
Donovan Twist's page

131 posts (136 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

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The immense force of the open door is too much. Her own fingernails fit neatly into the grooves left in the doorframe by the last victim who was pulled in, as she loses her grasp.

For a terrifying moment, Maude, you're on the far side. All around you is featureless blackness. You still see through the open doorway, into the tower beyond, where you came from. Thra'raxes is there, his undead muscles straining as he holds on to the doorframe and reaches out to you.

Maude, you look around, and try to make sense of the black void all around you. You feel eyes on the back of your neck. Something is aware of you now.

Thra slips, and nearly falls in after Maude. However, Astre is there behind him, and grabs hold of his tattered armor. With a mighty heave, the wizard pulls on the barbarian just as Thra'raxes' hand grabs hold of Maude.

The three Revenants tumble out of the door and back into the hallway in the tower, safely. Immediately afterward, Amarant begins to close the door. However, the door doesn't want to close!

The presence of Maude and Thra's minds in the Void has awakened the sleeper therein. That malign intelligence focuses on Amarant, and the blackness reaches out toward him as the fighter is struggling to close the door!

Ganzorig is ready for it. With a wordless shout, the ranger adds his strength to Amarant's, and the two of them close the door shut again. The rushing wind that was drawing the party toward the open doorway abruptly ceases.

Maude and Thra'raxes have migraine headaches of the highest degree. For both revenants that were exposed to the Other Side, it feels like there are miners swinging pickaxes on the insides of your brains.

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The door at the top of the tower is closed. It swings open when you turn the old wooden handle on it, Ganzorig. There's a simple bed and a desk with a chair, with some simple bibles left behind, presumably, by traveling missionaries. Maybe Benny had a religious bent. His pack is stuffed beneath the bed, which is still tousled from when he slept there last night.

You find, inside Benny's pack, a pouch containing 30 gold pieces as well as another, heavier sack of gold. Opening it reveals a note that reads, in harshly scrawled letters, "DO NOT TOUCH, BENNY, I COUNTED THEM". There's also a duck call and some flint and tinder (2 uses). The only other object in the pack is an orangish cylinder made entirely of wax. It's about a foot long, the size of a large candle.

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Sorry for neglecting to post yesterday and Monday, which are days that I normally update on! had a bit of a RL situation.

Your clothes are restored to a semblance of the condition that they were in before your death, aside from being older and - in some places - dotted with holes.

As for the ritual to enchant clothing with a masking spell, it would not be a terribly difficult enchantment for a wizard to handle. If you were to disenchant a magical item, you could use the resulting materials to make a permanent enchantment to an article of clothing that would fool anyone without magical scrying available. However, without any of those materials, the best you could do is a limited and unreliable version. The weakness of the illusion is this: it is shattered upon direct eye contact. However, the weak and unreliable version does not take any time at all to be applied to the clothing you wear.

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Thra'raxes shifts his weight and lifts up the gravestone. Barbarian, you are able to heft its weight, but you can't break it apart with your bare hands. Some parts of it crumble and break off, making your grip difficult to hold on to. Eventually, you have to heave it to the ground in order to prevent it from slipping down and braining you.

It just so happened to be Astre's gravestone that you just yanked out of the ground.

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Good to see you can still rile your blood up even when you have a rotted away circulatory system