
Dorigin's page

***** Pathfinder Society GM. 29 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 17 Organized Play characters.

Scarab Sages 4/5

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I organize at one of the locations that Unklbuck attends regularly. And at that store this clarification of rulings is affecting a few people there.

This location has been supporting PFS since Oct 2011 and has had the organizer torch passed 2 times since then, I am the 3rd organizer there but have played at this location since Nov 2011. This location runs 3-5 table every week and doesn't have a GM pool large enough for me to simply dictate what games are going to be run. Many weeks, I'm begging for GM's and those willing to step up have a short list of the games they are willing to run. That being said, just because there is 300 sanctioned options, doesn't mean they are all available on any given week. And in fact many of the new GM's willing to help want to run games they have already played (and rightfully so). This doesn't however do a whole lot for the variety of games being offered in a 2-3 month window.

I find myself disappointed most by this ruling when thinking of conventions. If I'm scheduled to run a table, I obviously wont be pre-registered to play at a table I can sit at. And if my table doesn't make for some reason, I'll be stuck at the admin desk like a puppy in time out. That's not cool... I go to cons in order to meet new pfs players and support this brand. But now I'm told that I can't sit in for gitts & shiggles even though I'm doing everything I can to support the efforts of the campaign as a whole. That doesn't make me feel very appreciated.

I immediately righted the ship in regards to this ruling in the shop I organize for and will continue to be vigilant in adhering to the rules laid out for us. But I think we are missing the mark on this one.

Scarab Sages 4/5

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@Ben - I feel much the same way you do about wanting to provide the best experience for my players. The question then is how do you do this when everyone has different opinions on what the best experience is.

You can generally get a good feel for a players gaming style during a character introduction. If a player has a rich story and gives details about their out of game (no mechanical affects) habits, I go with a story driven player. If the player describes their character as being a walking armory that's good at breaking stuff, or gives details that are very much mechanical to combat, I feel confidant running a stiffer game.

It's my opinion that adventuring is a dangerous business. Otherwise anyone would do it.

There are plenty of ways to feel out a player or groups of players. But finding a way to do this will help you provide a good overall experience for as many players as possible.

Scarab Sages 4/5

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I've used 2 of mine. Both of which were to make room at tables for new players and I shuffled over to a higher tier table with room that I had already played.

I don't mind using them to the benefit of new players, but there are scenarios I would like to re-play with either a more competent group or better prepared GM's.

I'm currently saving the rest as "emergency" mustering tools. And for these reasons, I too would like to see this reset annually.

Scarab Sages 4/5

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I've only been involved with PFS for about a year now, and have just gotten to see some of these baddies come up.

1 - One "tiny" dragon in a room that could have been by-based is all I have seen of them. So more dragons? Yes please.

2 - Goblins I feel have had a balanced spread of interaction and recently getting to run an adventure with a goblin that had Bard levels was pretty brilliant.

3 - Have yet to see an Orc on either side of the screen. More Please.

4 - Same with Drow. More please.

5 - Im prepping a game for Thursday with my first look at Dinos, being as most of what I have run is low - mid tier stuff, I'm glad there wasn't much. But I hope to see some at higher levels when they can truly be threatening.

6 - Undead have a place everywhere at all levels imo, I would encourage more class level CR bumps instead of 6-8 fodder mobs.

7 - Although I personally do not like swarms, I havnt seen an overwhelming use of them either. And it is a great tool to make players spend resources. And those purchases have lead to some creative uses too.

8 - I would like to see more terrestrial outsiders, tie them in with some of the current lore in place, and please send us off to investigate!

9 - Golarion being humanoid dominant, it only makes sense that this is our largest volume of threats. However, I would like to see us actually put an end to larger organizational threats. Its great to have a recurring thorn in our side, but eventually, we need to stomp a mud-hole in someone like the Aspis so there is room for a NEW recurring pita.