Hobgoblin Sergeant

D'rahlon Scaarg's page

2 posts. Alias of Sebecloki.

Full Name

D'rahlon Scaarg


Hobgoblin (Lycanthrope)


Lycanthrope (Wererat) 1






Earth Dragon




Common, Goblin



Strength 16
Dexterity 16
Constitution 16
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 15
Charisma 4

About D'rahlon Scaarg

D'rahlon Scaarg
Hobgoblin (Lycanthrope) 1

Strength 16 (+3)
Dexterity 16 (+3)
Constitution 16 (+3)
Intelligence 10 (+0)
Wisdom 15 (+2)
Charisma 4 (-3)

Init +3; Senses Keen Senses, Low-light vision, Animal Senses; Perception +7


AC 21 (+3 Dex, +1 (Natural Armor), +4 (Ring Mail) +2 (Uncanny Defense)), Touch 15, Flat Footed 18
Hp 16
Fortitude +5, Reflex +5, Intuition +4, Will -4


Speed 30 ft
Melee sword, arming + 3, 1d8/19-20.

Speed 40 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
Melee bite +1 (1d4 plus disease)
Special Attacks disease; venomous natural attack

Gear: sword, arming, scale male, dire rat sized scale mail
Languages: Common, Goblin

Special Abilities :

Disease (Ex): Filth fever: Bite—injury; save Fort DC 11; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect 1d3 Dex damage and 1d3 Con damage; cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Racial Feats and Traits: Hobgoblin

Racial Feats:

Hobgoblins trade their goblin racial feats for two of the following options:

● Attribute Boost (Ex): You gain an additional +1 racial bonus to one attribute (choose Strength,
Dexterity, or Constitution).
● Bonus Feat (Ex): As the human bonus feat, but more limited; select either Combat Expertise, Skill Focus, Toughness, Weapon Finesse, or Weapon Specialization.

Racial Traits:

Hobgoblins have darkvision 60 ft. (from their goblin parentage) and also retain one of the following goblin traits. They lose the other goblin racial traits, including the goblin’s small size.
● Bandy-Legged (Ex): You have an even more exaggerated stature than other hobgoblins, with bowed legs and massive shoulders. You gain Skill; Synergy (Athletics, Handle Animal) as a bonus feat, and gain a +2 racial bonus to your CMD against bull rush or trip attempts while on solid ground. Source: Advanced Races Guide.
● Fast (Ex): Your base land speed increases by 10 ft.
● Keen Senses (Ex): You gain Skill Synergy (Craft (Alchemy), Perception) as a bonus feat.
● Low-light vision (Ex): Self-explanatory, from elven heritage.
● Menacing (Ex): You gain Intimidating Prowess as a bonus feat.
● Sneaky (Ex): You gain Skill Focus (Stealth) as a bonus feat.

Weapon Familiarity: Hobgoblins are larger than goblins, and correspondingly prefer larger weapons.
They have Martial proficiency with arming swords, longbows, and with all polearms. Those with Martial proficiency in one or more of the weapons listed (as a class feature) also gain Exotic proficiency with one of those weapons.

Racial Feats and Traits: Lycanthrope

Unless noted otherwise, lycanthropes retain all the racial feats and traits of the primary race. They also gain the following:

● Animal Empathy (Ex): +4 racial bonus to Handle Animal checks made with animals of the same type/descriptor as the lycanthrope’s animal form.
● Animal Senses (Ex): Lycanthropes have low-light vision in all forms.

Class Features: Lycanthrope

Saving Throws: Lycanthropes gain a +2 class bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Intuition saves.

Bonus Skills: Lycanthropes gain 1 free rank per class level in Athletics, Endurance, Perception, Stealth, and Survival. These are otherwise treated as class skills.

Other Class Skills: Acrobatics, Concentration.

Skill Points per Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Lycanthropes are proficient with their natural weapons. They gain Canny Defense as a bonus feat, but receive no additional weapon or armor proficiencies.

Animal Form (Su): Once per day you can take a standard action to assume the form of an animal, as if under the effects of a beast shape I spell. The type of animal depends on the type of lycanthrope you are: werebear-Medium black bear; wereboar-Medium boar; weretiger-Medium cat; wererat-Small dire rat; werewolf-Medium wolf. Starting at 5th level, you can take the form of a Large animal of the appropriate type (e.g., a brown bear, dire boar, or dire wolf) or Tiny animal (rat), as if under the effects of a beast shape II spell.

Damage Reduction (Ex): Starting at 1st level, you gain damage reduction 5/silver when in animal form. At 2nd level, you have DR 5/silver in your human form, and DR 10/silver in animal or hybrid form (see below).

Natural Armor (Ex): Your natural armor bonus increases by +1 per lycanthrope class level you possess. The maximum such bonus in humanoid form is +2; in animal or hybrid form (see below), you receive the full bonus.

Scent (Ex): Starting at 1st level, you gain the scent special quality (you gain the effects of this quality in your humanoid and hybrid forms, not just in your animal form).

Skills: Athletics (Dex) + 9( + 1 + 2 + 3 + 3), Handle Animal (Cha) -1 (-3 + 2), Craft (Alchemy (Int)) + 2, Perception (Wis) + 9 (+ 1 +2 +3 +3), Stealth (Dex) + 11 (+ 1 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 3), Endurance (Con) +7 (+1 + 3 + 3), Perception (Wis) +9 (+ 1 + 2 + 3 + 3), Survival (Wis) +7 (+ 1 + 3 + 3)


Canny Defense
Prerequisite: Int, Wis, or Cha 13.
Benefit: Choose one mental attribute score (once chosen, this cannot be changed). When wearing light armor or no armor, and not carrying a medium or heavy load, you treat that attribute modifier as an insight bonus to Armor Class. This bonus applies even when you are flat-footed, but not if you are immobilized or helpless.
Special: The AC bonus granted by this feat overlaps with (does not stack with) the armor bonus granted by arcane mage armor.
Synergy: You can gain the benefits of this feat when wearing medium or heavy armor, but only if you are able to reduce the armor skill check penalty to -0 (e.g., through the Armor Training talent and/or sufficient ranks in Endurance as a class skill).
Source: This feat supersedes the monk’s wisdom bonus to AC and the duelist prestige class feature of the same name from the core rules, and also the “Armor of the Senses” variant class feature from Dragon magazine, issue 340.

You have enhanced physical stamina.
Benefit: You gain +3 hit points. Also, for every Hit Die you possess or gain, you gain an additional +1 hit point (e.g., a 10 HD creature would have +13 hp tota from this feat).

Venomous Natural Attack
Prerequisites: Con 13+, natural weapons.
Benefit: A number of times per day equal to your Constitution modifier, you can secrete poison onto one set of your natural weapons (bite, or claws, etc.) as a swift action. This poison remains in place until you damage a target with that weapon. Any creature struck must succeed on a Fort save (DC 10 + half your Hit Dice + your Con modifier) or be poisoned. You are immune to your own poison. The poison you secrete cannot be collected or preserved.
Poison-injury, damage 1d2 Strength per round; duration 6 rounds; cure 1 save.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time, it applies to a different mode of natural attacks.
Source: Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss.

Skill Synergy [Skill] (Athletics, Handle Animal)
Benefit: Choose two skills. You can use the indicated skills untrained, even if this is not normally possible. You also get a +2 racial bonus on all checks made using those skills. Examples of skill synergy feats (and the associated skills) include Agile (Acrobatics, Escape Artist), Cosmopolitan
(Diplomacy, Streetwise), Persuasive (Bluff, Diplomacy), Self-Sufficient (Heal, Survival), etc.
Design Note: I’m aware that almost no one will ever select this feat voluntarily. In general, skill synergies get handed out as racial traits (see Races), and consolidating them into the form of a single feat allows for a single feat reference to be used there, rather than repeating the description each time. This is the reason the bonus type is designated as a “racial bonus.”
Source: This feat supersedes the various similar sub-feats, and also the Breadth of Experience racial feat from the Advanced Player’s Guide.

Skill Synergy [Skill] (Craft (Alchemy, Perception)
Benefit: Choose two skills. You can use the indicated skills untrained, even if this is not normally possible. You also get a +2 racial bonus on all checks made using those skills. Examples of skill synergy feats (and the associated skills) include Agile (Acrobatics, Escape Artist), Cosmopolitan
(Diplomacy, Streetwise), Persuasive (Bluff, Diplomacy), Self-Sufficient (Heal, Survival), etc.
Design Note: I’m aware that almost no one will ever select this feat voluntarily. In general, skill synergies get handed out as racial traits (see Races), and consolidating them into the form of a single feat allows for a single feat reference to be used there, rather than repeating the description each time. This is the reason the bonus type is designated as a “racial bonus.”
Source: This feat supersedes the various similar sub-feats, and also the Breadth of Experience racial feat from the Advanced Player’s Guide.

Intimidating Prowess [Combat, Skill]
Your physical might is intimidating to others.
Benefit: You choose whether to apply your Strength modifier or your Charisma modifier to Bluff checks made to demoralize or browbeat.
● If you have at least 6 ranks in Bluff, you ignore all size modifiers to Bluff checks to intimidate or browbeat, when it is to your advantage to do so.
● If you have at least 11 ranks in Bluff, add both your Strength and your Charisma modifier (if both are positive).
● If you have at least 16 ranks in Bluff, you can demoralize creatures that are normally immune to fear (although the maximum condition is Shaken, regardless of the margin by which you win the check).
Normal: The Bluff skill is Charisma-based.

Skill Focus [Skill] (Stealth)
Choose a skill. You are particularly adept at that skill.
Benefit: If the skill in question is not a class skill for you, it becomes one. This gives you the +3 class skill bonus and access to the “class skill” abilities listed under that skill (Chapter 4). If the skill in question is already a class skill, you gain a competence bonus on all checks involving that skill equal to half your number of ranks (minimum +3). In addition, your critical success range for that skill (Chapter 1) increases to 19-20.
Special: If the skill is not a class skill for you, you can take this feat twice: once to make the skill a class skill, and a second time to gain the competence bonus and expanded crit range. If the skill is already a class skill, you can select this feat only once with that skill, but can still take Skill Focus with other skills.
Source: This feat supersedes the feat of the same name from the core rules, and also the Epic Skill
Focus feat from the 3.5 edition System Reference Document.