About Dufek Leatherfinger ReitegDufek Leatherfinger Reiteg
Resonance: 3 (level + cha)
Traits: Dwarf, Humanoid Heritage: Strong Hearted Dwarf
Quick Identification (background) - You take only 1 minute when using Identify Magic to determine the properties of an item, ongoing effect, or location, rather than 10 minutes. If you’re a master, it takes 1 round; and if you’re legendary, it takes 1 action. •> Tiger Stance (class, 1st) - You enter the stance of a tiger, using your hands like claws. You can make tiger claw attacks. These deal 1d8 slashing damage; are in the brawling group; and have the agile, finesse, nonlethal, and unarmed traits. On a critical success, the target takes 1d4 persistent bleed damage. While in Tiger Stance, you can Step 10 feet as long as your Speed is at least 10 feet. •>> Stunning Fist (class, 2nd) - The target must attempt a Fortitude save against your class DC (18). If the target fails, it’s flat-footed for 1 round. On a critical failure, it’s also stupefied 2 for 1 round. If your attack was a critical success, one of the following outcomes occurs: If the target succeeded at its save, it instead fails its save. If the target failed its save, it instead critically fails its save. If the target critically failed its save, it is instead stunned for 1 round. Student of the Cannon (skill, 2nd) - When attempting a Religion check to Read Scripture or to Recall Knowledge about the tenets of faiths, you treat a critical failure as a failure instead. Fast Recovery (general, 3rd) - You recover twice as many Hit Points from resting. Each time you succeed at a Fortitude save against an ongoing toxin, you reduce its stage by 2, or by 1 against a virulent toxin. Each critical success you achieve against an ongoing toxin reduces its stage by 3, or by 2 against a virulent toxin. In addition, you reduce the severity of your drained condition by 2 when you rest for a night instead of by 1. You reduce your enervated condition by 2 when you succeed at your Fortitude save or spend a day of downtime training, and by 3 when you critically succeed at your Fortitude save. Cleric Dedication (class, 4th) - You cast spells like a cleric. You gain access to the Cast a Spell activity and the Material Casting, Somatic Casting, and Verbal Casting actions. You can prepare two cantrips each day from the divine spell list or any other cantrips you learn or discover. You’re trained in spell rolls and spell DCs for casting divine spells and in attacks you make with divine spells. Your key spellcasting ability for these spells is Wisdom. You can use wands, scrolls, and staves, but only for spells of a spell level that you can cast. Religion is a signature skill for you. Choose a deity as you would if you were a cleric. You’re bound by that deity’s anathema (Torag). Cantrips: Shield, Stabilize Underwater Marauder (skill, 4th) - You’ve learned to fight underwater like an aquatic native. You are not flat-footed while you are in water, and you don’t take the usual penalties for using a bludgeoning or slashing melee weapon in water. Skills (E: Athletics, T: 4 others (class)) (Untrained: lvl -4, Trained: lvl, Expert: lvl +1, Master: Level +2, Legendary: Level +3)
Languages Common (Taldane), Dwarf --------------------
Backpack (1sp, - or L)(stores 4B)(storing 57sp 1cp, 8L)
Belt Pouch (4cp, -)(stores 4L)(storing 6cp, 0B)
Bulk 2.1B (>9B encumbered) --------------------
Dufek seems solid, even for a dwarf. When he settles in, either standing or sitting, he seems very much there. Like it would take an army to shift him. An object at rest tends to stay at rest, and he takes that very seriously indeed.
He tends to wear his hair more free flowing than many dwarves, though he does of course have a few carefully managed braids and the like. His clothing is simple, and while he wears no major weapons, he positively bristles with a dagger, javelins, and even a pouch of shuriken. No armor graces his form though, so you imagine the weapons too may be for show. They look awfully well cared for - almost like they haven’t been used.
Esoteric Scion
One of your family members belongs to a semisecret society called the Esoteric Order of the Palatine Eye. You’ve long held an interest in perhaps some day joining the order and have studied strange topics in preparation for that day. Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Intelligence or Wisdom, and one is a free ability boost (Wisdom/Strength). You gain the Quick Identification feat, and you’re trained in the Esoteric Order Lore skill. Born 4606, currently 4707 Dufek claims to have ancestors all the way back to the Shining Crusade, though even he admits they went by a slightly different name then so it’s rather hard to trace. Still, his lineage is old, and local to Ardis, the one-time capital of Ustalov. His family has a long history of military engagement of one sort or another - either as members of the guard, or armed forces, or even as mercenaries. Even Dufek joined the guard in his fifties, as a way of giving back to his community. When Prince Valislav Ordranti moved the Ustalavic capital from Ardis to Caliphas and shortly died thereafter however, Dufek’s spirit was crushed. He left employment as a guard in the king’s service, and semi-retired on his leftover income. Now, some thirty years later, the Leatherfinger has come out of his funk in part due to a new feeling of meaning brought in large part by the church of Torag. He’s been trying to learn a craft - something to keep himself from being idle in the eyes of god, but he’s not very good at it yet. Pottery came closest but he couldn’t quite manage the potter’s wheel. He kept spinning it too fast… As a full-throated worshipper of Torag, Dufek worries that he doesn’t have a warhammer with him - at least as a token. He brushes his silver holy symbol with his fingers and wonders if he should get one just to carry it around. He decides he will when he gets to market - after all there’s no chance of him making a decent one, though he is planning a try at Blacksmith next.