
Dorotian 'Doro' Andalar's page

101 posts. Alias of Dread.

Full Name

Dorotian 'Doro' Andalar


Paladin 8 | HP 68/68 (0 NL) | AC 26 (T 13 , FF 25) | F +10 R +5 W +9 | Init +1| Darkvision, Perception +2 , Sense Motive +11 | Active conditions: None


Male | Half-Orc | Immune to Fear, Disease, Charm








Common, Orc

Strength 20
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 14

About Dorotian 'Doro' Andalar


Doro is a tall, powerfully built half-orc. His skin color is a deep green. His facial features are somewhat orcish. He has black hair that he keeps short on his head and his eyes are soft and kind for one of his race. He tends to dress in an straightforward, "functional" manner. He usually looks determined from folks looking at his mein.

Doro has a few tattoos on his arms and shoulders. He has a tatoo on the right side of his chest of a sword in a starburst to indicate his following of Iomedae on his right shoulder. He has a scar on his left leg of the bite marks from a guard dog.


The time spent as part of Lastwalls defenders in Vigil left a deep impression on him. Prior to that, he'd been more sympathetic to his orcish brethren. After a few years fighting against raids he bacame more jaded and more inclined to try and live down their violent nature. He is a decisive combatant, sometimes thought foolhardy for stepping up into the fray as opposed to being more cautious.

Doro's parents were Lucinda Andalar, a priestess of Iomedae and his father Grokar of the Stone Tooth tribe. Grokar had defected and joined Lastwalls defenders because of the respect and love he shared with Lucinda the brave priestess. The Stone Tooth Tribe had raided the frontier fort they occupied to get control of Grokar and punish him. They took him back to the tribe. Lucinda put together a rescue party among them being Professor Lorimer, who she knew from helping guide him through the Belkzen waste in search of knowledge about the Whispering Tyrant.

They succeeded but Grokar was mortally wounded and did not survive the trip back. A few months later Doro was born. He became acquainted with the Professor who stopped by from time to time and saw the Growing Half Orc as a son of sorts. Doro tried to join the priesthood but was too combatative an they soon turned his attention to being the arm of the church instead of the brains. When Doro had started his training Professor Lorimar came and gave the gift of a suit of chainmail to the half orc.

about 8 months ago, Lucinda died. Professor Lorimar came to the funeral. So it was only natural when The professor passed, Doro went to his.

As the group checked out the town and prison following the funeral, they saw Doro frequently following up his own investigation and twice they saw him engaging agents of the whispering way.

When they moved on to Ravensburg, they noticed he was there as well and they saw him at the beasts trial.

Now here he is chasing down the whispering way and at Ascanor Lodge when the party sees him and approaches him.

Dorotian 'Doro' Andalar
Male half-orc Paladin 8 (Favored Class-Paladin)
LG Medium humanoid (human, orc)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +2
AC-26 , touch-13 , flat-footed-25 ( +9 armor, +1 Dex, +3 shield, +2 Ring, +1 Amulet)
MW Full Plate +9AC +1 max dex -5acp 20' move. 50 pounds
+1 Heavy Steel Shield +3 Shield bonus -1ACP. 15pounds
+2 Ring of Protection
+1 Amulet of Natural Armor

hp 68/68 (8d10+16)

Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +10
Defensive Abilities sacred tattoo[APG]
Divine Grace
Immune to Fear
Immune to Diseases.
Immune to Charm
Offense Bab:+8/+3 Melee:+13/+8 Ranged:+9/+4 +5 Damage
Speed 30 ft.
+1 Heavy Mace +15/+10 1d8+6 20/x2 B
+1 Heavy Crossbow +10 1d10+1 19-20/x2 Range 120' P
20 bolts
+1 Dagger +14/+9 1d4+6 19-20/x2 S/P
MW Longsword +14/+9 1d8+5 19-20/x2 S
MW Silver Dagger +14/+9 1d4+4 19-20/x2 S/P
2 weapon fighting 2 Silver Daggers +10/+5 +10 1d4+4 19-20/X2 S/P
MW Cold Iron Dagger +14/+9 1d4+5 19-20/x2 S/P

Special Attacks

Spell Casting Concentration:+7

(2)1st Level:
Knights Calling- Range 45' forces opponent to move to attack paladin will DC14
Grace-self swift action movement doesnt provoke

(2)2nd level:
Bulls Strength-+4 to strength for 4 min
Bestow Grace- grants good character his cha bonus to his saves for 4 min
Str 18(+4) Belt-20(+5), Dex 12(+1), Con 14(+2), Int 10(+0), Wis 14(+2), Cha 14(+2)
Base Atk +8; CMB +13; CMD 26
Feats: Step Up, Weapon Focus: Heavy Mace, Dodge, Mobility
On The Payroll (Campaign Trait) +150 Gold to start up
Ease of Faith (Faith Trait) +1 to Diplomacy
Skills 2 per level +1 for level for FC bonus = 24
(ACP -2, impacted skills marked by **) Class skills marked by ^
Blessing of Desna- +1 Inherent Bonus to Cha

Acrobatics** +1 +6 for jumps (-5 -1 for jumps)
Appraise +0
Bluff +2
Climb** +5 (-1)
Craft^ +0
Diplomacy^ R2 +2 +1 +3=+8
Disable Device N/A
Disguise +2
Escape Artist** +1 (-5)
Fly N/A
Handle Animal^ N/A
Intimidate R8 +2 +2=+12
Knowledge (Arcanna) N/A
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) N/A
Knowledge (Engineering) N/A
Knowledge (Geography) N/A
Knowledge (History) N/A
Knowledge (Local) N/A
Knowledge (Nature) N/A
Knowledge (Nobility)^ R1 +3=+4
Knowledge (Planes) N/A
Knowledge (Religion)^ R1 +3=+4
Linguistics N/A
Perception +6
Performance +2
Profession^ ()
Ride^** R4 +1 +3=+8 (+2)
Sense Motive^ R6 +2 +3=+11
Sleight of Hand** +1 (-5)
Spellcraft^ R2 +0+3=+5
Stealth** +1 (-5)
Survival +2
Swim** +5 (-1)
Use Magic Device N/A

Languages Common, Orc
SQ orc blood

25 gold 8 silver 8 copper
Magical Gear:+1 Heavy Steel Shield (1200 gp), +2 Ring of Protection (8000gp), +1 Heavy Mace (2312gp), +1 Amulet of Natural Armor(2000gp), +2 Belt of Giant Strength (4,000gp), +1 Heavy Crossbow (2,350 gp), +1 Dagger (2,302 gp), Boots of Striding and Springing (5,500 gp), Handy Haversack (2,000 gp), Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (300 gp), Potion of Cure Light Wounds (50 gp)

Noteworthy gear: MW Full Plate Armor (1650 gp), MW Longsword (312 gp), 2 MW Silver Daggers (172 gp ea), MW Cold Iron Dagger (154), 3 vials of holy water (25 gp each),

Other Gear: Travelers Outfit (Free), Silver Holy Symbol (25gp), Holy Text "Acts of Iomedae" (50gp), Bedroll (1sp), 2 bars of soap (2cp), 50' silk rope (10gp), Gear Maintenance Kit (5gp), Grooming Kit (1gp), Waterskin (1gp), 20 Crossbow Bolts (2gp), Flint and Steel (1GP), Crowbar (2gp), 2 Belt Pouches (2gp)

Mount-Heavy Combat Trained-Horse (300 gp) "Kal-Zi", Saddle (20gp), Saddle Bags(4gp), Bit and Bridle(2gp),
Special Abilities
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Orc Blood Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race.
Sacred Tattoo +1 to all saves.
Intimidating: +2 to Intimidation
Weapon Familiarity: Orc Weapons treated as Martial Weapons. Great Axe and Falchion are proficient weapons.
Proficient with Simple and Martial Weapons
Proficient with all armor and shield except tower shield

Aura of Law/Good: Strong
Detect Evil-60' as move action.
Divine Grace: +2 to Saves
Smite Evil (3xd) +2 hit/+8 damage. vs Evil Outsider/Dragon/Undead first attack +2/+16. Bypass DR. +2 to Paladins AC
Lay on Hands 6xday. 4d6 healing. as standard action. Can damage undead instead by touch attack no save.
Aura of Courage-Immune to fear and within 10' allies get +4 saves vs fear effects.
Divine Health-Immune to all diseases including Magical ones and Mummy Rot
Mercy: 3rd-Sickened. When Laying on Hands also removes sickened condition.6th-Diseased
Channel Positive Energy: 30' burst 4d6 healing uses two lay on hands uses. Can damage undead instead. DC15 will to halve damage.
Divine Bond-Can enhance weapon. Sheds light as torch, Gets +2 Enhancement Bonus (next bonus at 11th) for 8 minutes
+1 weapon becomes +2 Defending (Boosts AC)
+1 Weapon becomes +2 Flaming (+1d6 fire damage)
+1 Edged/Piercing becomes +2 Keen (doubles crit threat range)
+1 Weapon becomes +2 Merciful (adds 1d6 to damage but all damage Non-Lethal)
Can Make Magic Weapon Axiomatic (Law Aligned-+2d6 vs Chaos):2 enhancement bonus'
Can Make Magic Weapon Disrupting (Destroys undead dc 14 will):2 EB
Can Make Magic Weapon Flaming Burst (1d6 Fire and on crit another 1d10):2EB
Cam Make Magic Weapon Holy (Good Aligned-+2d6 vs Evil):2 EB
Cant use yet-Brilliant Weapon. (5 EB), Speed (3 EB)
Aura of Resolve-Immune to Charms. Allies gain +4 save within 10'