Machine Slayer

Duvar's page

10 posts. Organized Play character for - Ed -.

Full Name

Duvar Brewbuster


Human/Syplh | HP 26/26 | AC 18 / 20 (shield) | F +5 R +5 W +10| Perception +8|Low-Light Vision

About Duvar

DuvarDruid 2
Perception +8; Low-Light Vision
Languages Common, Druidic, Dwarven
Skills Acrobatics +1, Athletics +7, Lore: Herbalism +4, Lore: Scouting +4, Lore: Warfare +4, Medicine +8, Nature +8, Religion +8, Survival +8
Str +3, Dex +1, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +4, Cha +0
Items Hide, Backpack, Bedroll, Chalk (10), Flint and Steel, Rope, Rations (2), Torch (5), Waterskin, Soap, Healer's Tools, Wayfinder, Climbing Kit, Repair Kit, Hide Shield (Hardness 4, HP 20, BT 10)
AC 18 (+20 with shield raised); Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +10
HP 26
Shield Block
Speed 25 feet
Melee Dagger +7 (Agile, Finesse, Thrown 10 ft., Versatile S), Damage 1d4+3 P
Melee +1 Gill Hook +8 (Azarketi, Grapple, Reach, Uncommon, Magical), Damage 1d10+3 P
Battle Medicine
Primal Prepared Spells DC 18, attack +8; 1st Heal, Summon Animal, Heal; Cantrips Electric Arc, Ray of Frost, Rousing Splash, Disrupt Undead, Protect Companion
Focus Spells (1 points) Heal Animal Range touch or 30 feet (see text); Targets 1 willing living animal creature You heal an animal's wounds, restoring 1d8 Hit Points to the target. The number of actions spent Casting this Spell determines its effect. 1 action somatic Th e spell has a range of touch. ; 2 actions somatic, verbal The spell has a range of 30 feet and restores an additional 8 Hit Points to the target.; Heightened (+1) The amount of healing increases by 1d8, and the additional healing for the 2-action version increases by 8.
Additional Feats Additional Lore, Animal Companion, Beastmaster Dedication, Sylph, Unconventional Weaponry
Additional Specials Anathema, Call Companion, Druidic Language, Druidic Order (Animal Order), Unconventional Weapon (Gill Hook), Wild Empathy
Notes: Spells School. Bonus Lore: Pathfinder Society