Dremaa's page

Organized Play Member. 13 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Long so I broke it up:


You should consider acid splash as a level 0 spell (could replace mage hand or message). It does 1d3 damage, +1 from her bloodline arcana, and possibly another +1 from using an acid flask as a focus (I think that is in the Ultimate Equipment book, so I am not sure if that is viable in your campaign-acid flasks are available in the CRB, but doesn't list a bonus).

For level 1 spells, drop obscuring mist and get silent image. It can do the same thing if you want (create an obscuring mist or better yet an obstacle that they might be scared to cross/interact with) and has to be interacted with to be disbelieved (illusion spell so it will have the +1 DC for being a gnome). I don't personally like enlarge person because it has a 1 round casting time and the early fights don't last many rounds before they are decided and you aren't buffing anyone until their 2nd or 3rd turn (at the earliest-unless you can pre-buff, then it is okay).

First level 2 spell should be glitterdust, also an "encounter ender" unless things are immune to blind. First level 3 should probably be haste, as you will likely have 4 combat oriented characters in the party. If you are allowed to create your own spells, she could consider a level 2 or 3 spell that deals acid damage and targets multiple enemies (like scorching ray/fireball). Acid arrow only hits one person (though the damage does linger). You also can do a lot of things with image spells. Depending on your other member, you may need to have certain spells so that they are available to your party.



Stat array is good for going longspear, could focus more on DEX and go with weapon finesse at level 1 to improve her chance to hit if she'd prefer using her claws (swap STR and DEX before racial adjustments, probably also swap INT and CON to make her more durable in melee). That would probably increase her damage, as she would likely not hit as often with 1/2 BAB. Stats would be 12/16/14/10/10/16 after gnome adjustments. She would also hit more often with her ranged (touch) attacks.

If she is charging in, you might want to get toughness earlier (swap with power attack or imp. initiative). For skills, she should max Kn (Arc) the first 5 levels, then 1 dip into other things for class bonuses the first 4 levels (perception, UMD, spellcraft, bluff/fly) and then levle 5 would need to be linguistics for the draconic language (unless you have 12 int to start and get it there). If she does go with 12 int, you might want to pick up some of the knowledge skills so that you can roll to find out things about what you are fighting.

If you want to deal with enemy casters, you could also try using spells to disable them instead of investing 3 feats (instead use the feats to improve DCs on spells with spell focus, improve spell penetration, or grab a metamagic feat or two). Starting at summon monster III, she is also able to summon some pretty nice combat monsters.

Since your rogue and ranger have the damage part covered, she should probably focus more on battlefield control and/or buffing before helping to finish off foes with her weapons/claws/acid splashes.

What are the other PCs bringing to the table in and out of combat? What does she want her character to do well?
Since she has played before and plays the same character, what were some of the strengths and weaknesses? You should probably help to lessen the weaknesses and either enhance or leave be the strengths.

If you have a flanking buddy built in (eidolon, animal companion) then it would make sense to take the outflank feat. Otherwise, you don't get the +2 bonus as often as you would a +1 bonus from weapon focus. Also, most of your full BAB class don't have a problem hitting and need their feats for other things. You usually only have 1 medium BAB class in the party in melee.

Other than the start of combat, there usually isn't a time where you are adjacent to everyone in your party.

In all of your examples, the teamwork feats would be good choices, but that may not always be the case.

If you wanted to increase your speed you could downgrade to a chain shirt or lamellar (leather), both are +4 light armor at 25 pounds. You need to lose a lot of weight if you want to get rid of encumbrance you need to lose 41 lbs at the moment-losing the longsword/shield and downgrading your armor is only a 34 lb loss (unless you get something lighter-there is +3 armor for 20 lbs and +2 armor for 15 lbs).

You may also want to think about getting a masterwork backpack for 50 gold. The masterwork backpack gives you a +1 to strength for determining carrying capacity, so you could carry an extra 12 lbs net (from 86 to 100, but the backpack weighs 4 instead of 2). Muleback cords give you a +8 to strength for carrying capacity, but cost 1,000 gold.

Another thing to consider is getting a ranged weapon so that you can attack things that fly or from afar. If you want a secondary weapon, you might want one that does bludgeoning and/or piercing damage (morning star is only 6 gold and 8 lbs and covers both types of damage).

Edit: You changed your gear so that you are under medium encumbrance, but your speed is still reduced from wearing light armor. Also, the numbers in the first paragraph are mostly invalid now from your changes, sorry.

From the PFS FAQ:


Does casting evil spells cause an alignment infraction?

Casting an evil spell is not an alignment infraction in and of itself, as long as it doesn't violate any codes, tenents of faith, or other such issues. Committing an evil act outside of casting the spell, such as using an evil spell to torture an innocent NPC for information or the like is an alignment infraction. For example: using infernal healing to heal party members is not an evil act.

Doesn't that seem to disagree with what SKR is saying?

Longetalos wrote:

What I would recommend is that the attributes be divided in half. Instead of from 1 to 18, they would go from 1 to 9. The odd numbered values are useless anyway in terms of bonuses.

Once that is in place, I would remove the -5 for having an attribute at 1 and instead start at +1 and work your way up to +9 (i.e. your PLUS would be equal to your Attribute).

Changing the rate would affect point buy at the start, stat increases at level ups, and ability drain/damage (as The Archive said).

What might be more feasible is subtracting 10 from the scores so that "average" is zero and your bonus (or penalty) is just half of your score. For dying, you would become unconscious at -10 and die at -20 minus your Con score.

Subtracting 10 is already what you often do before using your scores anyway, making it permanent would take some adjusting perception-wise but not different mechanics-wise.

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You can also leave slots open and take 15-60 min to fill them after you have scouted. At the lowest level (1-3) spells that crowd control enemies are best (sleep, color spray, grease, web, glitterdust). Damage spells (like fireball and lightning) are often very encounter specific but if you choose buff/debuff spells they are more versatile. Haste as your 3rd level spell will always allow your martial classes to perform better regardless of dungeon shape.

As for how they are fun, I think they are fun because you can cast spells. Just because you don't do as much damage as a martial character doesn't mean it is not as fun or important. Right now I am playing as a sorcerer with my brother-in-law who is a barbarian. I was excited when I did 15 damage (which is my maximum), whereas he does 13 damage minimum (and did 40 something on a crit once). I have cast color spray to a much greater effect than magic missile.

A_psychic_rat wrote:

well this is where i respectfully disagree with you sir, i have and will always believe that it works in the opposite line of bonuses, it just makes more sence that way.

if i stat damage you down to 2 strength, your over encumbered and falling over, its just logical, but that strength will return with time.

if i drain you down to 2 strength yes you fall over, only difference is this wont heal with time.

if your int id dammaged to 2 you are an animal for all purposes

int drain to 2 your just not getting smarter over time again.

tell me that doesnt make sence, stop reading the rules and see what they mean, seee it. your litteral reading of the rules would kill my brain if i played with you. we can play a diffrent game and its no worse for wear, i just really dont understand how you see it that way.

Edit: also if i ever started playing PFS id have to figure out which of us is correcxt but untill that time im cool....if i email a PFS person would they be able to give an official answer to this?

Second line on the link from Experiment 626 says "This damage does not actually reduce an ability, but it does apply a penalty to the skills and statistics that are based on that ability." The actual ability is not reduced with damage, thus only skill checks and combat checks are affected. For mental stats, it decreases the DC of spells, but otherwise has no effects on spell casting abilities. Penalties work the same way as damage, but they cannot reduce you to zero in a score (whereas damage can). Drain is permanent and affects all things based on that stat.

sgtrocknroll wrote:


Well, my infernal healing got screwed. Turns out the material component is a drop of demon blood or a DOSE of unholy water (25gp) so not getting to use it anytime soon as I don't have Blood Money, and the GM, not liking the constant healing I was doing, researched it and found I'd misread DOSE to read DROP.

The good news is he just brought in another player to make a character last night and we found this out before his character was done so we convinced him to change characters from a Ranger to a Life Oracle...had to PUSH the GM into allowing the class, thankfully we had precedent as a prior player played a Fire based one.

Sucks, as I was using Infernal Healing not just to keep the party moving but to be my first step towards exploring her evil roots, conceptually...

Unfortunately, there aren't a lot of other evil themed 1st level spells...

Your Eschew Materials feat WOULD allow you to cast the spell, as no cost is given for the materials according to RAW (GM has the ability to change any rule he wants, though). The way this sounds you are not having fun playing this game, is there a reason you are continuing?

sgtrocknroll wrote:

Plus we got shorted our pay by the rich farmer who was paying us 10gp/head bounties and refused to pay us the 120gp he owes us (prolly for fear the town will find out he brought down the kobold wrath). He's SO getting his barn fireballed when I get to the level where I can cast it...

Why are you waiting? He's a farmer, and there appear to be more of you than him, why not just kill him and take your reward?

Asking your GM why you don't have more gold is the best route to go, as s/he ultimately controls the amount of gold you can get/have. Crafting feats and the profession skill would both help if they are allowed. If magic is feared and there are no clerics, what happens to the sick? Do they just die? Seems like a crappy world. Might be able to sell your healing, and you have a party to protect you from the fearful.

Bacon666 wrote:

Cheers all

I'm theoth crafting a dwarfen couple to run the workshop in a magic shop who claimes to craft special order items faster than anyone else...

2 dwarfes lv 12 any paizo material (20 pointbuy if needed)

I'm thinking cleric(forgemasterb5/magus(soulforge)7 with cooperative crafting...

Can some1 think of a couple who craft faster?

Which other feats can help speed up the crafting process?

Having one be a wizard with the arcane builder discovery might be better, as the bonus can apply to wondrous items once and you can then craft those 25% faster. The magical aptitude feat would also increase spellcraft by 2/4. You could also make this character an elf, as they get a +2 to spellcraft checks. Though from an RP aspect, this might not be realistic.

Would taking a ki pool for a rogue be a good investment to get the vanishing trick, shadow clone, or any other ninja trick? It would seem that the vanishing trick would allow you to get sneak attack damage more often and the shadow clone would help with your survivability.

PapaZorro wrote:

10th level Sorcerer with Boon Companion - his AC is 10th level now. Flat out. It is - nothing can stop this from happening (short of level drain). This is the normal and rightful power of this majestic class.

Now he finds this Robe of Arcane Heritage - which boots his sorcererness by 4 levels for all effects. Suddenly his companion is less powerful than it otherwise would be? His feat is invalidated? Seems a lot less likely than it just boosting the companion.

It would boost the companion by 1 level (when you boost your sorcerer level by 4, your effective druid level becomes 14-3 = 11). Yes, his feat is rendered useless. It is not invalidated, it just has no effect. The same thing would happen if you took a weapon or armor proficiency and then took a level in the class with that proficiency.

The robes boost sorcerer level, not class level, from the way that I read it. This means that the maximum AC level from boon companion would not change (since your character level didn't change).