Man in Dragon's Breath

Drip Do'Urden's page

15 posts. Alias of minkscooter.

Full Name

Drip Do'Urden




Expert 1






The Celestial Sett of the Badgers


Gnome, Plumber's Cant, Paizonian, Munchkin, Imaginary, Uncouth



Strength 10
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 10
Charisma 9

About Drip Do'Urden

Feats: Skill Focus (Plumbing)
Skills: Craft:Plumbing (+15), Craft:Miniatures (+8), Craft:Alchemy (+8), Craft:Traps (+5), Craft:Waterslides (+8), Craft:Musical Instruments (+8), Craft:Glassblower (+8), Disable Device (+6), Use Magic Device (+3), Knowledge:Plumbing (+8), Perform:Glass Harmonica (+3)

Drip, reporting for duty! I am the renegade soul of the Forgotten Village. I have come to redo all the plumbing and install golden pipes throughout the sett. You will hear merry sounds when you flush! Next, I will build magnificent water slides for the children. I can also sculpt custom minis for the gaming tables, and when the mood strikes I can give stirring performances on the glass harmonica.

Also, I heard that the sett is seeking a brewer of fine beverages. You will find that my concoctions are invigorating! I use secrets passed down by the gnomes of the Forgotten Village for generations.

Drip is a 1st level PRPG expert optimized for plumbing using a sett rule that gives an extra +2 craft bonus to gnomes with low charisma in place of the usual 0-level spells like speak with animals. Drip is a refugee under the protection of the celestial badgers, having escaped persecution by the charismatic gnomes. Currently he is the resident plumber at the Celestial Sett.