought about the characters? How high a level would they be? Do the animals align with their Pathfinder styles?