
Dom Waverider's page

1,822 posts. Alias of Duo Strife.

The Exchange

This is a character I played a long while back and has became one of my favorite fantasy characters. He respects all gods equally so has no preference in blessings. He became an archer out of necessity while adventuring and was known as one of the best shot in the land after adventuring for a few years. I say this was from his know how and studies but one can argue he was just a natural shot. In the roleplay he never used spells but had a working knowledge of the of how to cast. He studied religious lores and histories extensively. In the play group he was apart of he was used as the parties diplomat more times then not and everyone turned to him for help with knowledge related needs. He didn't ever use armor in the time I roleplayed him but he has used a shield (badly).

Salis the Lorekeeper
Sex: Male
Race: Elf
Class: Scholar

Str 4 □ +1 □ +2
Dex 8 □ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Acro +2
Con 6 □+1 □ +2
Int 12 □ +1 □ +2 □ +3 □ +4
Know +2
Wis 6 □ +1 □ +2
Divine +2
Chr 6 □ +1 □ +2
Diplomacy +2

Fav Card: Blessing
Weapons 2 □ □
Armor - □
Spells - □ □
Items 5 □ □ □
Ally 4 □ □ □
Blessings 4 □ □ □ □

Hand size 5 □
□ Weapons

May discard to use Int: Know for combat in place of
melee or ranged. weapons may still be added (□ recharge instead)
Add 1d4 to another character at the same location for knowledge or diplomacy checks
□ you may bury an item instead of banishing it.

Scholar monk
□ +2 for checks to acquire an ally (□ item) (□ +4)
□ Once per turn you may bury an item to randomly return a buried item to your hand.
□ May evade encounters
□ +2 (□ +4) to your noncombat check to defeat a barrier
□ When a blessing is played you may recharge a random card in a character at this locations discard.

Warrior Scholar
□ When you play a blessing it gains recharge divine 5
□ +2 for checks to acquire a weapon (□ ally) (□ +4)
□ + 2 craft (□ when you play a item you may recharge a card from your discard at random.)
□ +2 (□ +4) to your noncombat check to defeat a barrier

Any feedback would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.