AC 14; TAC 12; FFAC 12; CMD 16 (20 vs bull rush and trip)
F +2; R +5; W +1 (+3 vs spells, spell-like, poison)
hp 17/17 Temp 0 | NL 0 perception +5 (+6 traps)(+7 or +8 stonework)
About Dreygard Splintershield
F +2; R +4; W +1 (+3 vs spells, spell-like, poison)
AC 14; TAC 12; FFAC 12; CMD 15 (19 vs bull rush and trip)
hp 10/9 Temp 0 | NL 0 perception +4 (+5 traps)
Dreygard Splintershield
2nd Male dwarf rogue scout
CG Medium humanoid
Init + 4; Perception +4 (+5 traps), darkvision 60 ft, stonecunning
DEFENSE AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 17
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +1
Special Defenses +3 vs poison, spells, and spell-like abilities, +4 dodge AC vs giant
OFFENSE Spd 20 ft.
Melee hvy pick +4 (1d6+4/x4)
Ranged dart+3 (1d4+3/x2)
Special Attacks Sneak Attack 1d6
STATISTICS Str 16, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 10 Cha 10
Base Atk + 1; CMB +4; CMD 16 (20 vs bull rush, trip)
FeatsOpening Volley Skills
2 acrobatics +7
2 bluff +5
1 diplomacy +4
1 climb +7
2 disable device +10
2 k dungeon +6
1 K history +2
2 k local +6
2 perception +5 (+6 traps)(+7 or 8 for stonework)
1 sense motive +4
1 sleight of hand +6
2 stealth +7
1 swim +7
Languages Common, Dwarf, Undercommon
SQTrapfinding +1, greed; Rogue Talent - Snap Shot Combat Gear starting gold 240 gp
hvy pick (looks like a mining pick) 8 gp, cold iron dagger (left wrist sheath) 4 gp, silver dagger 21 gp, sap 1 gp, sling, club, 5 darts (throwing knives) (one in right wrist sheath) 2.5 gp, leather 10 gp
Backpack 2 gp, 5pcs of chalk 0.05 gp, explorer's outfit, plain black mask 1 gp, flask 0.03 gp, flint and steel 1 gp, 5 days of trail rations, grappling hook 1 gp, silk rope 10 gp, belt pouch 1 gp, MW thieves tools 100 gp, sack 0.1 sp, whetstone 0.02 gp, 2 spring-loaded wrist sheaths 10 gp, drill 0.5 gp,
Magic items CMW potion[
23.3 gp unspent so far
Scarred Soul - The loss of brothers and a mother, after ten years of bickering, overbearing parents takes its toll.
Glory of Old - "Just plain old dwarven badassness!"
Indomitable Faith - "My brothers are dead. You people think it is all fine to assume he was successful in the Underdark; and I hope he was. But it doesn't change the fact that they aren't back."
Dreygard is the youngest brother of the famous Zenith Splintershield, who launched an expedition with his other two older brothers against the evils of the underdark. Although most people would think it fascinating to be related to a genuine hero, Dreygard took the loss of the brothers he looked up to very hard. He was still too young at the time to go on the expedition himself and stayed behind with the younglings. Every month that his brothers didn’t come back was another month that Dreygard sank into depression. His parents were also severely distraught, taking the losses even worse then he did. They went to extreme measures trying to keep young Dreygard safe, but all that did was push him away. Eventually, he found himself hanging out with the seedier elements of Cauldron and took to a life of petty crimes for a while.
He has cleaned up his act for the last year and has been trying to turn a new leaf by hiring on with Clan Arduun to work the newly discovered mines. A good honest labor would do the young dwarf some good. He soon discovered that mining wasn’t his forte, but luckily his employers did recognized that this dwarf had other skills that made Dreygard more useful to the clan than a pick swinger. He was soon acting as part-time security and part time spy against those who would seek to undermine Clan Arduun’s claims; such as Clan Blackaxe.
additional hx:
Zenith is your eldest brother. You have two others - Godar and Relhu. Both of them left the city with Zenith on his crusade against the Underdark. Your father, Davked, thought his sons' plans were foolish, and forbade them to leave the Malachite Fortress (see note below), promising to disown them if they disobeyed. Your brothers, flush with the arrogance of youth, went anyway, and Davked followed through on his promise. Davked's anger at his sons has caused a noticeable strain between your parents, and led to restrictive controls on your life, leading you to rebel by hanging out with the seedier crowd. (The motivation for you here is my suggestion, not required.)
Your Mother, Marta, passed away a few months ago by natural causes. Since then, Davked has withered away. He's lost a lot of weight and seemed to age several decades. His attitude has changed, becoming more aloof. Despite your best efforts, you haven't been able to coax anything from him.
Malachite Fortress: The Malachite Fortress was constructed by gnomes and dwarves to guard Jzadirune and, by extension, Cauldron, from the dangers of the Underdark. Zenith Splintershield was its commander, and he took the fortress's best fighters with him when he launched his attack. Most of the dwarves living in the fortress left for Cauldron, leaving only a small number of guards.
A typical day:
In the morning, Dreygard checks his mail slot for todays assignment from The Ardrun's and heads to one of the several open inns or taverns for a breakfast of preferably bacon or sausages, eggs, and hotcakes while he reads his message. He'll settle for biscuits and gravy or grits if he must. Usually he washes it down with fine coffee but occasionally with watered wine. While eating and reading, he listens to gossip of any out-of-towners, especially for sign of anyone in to deal with the Blackaxes.
He then goes about his work, whether it is joining a day labor crew, tailing a person of interest, lunching with informants, breaking into offices to steal evidence or swap out false ledgers. Sometimes he is required to head back into the mines and act as a hauler, because his bosses know he won't pass as an actual miner with his technique.
At the end some days, especially if he actually had to work in a mine, he'll dirty himself up if not already filthy and hit the Slippery Eek Tavern to swap tails with off-duty miners and try and root out any news of Blackaxe activities towards the mine. Other nights he'll hit the Coy Nixie and try and pick up a dame.
build plan:
1st opening volley, fc sp
2nd snap shot
3rd dodge
4th offensive defense
5th mobility
7th spring attack
Arduun note:
Darthal Blackaxe has the potential to cause us a great deal of grief. Gain his trust, and dissuade him from his search in the map emporium.