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Maeloke wrote:
. Personally, I think it's also farfetched for a mount to hear a whistle from a mile off, in most scenarios.

I disagree. My father used to whistle for us when I was young. We could hear him Several city blocks away on a , for lack of a better term, quiet day. I do not know if a horses hearing is better than a humans, but I do not think that it is far fetched.

The Whistle feature itself is an excellent suggestion. Reminds me of the old Musketeer/cowboy movies.

Shadow13.com wrote:

You can't challenge a house cat or a brick wall because they can't accept your challenge.

The brick wall, sure. A house cat, not so. (Now, unless you're playing Bunnies & Burrows or Mouse Guard or something, you're unlikely to do so.) Animals understand the concept of challenges just fine; just roar at it or move to catch its attention or make yourself look large or something. Animals challenge each other, even.

Challenges should work on anything subject to mind-affecting effects. [/QUOTE

I agree. It is up to the player to issue the challenge in a way that the opponent can understand.

MerrikCale wrote:
I would like to see the class have a clairvoyant type class feature no matter the foci

I am a fan of both the historical definition of "oracle" and the current perception. Should a clairvoyant aspect be injected (and even if it is not), I think that a renown or reputation factor should be intjected. You have this wise person traveling around giving advice and making predictions. They are going to become famous/infamous the more successful they are. Depending on what type of person they are, this could be a blessing or a curse. Sure, this could be said about any class. Fame is gained the more you do, but with the oracle, people are hanging on your every word. What you say is very personal to them. You are the wise person, that is why they have sought your council. Great adventure hook.