Duedor Cailean's page

5 posts. Alias of IamJLovegren.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

I've been organizing a weekly game at our local store for about a year and a half now. We've sometimes had to bend some rules or go lax on standards to maintain a player base, but now we are consistently running two tables a week and have a player base of about 20 people.

Recently, some of my players and GMs have approached me about things that have been frustrating them, chiefly players arriving late and forcing the game to run late. We have a tight time slot, 5pm-9pm on monday, but we've tried to overcome this by playing older adventures that run fast or adventures that the GMs know well and can run quickly. Now, running new adventures as soon as they come out, and having some less experienced GMs, the starting time of 5 has become very important.

I'm working on a one page primer explaning how our game works from explaining what PFS is and where to find resources and the ettiqute/policies of the game at the store. The store manager usually does inventory Monday nights, and doesn't mind us staying late, but recently the owner has been working Mondays and wants out right at 9.

My biggest concern is making sure that everything is still within the guidelines of PFS. We want to be as friendly and understanding as possible, but almost everyone has the ability to make it on time by 5, and just no longer see the urgency of starting on time.

I don't want to do this, but if everything has been done in the GMs power to speed a game along (arrive on time, skip optional encounters, spend little to no time referenceing rules) and we run out of time, are we able to just stop the adventure and assign chronicle sheets for what has happened that far? I'm sure that would be enough of motivator to arrive on time and focus on the game.

Does anyone have advice on how to motivate players to remember that it's and organized play game and treat it a little more seriously?

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

The ACG is super vague about how Skirmisher ranger tricks work with animal companions. Can someone help me with some rules clarifications?

Liberty's Edge

So, is there any plan to update the Tome of Horrors Complete anytime soon?

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

Has anyone made or come across the character sheets for the iconics in the NPC codex laid out the same as the Society Pregens?

4/5 *

A player of mine recently told me that he hasn't registered his prgen society number. Since I've given him his number, I've reserved 10 more numbers, and lost the pdf of the original numbers. Is there anyway to recover the confirmation code for his number?

Liberty's Edge

I've been reading through the deity write up of Cayden Cailean in Pathfinder #14 (Second Darkness pt. 2). In the "Magic of Cayden Cailean" section, it talks about specific abilities that clerics and bards have as worshipers of the accidental god. This path was published before the APG and the inquisitor.

Question: Do inquisitors of Cayden Cailean get any of the benefits that clerics get? Specifically, can an inquisitor's create water spell create ale or wine as a cleric's can?

Liberty's Edge

I've been thinking about this recently. Why does the Bestiary Box need a copy of the OGL?

Liberty's Edge


I want to get a Holy Symbol wayfinder for my Inquisitor of Cayden Cailean, but I can't decide what it should look like. A friend suggested a Mug with a clear bottom, so you can look down the mug to see the compass.

Anybody else have an idea?

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

My friends and I have 4 fame after completing the first two First Steps adventures.

One player wanted to buy a Wayfinder for 250 gp, but I was unsure of what the rules were for max purchase under 5 fame.

Does anyone know the rules for low-fame characters?

Organized Play Characters

Liberty's Edge Daagan "Wolf" Bloodthorn

Male 1/2 orc Barbarian 2 / Cleric 10 (0 posts)
Male human on stilts
Scarab Sages Malor-Mance "Shade" Bloodthorn
(0 posts)
Loris Raknian
Grand Lodge call me Deadbolt

Male Dwarf with no beard Gunslinger1/ Ranger2/ Rogue6/ XGood Bad and UglyX (1 post)
Dark Archive Zurrican "Smoke" Bloodthorn
(0 posts)

Liberty's Edge Basil "Basilake" Bloodthorn

m Half-Orc Pal Divine Hunter 2, Silver Dragon Sorcerer 1 (0 posts)

Silver Crusade Sylrod

male elf paladin (0 posts)

Scarab Sages Jorgan Elhammer
(0 posts)