Aredil Sultur

Dunstan Gossington-Gorth's page

166 posts. Alias of Helaman.


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AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Hi - Can you please remove Dustan from the campaign?

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Guys. I've been hot and more cold over the last month. I apologise for this.

Lots of reasons but part of it is I am just not connecting with the game. Is the GM doing a good job? A big yes. But its just not for me right now.

If you can write me out of the game I would appreciate it and thanks for the effort you've put into this.

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Dunstan leans on his blade, relieved that they were not overwhelmed.

Been off of late - apologies

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Wishing you both all the best for a smooth surgery and easy recovery.

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Dustan continues to carry the fight to the foe!

Devils take you!

Magical Greatsword: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17 for 2d6 + 5 ⇒ (1, 5) + 5 = 11

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Dunstan whirls and using a might stroke attempts to kill one of the creatures.

magic greatsword: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27 for 2d6 + 5 ⇒ (2, 2) + 5 = 9 add 2d6 ⇒ (1, 5) = 6

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Im here but it seemed like the focus was not he outside so I stayed quiet.

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion
Dark Powers wrote:

Constable Station in Blackchapel - Front - Early Evening - Dunstan & Derrick

Round 6

Dunstan the Three Jackalwere's are now in the building, do you run or stand and fight, the Constables will likely follow your lead.

Derrick as you are there you can attack one from behind and you have Advantage. You go after Dunstan having just arrived. Wyatt will follow your lead.

To me! Flee not!

The armoured warrior brings his Greatsword around and prepares to strike.

You can roll initiative

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Help me brace the doors! Get over here man!

Dunstan strains trying to hold the enemy out!

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Still here - just had a day or two off

1 person marked this as a favorite.
AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion


AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Man - lucky!

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Dustan takes the extra time to decapitate the creature, unwilling to leave such a foe at his rear before moving to the door to try to relive those holding the monsters out.

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Dunstan draws his magic greatsword and charges in to land a mighty blow.

1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 7 + 1 = 15 for 2d6 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (3, 2) + 5 + 1 = 11

Action surge!

1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 7 + 1 = 16 for 2d6 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (6, 2) + 5 + 1 = 14

Dice roller doesn't seem to be running hot for me either

Devil take you fiend!, he yells out, steel flying.

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Dunstan fires a shot at it with his pistol

BANG!: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19 for 1d8 ⇒ 5

He then draws his magical greatsword and closes with the creature.

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Hey DP - still suffering from depression but back on Meds... I should be good to go next week.

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Dunstan nods, Let us speedily get this monster in front of the authorities

Trying to edge my way back into the game. Sorry for the absence

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Congrats man

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

[ooc]Okay all. I've been in a depressive slump for about 10 days now coming out of a gruelling work cycle. Just bear with me for the rest of this week and I should be good[. Bot me as needed/ooc]

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Sorry to be the odd man out. Please stick with me for a few days more -work be s*+%ty right now

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Dunstan is still confused by the events of the last few days but he comprehends how deep the trouble he is in. He sticks close to Marco and Khalid.

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Work is still killing me - worked 12-14 hr days over the weekend... sorry but in the short term (a week or so) I am out.

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Hi guys - I am not gone - just in work hell. Will post as soon as I can. Bot me as needed.

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Excellent - the more the merrier.

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

This can't end well.

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Sorry mate - been ill. Will post later.

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Sure - Buy a bridge?e, sounds all legit to me

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Insight: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

me too - get well soon.

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Well the servants let us in, saying that the masters of the house were out Constables - I hope this proves that we didn't kill the family as they were dead, it seems, before we arrived.

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

I'd prefer to keep the party together - its too hard to manage when we seperate

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Sage Williby sounds like a new lead

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

That head that you are holding? That is the head of the creature that had taken Inspector Logan's appearance - whether the real Inspector is alive somewhere or long since dead to complete the impersonation I cannot say. It seemed it was the Inspector that was attacking us - when we responded in self defence and the Inspector was defeated? It turned into this creature.

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

The bodies? We left them in the street where they lay yesterday... for all I know they have been gathered up by some doctor of anatomy or pie maker by now. But I have one of the creatures heads... here, he says placing it on the table.

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Indeed, sorry as I am to say.

He ushers them in to look at the laid out body.

The Blackchapel murders were something of a concern to us - Kensington and I - and a few others and well, we went to try to solve the murders. We... we... we thought we were on the trail of the dastard doing the murders but it turned out that it was some vile shape changing things that were behind the murders. We walked into an ambush and while we were able to kill the evil creatures - indeed I took one of their heads - poor Kensington was killed.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

His performance is flawed, perhaps because of his grief.

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion


AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

sorry - have some personal issues. Need a day or two.

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Alas for no more take 10's

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Dunstan composes himself as he cleans up the body of his dead friend, mind blank of much other than the loss of his friend.

Will get back into the story in a couple of days

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Dunstan carries in his friends body and lays it out on the table.

Some... some cloth and some water, please... I want to clean him up.

If his parents are not home, I know his parents are close with the Mayor - can you, as one of the trusted servants of the family, get word to the mayor?

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Please. At least let us lay him out!

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

I think you missed my post

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Glad we are to see you constables!, hails Dunstan.

We were jumped while trying to track the murderer of Blackchapel and my friend, my commrade at arms took an arrow to the neck! What aid can you offer us?

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Oh... s$#+, Dunstan mutters, body of dead friend bleeding down his back.

Do we run?

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Carrying a body around while we look for Willowby, who may or may not be home may not be the best of moves - I suggest we get the body to Kensington's parents first, see if his father will help with a visit to the Mayor at a later date and then we can hunt down Willowby

As a final measure of 'proof' Dustan decapitates one of the 'creatures'.

Someone bring that - we'll need it.

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Gaaaaaah! I posted something a few days ago and now it's not there at all! Hate when that happens

Dunstan picks up his comrades body.

I want to get him back to his parents - his family was close to the mayor. Let's get off the street and make attempts to contact the mayor.

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Dustan does not try to stop his one time ally's departure. A deal was a deal.

But he was lost as to what to do next.

Insight: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Dustan falls across his friend, not quiet weeping but eyes full of tears.

Rarer a truer or more brave a comrade than this, he says, his voice thick with emotion.

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

I am all leveled up but I really want to get another pistol or two - I built this character to be a shooter and there's not been a lot of actually shooting :)

I took Heavy armour master. We need a tank.

AC16 HP 39/[39] passive perception 12 passive insight 12 Saves: S+6 D+3 Cn+4 I-1 W+2 Ch+1 Male Human Noble Soldier Fighter/4 Champion

Quick question. Are we likely to stay in Pandarion moving forward or move to other Reavenloft locales?