Man in Mask

Dread Lord Zombie's page

59 posts. Alias of Garydee.

Currently written it's better than the 9th level Meteor Swarm. Range of 500 feet is too good it seems.

I'd like for all of you to take a look at this Kickstarter that I'm supporting. It looks interesting with great art. It's a little of a mix of OSR and 5e. Based on the rougelike computer game. -of-mystery-roleplaying-ga?fbclid=IwAR1TrtSiyfN2XzGIynnwX_y9HCrANRtU-QK37LN 6txcxz7MKdM7U9P-nOuo

Edit-If link doesn't work just go to Kickstarter and search under ADOM.

Just askin'.

I haven't seen him post in over a month. Did he get banned?

Can we get the teleportation spells nerfed? They've been a headache to many a DM since day one.

Our thread disappeared! Did the Borg or thieves have a part in this travesty? I bet Sebastian had a hand in this.

I was wondering if the map of Golarion in the CS is going to be the same as the one on the website or is it going to be larger and cover more of the eastern part of the continent?

The problem with devastating blow is that a critical hit is scored every time when you cause damage. Wouldn't it be better if you just doubled damage. The way it is now is that you get screwed if you like to use a longsword(x2) instead of a battleaxe(x3).

Two things that stand out that I don't like..

1) Many of the school and domains start off with an at will power that is as powerful as a first level spell. What's the point of taking an offensive spell at first level?

2) Favored classes getting a bonus hit point every level. I don't like the fact that if I want to play an Orc fighter instead of a barbarian,
I miss out on hit points. It doesn't make sense.