
Dylara Yssal's page

608 posts. Organized Play character for StephNyan.

Full Name

Dylara Yssal


(HP 59/59 | AC:23 [+3 Shield] | T:14 | FF:20 [+3 Shield] | CMB:10 | CMD:24 [+1 vs. Grapple] | Fort:+8 | Ref:+7 | Will:+10 [+2 vs. Enchant] | Init:+6 | Perc:+12 | Speed:20) PFS#: 115025-4


F Half-elf Druid (Nature Fang)/8


Medium (5 ft. 1 in. / 155 cm)




Chaotic Neutral




Common, Druidic, Elven

Strength 19
Dexterity 18
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 16
Charisma 8

About Dylara Yssal

Character Sheet:
CN Medium Humanoid (Elf, Human)
Init +6 (+2 Trait +4 Dex)

Nature Bond: Animal companion - Roc (Melon)

AC 23 [+3 Shield] (10 +8 Armor +1 Natural Armor +1 Deflection +3 Dex); Touch 14 (10 +1 Deflection +3 Dex); Flat-Footed 20 [+3 Shield] (10 +8 Armor +1 Natural Armor +1 Deflection)
HP 59 (43 +8x1Con +8x1HP Favored Class Bonus)
Fort Save +8 (+6 Class +1 Con +1 Resistance); Ref Save +7 (+2 Class +4 Dex +1 Resistance); Will Save +10 (+6 Class +3 Wis +1 Resistance)

Concentration Checks +2 (+2 Trait)
Enchantment Save +2 (+2 Racial)
Immune to magic sleep effects

Speed: Medium (30 ft) -10 ft for Medium armor

Melee: +1 Adamantine Lance (Reach weapon), mounted
Damage: 1d8 +7 [+6 PA +1d6 Sneak Attack]
Attack roll: +12/+7 [-2 PA] (+6/+1 Base Atk +4 Str +1 Enhancement +1 Weapon Focus)
Crit: x3
(Only one-handed while mounted. Damage x3 on mounted charge.)

Melee: +1 Adamantine Longsword, one-handed
Damage: 1d8 +5 [+4 PA +1d6 Sneak Attack]
Attack roll: +11/+6 [-2 PA] (+6/+1 Base Atk +4 Str +1 Enhancement)
Crit: 19–20/x2
(Damage x2 on mounted charge.)

Melee: +1 Adamantine Longsword, two-handed
Damage: 1d8 +7 [+6 PA +1d6 Sneak Attack]
Attack roll: +11/+6 [-2 PA] (+6/+1 Base Atk +4 Str +1 Enhancement)
Crit: 19–20/x2
(Damage x2 on mounted charge.)

Ranged: +1 Adaptive Darkwood Composite Longbow
Damage: 1d8 +5 [+1d6 Sneak Attack]
Attack roll: +11/+6 (+6/+1 Base Atk +4 Dex +1 Enhancement)
Crit & range: x3; 110 feet

Str 19 (15 +2 Enhancement +1 Lv4;8)
Dex 18 (16 +2 Enhancement)
Con 12 (10 +2 Enhancement)
Int 10
Wis 16 (14 +2 Race)
Cha 8

Base Atk +6/+1; CMB 10 (+6 Base Atk +4 Str); CMD 24 [+1 Dodge vs. Grapple*] (10 +6 Base Atk +4 Str +4 Dex)

* +1 Dodge bonus to CMD against the Grapple maneuver. (Mutani Manual of Martial Mastery)

Mounted Combat
Nature Bond [Animal Companion] (Class)
Orisons (Class)
Power Attack
Ride-by Attack
Slayer Talents (Class)
Sneak Attack (Class)
Spirited Charge (Ranger Combat Style - Mounted Combat; Slayer Talent)
Spontaneous Casting (Class)
Studied Target +2 (Class)
Trackless Step (Class)
Trick Riding (Ranger Combat Style - Mounted Combat; Slayer Talent)
Weapon Focus [Lance] (Weapon Training; Rogue Talent; Slayer Talent)
Weapon Versatility

Racial Traits:
Ancestral Arms [Lance]
Elf Blood
Elven Immunities
Keen Senses
Low-Light Vision

Elven Reflexes
Focused Mind [+2 on Concentration checks]

Skills (Untrained):
Bluff -1 (-1 Cha)
Diplomacy -1 (-1 Cha)
Intimidate -1 (-1 Cha)
Sense Motive +3 (+3 Wis)
Stealth +6 (+4 Dex +5 Competence -3 Armor)

Skills (Trained):
Acrobatics +4 (3 +4 Dex -3 Armor)
Climb +5 (1 +3 Class +4 Str -3 Armor)
Handle Animal +6 [+4 Link; Animal Companion] (4 +3 Class -1 Cha)
Heal +7 (1 +3 Class +3 Wis)
Knowledge (Geography) +4 (1 +3 Class +0 Int)
Knowledge (Nature) +4 (1 +3 Class +0 Int)
Perception +12 (4 +2 Racial +3 Class +3 Wis)
Ride +12 [+2 to stay in saddle] (8 +3 Class +4 Dex -3 Armor)
Spellcraft +4 (1 +3 Class +0 Int)
** Survival +13 [+2 Day Job***] (7 +3 Class +3 Wis)
Swim +5 (1 +3 Class +4 Str -3 Armor)

** Qualifies for Day Job (Hunting Lodge)

*** +2 bonus on all Day Job checks (Greenheart's Blessing)

Languages: Common, Druidic, Elven

Combat gear
+1 Adamantine Lance (3010gp, 10lbs.)
+1 Adamantine Longsword (3015gp, 4lbs.)
+1 Adaptive Darkwood Composite Longbow (3330gp, 1.5lbs.)
+1 Darkwood Heavy Shield (1257gp, 5lbs.)
Spell Component Pouch (5gp, 2lbs.)
Wand of CLW #1 [11 charges left] (2PP, -)
Wand of CLW #2 [50 charges left] (2PP, -)

Alchemical silver arrows [20] (20 = 41gp, 3lbs.)
Arrows [36] (20 = 1gp, 3lbs.)
Cold iron arrows [20] (20 = 2gp, 3lbs.)

Wearing & otherwise equipped
Amulet of Natural Armor +1 (2000gp, -)
Belt of Physical Perfection +2 (16,000gp, 1lb.)
+2 Brass Dragonhide Breastplate (4000gp+2PP, 30lbs.)
Elven Rune-cloak +1 (4750, 1lb.)
Ring of Protection +1 (2000gp, -)
Spring-loaded Wrist Sheath (5gp, 1lb.) holding Wand of CLW #1
Spring-loaded Wrist Sheath (5gp, 1lb.) holding Wand of CLW #2
Traveler's Outfit (1gp, 5lbs.)

Handy Haversack (2000gp, 5lbs.): 23/120lbs.
Acid [x5] (each 10gp, 1lb.)
Alchemist's Fire [x15] (each 20gp, 1lb.)
Antitoxin (50gp, -)
Chalk [x10] (each 1cp, -)
Flint and Steel (1gp, -)
Grappling Hook (1gp, 4lbs.)
Hot Weather Outfit (8gp, 4lbs.)
Ink, black (8gp, -)
Inkpen (1sp, -)
Parchment, sheet [x3] (2sp, -)
Rope, silk (50ft.) (10gp, 5lbs.)
Scroll of Carry Companion (150gp, -)

Encumbrance: 77.9lbs.; Light Load, (Light Load up to 116lbs., Medium up to 233lbs., Heavy up to 350lbs.)
Money: 4108gp 5sp
Prestige points: 12/39

Class Info
Favored classes: Druid & Summoner
For druids whose nature bond gives them an animal companion, add +1 skill rank to the animal companion. If the druid ever replaces her animal companion, the new companion gains these bonus skill ranks. (Chosen 0 times.)
Favored class bonus: +8x1HP

Spells level 0 (Orisons): Prepare 4 spells
Detect Magic; Guidance; Light; Read Magic
Spells level 1: Prepare 5 spells (4 +1 for Wis)
Ant Haul; Cure Light Wounds [x2]; Produce Flame [x2]
Spells level 2: Prepare 4 spells (3 +1 for Wis)
Bull's Strength [x2]; Fog Cloud; Reduce Animal
Spells level 3: Prepare 4 spells (3 +1 for Wis)
Burst of Nettles; Cure Moderate Wounds [x3]
Spells level 4: Prepare 2 spells (2 +0 for Wis)
Dispel Magic [x2]

Studied Target +2: A nature fang can study an opponent as a move action, like a slayer. A nature fang gains a +1 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks attempted against that opponent, and a +1 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against it. The DCs of slayer class abilities against that opponent increase by 1. A nature fang can only maintain these bonuses against one opponent at a time; these bonuses remain in effect until either the opponent is dead or the nature fang studies a new target.

If the nature fang deals sneak attack damage to a target, she can study that target as an immediate action, allowing her to apply your studied target bonuses against that target (including to the normal weapon damage roll).

At 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th levels, the bonus against the studied target increases by 1. The nature fang may discard this connection to a studied target as a free action, allowing her to study another target in its place. (Unlike a slayer, a nature fang does not gain the ability to maintain more than one studied target at the same time.)

Adopted Weapon Training: You have spent an extended period of time training in a culture other than your own, and as a result, you have learned that population’s weapon styles to the exclusion of all others. You gain the weapon familiarity racial trait of one of the following races: dwarf, elf, gnome, halfling, or half-orc. This specialization comes at a price, and you suffer a –1 penalty on attack rolls made with manufactured weapons other than those granted by any weapon familiarity racial traits you possess. You ignore this penalty when using a weapon that benefits from any Weapon Focus feat or weapon training class feature you may have.

Weapon familiarity racial trait selected: Elf
Elves are proficient with longbows (including composite longbows), longswords, rapiers, and shortbows (including composite shortbows), and treat any weapon with the word “elven” in its name as a martial weapon.

Ancestral Ally: If you are at least 4th-level, you may spend 5 Prestige Points to strengthen your bond with that type of animal. This increases your effective druid level as one higher when determining the animal companion’s bonus HD, natural armor bonus, Strength and Dexterity bonuses, bonus tricks, and special abilities. This boon cannot increase your effective druid level more than one level above your actual character level.
(Bond with birds was strengthened for 5PP.)

Hunting Lodge: You are a master hunter and have been recognized as such by being invited to join an elite hunting lodge. As a member, you may take part in special hunts for rare and exotic prey each year, both on restricted hunting grounds and in the wild. You can use Survival to make Day Job rolls.

Chronicle Sheets:
The Dalsine Affair - GM sheet
Murder on the Throaty Mermaid
We Be Goblins - GM sheet
--- Level 2 ---
Severing Ties
Destiny of the Sands, part 1
We Be Goblins Too!
--- Level 3 ---
The Glass River Rescue - GM sheet
Library of the Lion - GM sheet
* Ancestral Ally
* Adopted Weapon Training (Elf)
Destiny of the Sands, part 2
--- Level 4 ---
* Mythic Powers 1
* Mythic Powers 2
Destiny of the Sands, part 3
The Prince of Augustana - GM sheet
Sewer Dragons of Absalom
--- Level 5 ---
The Stolen Heir
The Green Market
The Ghenett Manor Gauntlet - GM sheet
--- Level 6 ---
Serpent's Rise [Played with pregen]
Trial of the Beast [AP]
--- Level 7.1 ---
The Technic Siege [Played with pregen]
Broken Moon [AP]
--- Level 8.2 ---

Dylara grew up as the only daughter of two druids living in the forest. Her parents were an unusual pairing, because her mother was an elf and her father a human. Dylara's parents were bird keepers, and for that reason she's been around birds her entire life.

At the age of 14 Dylara was given a special egg by her father as a birthday present. The egg was roughly the size of the average halfling, with a shell as hard as granite. When the egg hatched a cute baby roc came from it, and Dylara name the roc Melon. In the years that followed Melon grew to be as large in size as Dylara herself, and Melon's still growing. Dylara and Melon became best friends, and the girl hopes one day the roc's large enough they can soar the skies together.

When she was 18 Dylara decided she didn't want to live in the forest with her parents anymore. She set out on an adventure, hoping to see more of the world. Eventually Dylara ended up in a port city where she she discovered 'money'. Apparently one could obtain whatever the heart desires when owning enough money. This fascinated Dylara, and she decided to earn as much money as she could.

One day some members of The Exchange faction of the Pathfinder Society contacted Dylara. They needed some help, and would offer money and a position in the faction in return. Dylara accepted the job, thus ending up working for the Pathfinder Society.

There are two things in Dylara's life that she loves most of all: birds, and money.

When she's older Dylara wants to become a bird keeper like her parents, but she wants to see more of the world first. Melon, Dylara's animal companion and best friend, is always at her side. The two are inseparable. When they are forced to separate, even for just a small amount of time, it pains Dylara's heart.

Dylara became fascinated by the concept of 'money' while working for The Exchange. She's always out for bargains, and likes to earn money whenever the situation allows for it. However, she values nature and her morals far more than the weight of coin.

Being a half-elf, Dylara inherited traits of both human and elven lineage. She is 5'1" (155 cm) tall. This makes her taller than the average female human, but not as tall as the average female elf. Dylara weights 95 lbs (43 kg), and has inherited the lean build and comely features of her elven lineage. However her skin color is dictated by her human lineage, causing her to look Caucasian.

Dylara's ears are very pointed for a half-elf, and look more like the ears of an elf. Her hair's a light brown, and usually with in a ponytail. Even though Dylara's eyes are quite human-like, they're a shade of light green that isn't common in humans.

The outfit Dylara wears consists of dark brown leather boots, a light brown wool skirt, a sturdy dark brown belt, a yellow sleeveless shirt, and a dark brown cloak with a hood.