Draughtmoore the invoker's page

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The olde Crusader class cleric is pretty awesome as well, mostly for war priests, you as strong as a fighter, and can cast spheres of your diety.

The Cleric Quintet is a excellent, example I agree, Cadderly, is a force to be reconide with.

High level clerics in a campaigne are devestating, and get respect, believe you me when a priest brings you back from death, and can speak directly to there god, they can literally move mountains, one of my priests has 200 followers and A floating Citadel, is Lawful Neutral, and is thought of as a hero for the common, people Hoar or Assuran in Unther is a ancient Untheric god and is a diety of Ironic Justice and Vengence also, In the campaine he is also the War god of Mulhorande after getting vengence on Anhur for a past agression. As a High priest, armys are at your command and people adore you, almost worship you as a incarnation of the god. Specialty priests are awesome characters to play and be friends of.

That is classic thanks for the Lol.

You know the best adventures are with average score characters, because, not every adventure is super score guy, or girl average is a what 9 to 15. It just feels like more of a challenge if you win that battle or make your save, and you can role play the excitement like I cannot believe the enemy so feared miss me and I hit him, amazingly, the gods must smile on me, not to say I havent had good adventures with awesome scores, It just seems earned more and as you progress as a fighter or what ever you actually to get better, instead of well I can just wipe them all out anytime I want kind of Attitude, and surviving intact is more appreciated.

I have had so many adventures, I think each one of them holds some special moments, of Laughter, or when some one came up with a awesome idea, and it worked, or when you thought your favoriate character was doomed and about to risk everything for his fellow adventures and friends and pull off the upset against, your opponent, just when your friends decide to stick it out and die fighting for something you and they believe in, because of loyalty and honor, or to save a friend from a fiend, instead of being greedy, you use your hard earned granted wish to save someone, Even if its just a peasant, or common, person. Or One of the Most rememberable, too me is a story of Love a Priest of Hoar the Doombringer, was helpless to help his Love, and she perished against some fiends, so Lynch traveled all the way to The God Tyrs plane and didnt ask just stole her spirit away, Lynch later avenged his lady, brought here back to live and was confronted by Tyre and had to do some missions for the Clergy of Tyre, Lynch Lucidious later, was trapped in Time in Ancient Nethrial, and was unable to get back to his own time, the last adventure I played in.

A norse type is just a suggestion, so You can have a primative, tribes, fighting against a evil empire, We can make them Norse Type of Desert dwellers, plains rider, Ill just have to Adjust the Climate and alot of different elements, and Races, to be unique and different. I once started my own Primer world game world Named Vileruin, The ORCs ruled supreme and there where rebells fighting to regain the surface world must of the Good races where driven under ground and a Few Fortifications that the Ors deamed unworthy of there attention, It started out pretty good, but I got busy in the real world and blew it off.

Draggonman you out there, Can I help, establish a starting point or work on any specific Ideas, already in the workds.

I have a another Dark princess, in Mind who is a half fiend, named Asmadilia, the only liveing daughter of Asmodieus, the Great Leader of The Nine Hells, Asmadilia is a Fighter/Mage specialist Conjurier, LE,

Its just a sample, Need alot more depth and character, will work on if interested in such, plus stats on a New stronger bread of Goblin, that is fearless, and respected, Warriors to the core.

How do i send you a sample character of The Goblin Dark Prince. I have it on file but dont know who to send it, over messageboard for people to see.

The Norseman type Men are basically a bartering people, few crops mostly hunting, and kind of Nomadish, they have to move sometimes to get there food, but the past years have been hard with the rise of the Dark Goblin prince, who is elimnating all resistance and eating there food, and killing there kin, there seems to be no choice but to resist this evil, The hearts of the Norseman or week after being Defeated in the Great Battle of Cold Steel, The battle cry of the Northmen Let them eat Cold steel, has not been heard in quit sometime, The men of the North need champions do you have enough courage and might to Defeat the Prince of Manegrith.

The Goblin Prince, has a more human name and equal intelligence, but still balanced as a crazed evil Fighter/Crusader of a evil Goblin war diety, shamans, mostly, The one enemy they respect left is the Druids of the Frost Maiden, In the Forest of the Frozen spire. But the dark Goblin prince is pushing the forest to be destroyed and finding a way to burn it all of it.

I would totaly love to Help, and be involved, I want to create,a Rebellious Legend of Norse type men, in the North, fighting one of the Dark princes of the World, on a continent, called Manegrith I would like to be in charge of okay, Can I create the Dietys and Norse type people good and bad, and The Dark prince, is Lawful yet evil, I want to create a unique form of Goblins that are slighly larger and stronger, and able to live up to the harsh climates.

IF anyone is starting, a game soone on post I would like to play, but I need help, Iam a newbie, Iam a pencial and paper Player only, Iam a thinker and creater, not just a monster slayer, Iam 35 and Ive been a gamer since I was 12, old school, gamer not real familiar with West Coast 3.5 game Ive got the basics, But I like the old spells, from the past better 2nd edition, mage compendiums, all thing magical, priest compendiums, Spell and magic hardcover, and such. More creative then the newer ones.

I use to be with newbie players would try to use invisibility to go ahead of the party, scout and of course they would be a thief or mage/thief and pocket items ahead of us with out telling the group, or they would try this tactic and get wacked, before we could assist them for being greedy.

We usualy do the same as the above,message the Dm and the invisible person can pass notes if they wish on what activities the Invisible person is doing, without the rest of the party, knowing its kind of erie that way exspecialy, if its a party of non good characters. Watch your back and sleep with protections on.

The patient should have been sterile and I did wash my hands after words, hahahah.

My character Dron would pernounce him D.B.I The lich would be Dead again By Invocation.

Iam a primer and Ive travel more than most planars could dream off, originaly Iam from Mystara, My name is Dron Draughtmoore, The Grand Invoker, Baron of the Storm Horns of Cormyr, Personal investigator of The King Of Cormyr, student of Vanderhast, harper friend, Rescuer of Wakeen The Merchants Friend, invader of the Abyss, Red robe of the 4th Cirle of Krynn, foiler of Chromatic Queen, Celtic legend of Olde Earth,
harrasser of Hells minions and forever the sworn enemy of the Red Wizards of Thay, Founding memeber of the Company of the Riseing Sun, adventureing Guild, Oriacle of The planes, traveler of the stars, (spelljamming). Champion of Waekeen, will help good merchants, every where. At your service, If you need some more plots or something I would like to help in my spare time, when Iam not busy, spreading,chaos among the evil, horrible wizards of thay, I could be anyone anywhere Red wizard so watch your backs and keep your mightess spells at the ready.

These are all pretty good, I appreciate a good story line, and realy good role players, not hack and slash grap, I like to outwit enemys.

There are factions for Law and chaos so be careful there pretty fanatic and you can get in over your head, quick believe be its happened.

perhaps the sencates trick them into the differante spheres of law and chaos to see how they will handle situations on either planes or such.
Iam not sure if Iam spelling sencates correctly or not sorry, havent been to Sigal in sometime, awesome place. Watch out for the razor vine, heehhe, I actualy used it in a scatterspray spell once is a material for my spell, man did that look painful, that dumb butt, dont mess with this Planewalker.

If that doenst work there is a faction known as the sencates, I thinkg it is that may help you read about, them. Maybe they run some kind of experiement envolving the poor town of Sugarloaf as there test subject, which leads some adventures to go find out what is going on.

How about something to do with the Blood wars,activity.

There is another wicked spell, about makeing a constituion check for each limb on you Body, total of 5 rounds, failure means you limb is broken, thats againizing and painfull, Seen a necromancer use it on a enemy once, even as a invoker I non of my spells hurt that much. I think it like Wither bones or something like that. ouch

I think Aganizzer scorcher 2n level last two round, Iam not sure.

There is another one thats a time sphere, about the enemy realiveing the last three round again, and taking the same damage if any again all at once, cannot remember the spells name or statistics thou.

Blood boil, I remember that one its not very nice either, hehehe

Also if you deal with fiends alot there is a 6th level spell called spirit wrack, range 10ft plus 10feet/level Three rounds total its a punishment and protections spell specifical for high up creatures of the devil or demon type preparation alone is 1d4plus 8hours and cost 6,000 for all supplys. and the creature is present, you can proceed During each round of reading the target has a 25% cumulative chance to conced without and inducements. Three round to verbalize the spell, when you start reading the document the target becomes Immobile unless it makes its magic resisitance even if if succedds the monster is wracked with pain and is likely to retreat to its own plane if it can, Reguardsless of the rolls results, the target is powerless to attack the wizard while he reads the spell, Reading the first part takes one round with the targets discomfort increasing. During the second round the monster loses 1 hitpoint per hitdie. At the end of this round the target is extreme pain, the Third and final round of the reading reduces the creatures remaining hitpoints by 50% causes horrible pain and exiles the creature to its home plane imprisoned in pain for a number of years equal to the casters level. Target creature becomes the sworn foes of the wizard who cast,it. This spell originated on the Plane of Acheron. If you use these spell as a bluff and fail, woe to thee.

I created a spell 7th level DronsDoubledou fireball spells one right after the other, you can save for half damage on the first one, but the second there is no save vs Spell. casting time of 6 and range is 10feet a level I believe in a 20 ft radious. Its been a while since Ive casted it. Only two fire ball spells. working on A 9th level version of above.

What about Heat metal spell, clerical I believe, 2 or 3 rounds, Its been a while since I used it.

I dont think elves would mate with dwarves at all though, for somereason. Got a question for yea, in a adventure say, you came home and found a dwarf mateing with you wife, would you be entertained and curious or would you fly off the handle, and kick his butt.

Any ways I never even thought of that, Dwarves breading with other races, if a halfling and a dwarf mated some how, jess ah what the ???

Okay, thats enough of that, sorry about that.

If a female dwarf went human would she go back to the small male dwarves or no

Well what if a female dwarf and human got drunk and did the deed, or the human got her bearded freak butt drunk and took advantage of her. lol Its a long shot but some horny guy would do it, I bet. Maybe she was a dwarf gone wild hehehhe

So how does one Join, The game, are you interested in anymore players, I would like to play a Specialist Mage, or what ever the party needs, how do I get started and when,at all can I play in Cormyr.

I remember some real crazy stuff, like in one game are characters, where in someking of Mountain and there was a alien space craft of some kind and we where trying to explore it and someone was playing a Minotaur and the aliens hurt and captured him and assimulated him in to half robot or cybor, we came up with all kind of cracks on that one like stuff about cow chips and and zany stuff like that, I still remember laughing and joining in on the fun.

I would have laughed my butt off, man thats pretty cool, I like those kind off situations, in a game, they make everyone playing, laugh and feel good, and bring gamers closer and people learn. Humor is part of the funs sometimes not just, the game but makeing friends and having a good time too.

You guys must have been in a brothal hehehe

Flaming ouch, thats got to hurt, on the tatas, burning bosoums.

Sorry to ask this but does anyone now Spyder or heard from him lately, He might be able to help me find a friend of mine who us to live in Tampa, around 2000 to 2001, lost contact with him.

Spyder are you in here, can you contact me please than you.

Thats funny

a hold portal spell isnt going to work on that leek dude.

The arch is leeking what arch, oh dang I just got blasted, to the nine hlls.

I have a question what if the lich, is a archlich, do they say, archleek??

One I use to have a problem with is Wyrm, is that a dragon or a Wyrm or a giant worm, hahahah, either way its going to be a hurtin, unless I vaporize it or teleport.

know one Ive heard in different ways is the word drow, same so droow, so I elimnated it and just say a Dark elf hahaha But then hey ever elf is dark in the dark hehehhe

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