Randall Trussell's page
18 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

The four dot-scars on my head from the Halo I had to wear for 3 months after I broke my neck bodysurfing Sandy Beach, Hawaii. I was in the Marine Corps at the time and was promply nicknamed "robo-jarhead" by my buddies. For that entire 3 month period I was on medical leave though i didn't leave the island (I mean, really, why would you, it's Hawaii for christ's sake) and went to Honolulu to hit the bars many-a-night. all the bouncers got to know me (hard to miss) and let me in for free. In fact, some ex-marine/bouncers at Moose McGillicutty's (totally messing up the spelling, but it has been 15 years!) and I would head out to other clubs when Mooses closed down for the night. It was cool.
I must have watched too many cartoons as a kid (What!?!? nN such thing! Blasphemy, I say!) because, when I was pile driven into the sea-floor by the 8-10 foot wave, I saw cartoon stars and swirls. No kidding! Cartoon stars & swirls & lighting bolts & birds! Weird.
Even after I got the Halo off I was "in" with all the bouncers and got into the clubs for free. Boy, I miss Hawaii.....
Quote: "Do we need to be "told" what shape/style/age of women to like?"
Well, there is an entire multi-billion dollar industry built upon that very premise.
"My favorite 'old school' artist would have to be Gerald Brom from his Dark Sun days; god I love that man's artwork!"
I couldn't agree more! He is - hands down - my favorite artist to come out of the gaming industry! His Dark Sun art is the stuff of legends.
WAR is good, and I like most of his work but I agree that his people need a little help.
For more good art (especially mechs and stuff like that) go to the Privateer Press site and check out the Warmashine art. Some of it is fantastic. One in particular, the Cygnaran Centurion warjack, I love a lot. It is just so mean looking!
I too would like to see an AP set in Darkmoon Vale, but more than that I would just like to see one somewhere other than Valrisia! Neat area, but there is soo much of the world that needs to have more detail. Something in the central lands, Isger (& northern Cheliax), Druma, and Mothune. Also, the River Kingdoms and surrounding lands would be excellent adventure locations.
Well, what is a mage always looking for? Training!
An adventure that revolves around him trying to get a particular mage to train him - maybe this mage knows a special feat and/or spell that the PC wants to learn. The NPC mage is a little crazy (or is he?) and his wife (a cleric of some weird diety) is equally, though in a totally different way, crazy. Now they have an anniversary coming up......
I have to say that I would love to see the NEED for magic items to be cool to (mostly) go away. It would be nice if the character themselves had cool powers/abilities due to special training - and whatever. Not that I want magic-items to go away completely, just to limit their necessity.
Camris wrote: Psionics means Science Fiction period. There is no basis in real world legends for it and there are a whole lot of monsters in the game books that would be horribly disadvantaged against a Player Psionicist. Actually, many theorists postulate that the concept of magic is based upon the "reality" of psionics. A guy able to pull the spear to himself from 20 feet (telekinesis) would be a "magician" in the eyes of a primitive....

Erik Mona wrote:
What does Psionics mean to you?
How can I get you to buy a psionics book and use it in your campaign?
I like the ICE* method of "Mentalism" style of magic to be used as the basis for psionics - when talking about the "average" fantasy rpg world (like Greyhawk, FR, Golarion, etc..). It makes it so that there isn't such a striking difference between magic and psionics that it is nearly impossible to get them to interact. It's all well and good to give them a different feel for immersion purposes, but for ease of play they need to be able to interact - like, a dispel magic having a chance of dispelling a psionic effect & vice-versa.
Now, for d20 psionics I like the Expanded Psionics Handbook. In fact, for a while I was working on a whole new world based upon the races in that book - where magic was kept from the populous by the illithid overlords. That is until one of the main characters (read: PC) was born a natural sorceror.
* I like Rolemaster & HARP better than d20 (by far) so I would probably not get another d20 psionics book - unless it had fantastic ideas that I can transport and ART!ART!ART! to use for a game.
Snorter wrote: My Try. the best so far!!!!
Definately, LIFER. The quality is fantastic.
Mike McArtor wrote: Yes, I have assurances that this book will eventually happen and that Nick Logue and I will write it. That all might change in the future (I hope not!), but for now that is the plan.
For me, just so that they do not concentrate entirely on a japanese culture (like Lo5R). My favorite culture for oriental adventures is chinese, I love wuxia, dragon-style kung-fu, and all that jazz!
Not able (or wanting) to read every post hopefully this isn't repetition. If you look at two games out, Spycraft & Arcana Evolved, there are feats (Spycraft) and abilities (both) that can help with the various issues raised here. In Spycraft the weapon specialization goes all the way to a +12 damage (I believe, I am sure it goes to +10) with an attack bonus of +4 or +6. In Arcana Evolved they introduce a whole new system of abilities called combat rites that give the fighter (they do not have a fighter, they have ritual warrior, unfettered and warmain) more options in combat.
I have them both and they are both great. I just love the visual quality coupled with the story-line quality! Please keep up the good work. Though you are a serious drain on my wallet!
I have still not gotten my PF-7, PDF or physical copy. If you are sending the physical copy with PF-8 that is fine, I would still like the PDF to be made availible to me. Thanks.
Corey Young wrote: Randall Trussell wrote: Corey Young wrote: Randall Trussell wrote: I don't seem to have a PF8 either - I just got PF9 (PDF, physical copy is in the mail) but still no PF8. Thanks. Actually, it was Pathfinder #8 that shipped to you. Looks like you're all set to receive the next volume with no troubles! Sorry, got numbers wrong. I am missing PF7, the first of the Crimson Throne ones. It says on my subscription page that it is pending a physical copy. But I got PF8. Thanks. No problem! It looks like your Volume #7 was being held up by the Second Darkness Companion somehow. I have fixed this, and it should now ship as soon as possible! Excellent, thank you.
Corey Young wrote: Randall Trussell wrote: I don't seem to have a PF8 either - I just got PF9 (PDF, physical copy is in the mail) but still no PF8. Thanks. Actually, it was Pathfinder #8 that shipped to you. Looks like you're all set to receive the next volume with no troubles! Sorry, got numbers wrong. I am missing PF7, the first of the Crimson Throne ones. It says on my subscription page that it is pending a physical copy. But I got PF8. Thanks.
Cosmo wrote: Thiryal wrote: Adding some information: I saw the exact same situation with PF #7 shipped and next being PF #9, three days ago. The day after that, I got the email that PF #8 was shipping, and then the shipping confirmation. The subscriptions page now shows the most recent shipment as being #8, and the next being #9. So I would suspect that it's an issue when the orders are queued, the subscription page removes #8 from next to ship, but it's not added to the previous until it actually ships.
In short: Give it a few days and then worry. :)
That, too.
Of course, these guys both actually had a problem with their orders, which I think I have fixed. But your advice is perfect for the vast majority of people in this situation. :) I don't seem to have a PF8 either - I just got PF9 (PDF, physical copy is in the mail) but still no PF8. Thanks.
I have received issue 142 but not issue 141 (I think it is the one with the Beholder on the cover). Could someone look into this for me? Thanks.