Doug Wacker's page

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Hey all,

I am rubbish at visual arts and want a good drawing of my Runequest character. Would anyone like to offer up a free drawing?

He is a 21 years old Wilderness Orlanthi (read barbarian), profession storm chaser, follower of Urox the Storm Bull, described as loud boastful and brave. He hates chaos and likes to hit things with his great axe. He has a buckler. He has a little magic, mostly spells that help him hit things, like fanatacism, strength, and berserk. He has a mail shirt covering chest, abdomen, and arms, leather greaves, and an open helm. I never envisioned him with much facial hair, but am open to such things.

Did I mention that he hates chaos and likes to hit things? :)

Please post links here.
