About Dr. Tavan ZandhiDr. Tavan Zandhi is a male damaya lashunta with dark blond hair and blue eyes. He wears squad hardlight series armor and has several aeon stones orbiting his head. Dr. Zandhi wears an injector pistol on his left hip and an arc pistol on his right. He has a laser pistol in a boot holster on his right foot. Most people's attention is immediately drawn to the high tech medical gauntlet that he wears on his left hand (and goes halfway up to his elbow). After many missions, Dr. Zandhi has become more adept at combat, but negotiations are more often his first choice. Init +7
Fort +13, Ref +11, Will +10
Feats: Medical Expert, Toughness, Weapon Focus Small Arms, Great Fortitude, Improved Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Improved Iron Will Skills: Computers +22, Culture +23, Diplomacy +19, Engineering +22, Life Science +29, Medicine +28, Perception +22, Physical Science +26, Profession (Doctor) +26, Sense Motive +22 Languages: giant, terran, auran, shirren, pahtra, dwarven, triaxian, common, elven, castrovelian, kasatha, celestial, vesk, draconic, aklo, eoxian, vercite, azlanti, infernal, abyssal, jinsul Lashunta Abilities:
Lashunta Magic, at will: Daze, Psychokinetic Hand, 1/day: Detect Thoughts
Student - +2 racial bonus to Medicine and Life Science Limited Telepathy 30 feet Scholar Theme - +1 to Life Science Biohacker Abilities:
Custom Microlab (medical lab) 120 ft, Biohacks, Injection Expert +2, Primary Field: Genetics, Secondary Field: Neurochemistry, Tertiary Field: Cybermedicine, Scientific Method (Studious), Spark of Ingenuity 1x/day
Gene Therapy (Ex): As a standard action, you can create and deliver a medicinal formula to a living creature that suspends the effects of damage to their mind and body. When injected, the formula allows the target to ignore the effects of all ability score damage and drain for for 24 hours. Boost Neurotransmitters (Ex): As a standard action, you can create and deliver a compound that causes a surge of cognitive activity. When injected into a creature, the formula grants the target a +4 enhancement bonus to saving throws against mind‑affecting effects for 1 minute. If the target is already subject to a mind-affecting effect, the target can immediately attempt a new saving throw with a +2 enhancement bonus against the effect. This does not grant a new saving throw if the effect did not originally allow one. Enhancements:
Squad Hardlight Series armor (forcepack, planar runeplates Mk I, electrostatic field Mk 3, longstrider module), battery x3, high capacity battery x3, 85 darts, 25 explosive darts, medpatch x4, Mk I healing serum x2, personal comm unit, ring of resistance Mk I, tier 1 antitoxin x2, flashlight, Library Chips for - engineering, culture, life science, physical science, broad-spectrum scanning kit, hacking kit, professional's tools (doctor), clear spindle aeon stone, turquoise cube aeon stone, poacher injector pistol (called fusion, light bayonet bracket, tactical sword cane), aurora arc pistol (guarded fusion, laser sight), aphelion laser pistol (guarded fusion), Mk 1 null space chamber, jetpack (not equipped), infrared sensors (not equipped) Biohacks:
Minor (do not count against prepared biohacks) 1. Minor booster (first aid, treat drug, poison, or disease) 2. Minor inhibitor (-1 to attack rolls, lasts for 9 rounds) Boosters (last for Int Bonus in rounds = 6)
Inhibitors (last for 3 + Int Bonus in rounds = 9)
Biohacker Theorems:
1. Field Dressing (Ex) As a standard action, you can use your custom microlab to quickly render medical aid to an adjacent willing or unconscious creature. Heals 2d8 + 6 hit points. You must have your custom microlab in your possession to use this ability, and you can use it a number of times per day equal to your key ability score modifier (6). Once a creature has benefited from your field dressing, they cannot benefit from your field dressing again until they take a 10-minute rest to recover Stamina Points. [dice=Field Dressing healing]2d8+6[/dice] hit points 2. Arms Expert (Ex) If you have the weapon specialization class feature, add your full class level to damage (rather than half your class level) with small arms and weapons with which you have gained proficiency through the injection expert class feature. 3. First Aid Expert (Ex) When you use your custom microlab as a medkit, advanced medkit, or medical lab to treat deadly wounds and exceed the DC by 5, rather than add your Intelligence modifier to the amount healed, you add twice your Intelligence modifier to the amount healed. 4. Treat Condition (Ex) As a standard action, you can treat a willing, adjacent creature to remove the shaken, sickened, or staggered condition. This doesn’t end the effect that caused the condition, and the target can regain the condition from any source as normal. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your key ability score modifier. You regain all expended uses of this ability (up to your maximum) when you take a 10-minute rest to recover Stamina. 5. Improved Treat Condition (Ex) Add the following conditions to the list of those you can remove with the treat condition theorem: frightened and nauseated. Dr. Zandhi's Saves [dice=Fortitude]1d20+13[/dice]
★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★ Skills [dice=Computers]1d20 + 22[/dice]
[dice=Engineering]1d20 + 22[/dice]
[dice=Physical Science]1d20 + 26[/dice]
★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★
Ranged Attacks:
[dice=Arc Pistol vs EAC]1d20+18[/dice]
[dice=Static Laser Pistol vs EAC]1d20+18[/dice]
Melee Attack:
In ship combat, Dr. Zandhi prefers to be the Science Officer, Engineer, Captain, or Gunner (in that order of preference), but he will take any role that the group needs (and that he is qualified for). Treat Deadly Wounds:
Heals 25 + patient's level or CR At DC:25 heal 1 hp per level or CR of patient, + my level (Medical Specialist) + 2 times my Int mod (First Aid Expert Theorem) Can use twice per day per patient with Med Lab (or Custom Microlab). Takes 1 minute (or a full round action with a medpatch or sprayflesh.)
Medic Archetype:
Doctor (Ex) - 2nd Level You gain a number of special abilities related to the Medicine skill and healing, as noted below. Whenever you use equipment or one of your abilities to restore Hit Points to a creature, any surplus healing beyond that required to restore the creature to its maximum Hit Points restores that many Stamina Points to the creature. You can tend up to 20 patients with long-term care. When you use the long-term stability task of Medicine, if you succeed at the Medicine check by 10 or more, the patient heals 1 HP and regains consciousness. You can use Medicine to treat disease in only 1 minute instead of 10 minutes. Medical Specialist (Ex) - 9th Level