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Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Is anybody here playing Pathfinder online yet?

I'm here to represent the minority of players that use Virtual Gaming Tables like OpenRPG and Maptool to play traditional pen and paper rpgs online.

If you don't know what OpenRPG and Maptool are, well, I'll tell ya.

They are totally free Virtual Gaming Tables. You know, it's what WotC has been promising for a while now... well, these programs are nothing new and they perform the same primary functions that Gleemax and the DnD Gametable were going to do.

You can host a server, or join an existing server. Once joined, you can chat with other players and roll dice of many sorts. The GM has more control and he can load game maps and fog out the unexplored areas. He reveals more as the players explore. The players can load tokens to represent their characters during combat and such.

Character sheet functions that allow you to create macros for rolling actions are also included in these programs.

All in all, they kick arse first and ask questions later.

I've been using Virtual Gaming Tables for years. It's perfect for adults that can't meet every week due to family obligations. It's great for kids that can't go out and meet friends to play.

Virtual Gaming Tables are the way to play for many people and if you're interested in finding a good community of roleplayers that are already using these tools to game, I suggest www.thetangledsweb.net as your first stop.

The Tangled Web is a community of Role Players that primarily use OpenRPG and MapTool to run their games. The website has a Vbulletin forum that is modded with a die roller for play by post gaming as well.

The site also gives any Gamemaster running a game his or her own forum space for conducting business between sessions.

They have a Character sheet profiler that might be familiar to many folks. 3eProfiler is integrated with their forums as well. I hear that they plan to have a Pathfinder sheet available in the future too.

Anyway, I think that the Pathfinder society could certainly benefit from a relationship with The Tangled Web and I hope to find some fellow Pathfinder fans there looking for a game.

Thanks fer readin' all this... I really love my online gaming and I'd like to find more folks to play the systems I enjoy with.

OpenRPG and Maptool are some really great tools that folks need to know about.