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RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 aka Drahkan

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Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:

Brandon, the problem is you clarified that you felt the rules called for something specific AND that you felt your map met that criteria, AND that some people weren't judging it on that criteria.

That's additional information about in what way you felt you met this challenge, and an effort to sway voters with that new information.

So that really is more than "this is my entry for round 2, not for something else," which I STILL wouldn't recommend a contestant posting.

That's where the semantics comes in: I didn't imply any of those "AND"'s in my original post, at least not as you've rephrased them. It was "the rules state that round 2 submissions are for encounter maps, not flip maps; your comment gives the appearance that you didn't know that, and as that's important for any voters to know, here's me correcting that incorrect assumption." Not that it matters - the interpretation of a judge is all that matters - but I still disagree.

Regardless, that last "non-recommendation" alone means that, almost literally, you don't think that any contestants should post anything, period, until after a round of judging is complete...which makes me wonder why contestants are not "banned" from posting on (their) entries to begin with. Not sure that's something currently implemented, but *I* obviously would have benefited from the inability to post; maybe it's something that could be brought up with the site dev team? It just seems counter-intuitive to allow people to inadvertently incriminate themselves, as it were, given the forum-like structure of the contest, especially for something that relies so much on individual interpretation.

Even just rewording the rules to something like this would have made a HUGE difference, as it leaves no room for a contestant to be "suckered into a DQ":

During public voting rounds, contestants are prohibited from any public discussion (...*snip*...) relating to their current submissions. This applies to (but is not limited to) interviews, personal blogs, and messageboard posts on paizo.com or elsewhere, including the paizo.com discussion thread for the entry itself. Any such discussion may result in disqualification, in the sole discretion of the judges and/or Paizo.