
Dubran ver Brennen's page

1 post. Alias of cmlobue.


| HP 14/14 (NL 0) | AC 15 T 13 FF 12| CMB -3, CMD 9 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 (+2 vs. death, -1 vs. fire)| Init: +4 | Perc: +7, SM: +2 (darkvision 60 ft.)


| Speed 20 ft. | Active conditions: None


Male CN Lava Gnome Hydrokineticist 1

About Dubran ver Brennen

Male Lava Gnome Hydrokineticist 1
CN Small humanoid (gnome)
Init +4; Senses Perception +7 (darkvision 60 ft.)

AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +1 size, +2 Dex); +2 dodge in mountains
hp 14 (1d8+6)
Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +3 (+2 vs. death effects, -1 vs. effects with fire descriptor)

Speed 20 ft.
Melee cold iron cestus -1 (1d3-2 B or P; 19-20/x2) or whip -5 (1d2-2 nonlethal S; 19-20/x2)
Ranged cold blast +6 (1d6+2 cold)
Special Attacks basic hydrokinesis, gather power

Str 6, Dex 15, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB -3; CMD 9
Feats Light Armor Proficiency, Point Blank Shot, Simple Weapon Proficiency
Skills Acrobatics +6, Perception +7, Profession (Gambler) +8, Stealth +10
Languages Common, Gnome, Sylvan
SQ burn (max 8), elemental focus (water), kinetic healer
Racial Traits darkvision 60 ft., bond to the land, small, slow speed, obsessive, pyromaniac
Traits Audrahni's ally, burned, excitable, frontier-forged, prehensile whip
Combat Gear leather armor; Other Gear explorer's outfit, backpack, belt pouch, blanket, trail rations (5 days'), waterskin, marked cards, signal whistle, sewing needle, fishhook, chalk, powder (2); 1 pp, 3 gp, 6 sp, 2 cp