
EATherrian's page

Organized Play Member. 58 posts (69 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

During an enjoyable re-read of Rule of Fear and I noticed that in the chapter on haunted areas that Bastardhall was given a great deal of detail. Is there a module or something I'm missing?

Hi there,

All of my items for this month are still in the side-cart, not even in the orders section yet or I would have used that number. I saw in an earlier thread that there was a hold up with some dice, but I wondered if anything in my order was holding it up.



I don't know if this is the right place for this, but I can't seem to find this game anywhere on your site. I can't for the life of me figure out how to get an entire company's listings. Could you help me?

I arrived home to a much anticipated sight today. Stuffed into my mailbox was an over sized box. Huzzah Hurrah! My Paizo shipment has arrived, now only to extrude it. Hmmm, how did the mailman get this in here I asked myself as I pulled the whole mailbox from the porch. What cruel fate is this, to hold my Paizo shipment but not be able to read it. After several Pooh-like pulls against the mailbox, my treasure was gained. Oh, my precious. I rushed inside like a kid on Christmas, pausing just a moment to hastily hang the mailbox by one nail and leave it swinging. The box opened I saw the prize within and I must say that even though I read them in digital form I read each item again from cover to cover. I am using this purplish prose to thank the Paizo crew for such great items, especially the Campaign Setting. Perusing Golarion hastens me back to those olden days looking at the Flanaess; there's so much wonder to be had in this land. I might be an old-time Greyhawk fan, but everything I see of Golarion really sets my creative juices to a boil. You guys and your creations are just sublime, and I hope to see much, much more. Thanks for all the hard work and allowing me and your other customers to enjoy your creation.

Hi there,

This has been pending for over a week and it has disappeared from my bank account pending. Is there a problem I can help with?

I'm trying to find out which issue of Dragon had several articles and an adventure based on a Medieval Russia. I'm not sure if this is pre-Paizo or not, but I'm hoping the learned members of this forum could direct me to the correct issue I'd be in your debt.


I was wondering when would be the best time to subscribe to avoid the Harrow Deck (which I already purchased separately) but receive the April items?

Just when I was about to do a total revamp of my home-brew world you guys come out with a setting that has just hooked me. I admit I was so upset when those venerable institutions left your purview that I hadn't been paying much attention to Pathfinder. When I received it though, I was simply blown away. I can really feel the back-story here, and feel that we have very similar world building influences including Howard, Lovecraft, Smith, Dunsany and the early greats. Now I'm torn on whether to continue my own world or just allow you to do the hard work while I enjoy the fruits. Kudos to you gentlemen and ladies of Paizo, this is superlative work, and for the first time in a long time, I can barely wait to see each new tidbit as it comes out.

Looking to join a group in Southern Maryland, particularly Charles County. I'm an experienced player and DM.