Verik Vancaskerkin

Dolin Smith's page

37 posts. Alias of hustonj.

Full Name

Dolin Smith




Fighter (Archery) 2








Common, Elven



Strength 14
Dexterity 19
Constitution 12
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 12
Charisma 11

About Dolin Smith

Dolin grew up on the edge of the Duln forest, where he learned something of being a woodsman and hunting as he grew up. Other than a little excitement on a couple of hunts, he was fortunate to not have dealt with much in the way of actual trouble through his youth. This has given him a nearly naive positive outlook on the world, and this world view has led him to head to Tyrsis looking to see what he can do to help improve the lot of his fellow men. And those other races, too.

Init +4
Move 20' [30' w/o Pack]

BAB+2 Melee+4 Ranged+6 CMB+4 (Strength +2, Dexterity +4)
Bow +7 for 1d8 @ x3 P, 105'
-- Rapid Shot +5/+5
Greataxe +4 for 1d12+3 @ x3 S

+1 Ranged attack & damage within 30'
No penalty for ranged attack into melee

HP 22 (10+1 Con[x2])
AC15[16] T13[14] F12 CMD17[18] (Armor +2, BAB +2, Strength +2, Dexterity +3 w/ Pack [+4 w/o Pack])

Fort +4 (Constituion +1)
Ref +4 (Dexterity +4)
Will +1 (Wisdom +1)

R Point-Blank Shot
1 Precise Shot
+ Rapid Shot
2 Weapon Focus (Longbow)

Seeker (Social) +1 trait Perception, Perception is a class skill

2+1 Int+1 Skilled+1 Favored Class=5 per Fighter Level
Modifier Skill Attribute+Ranks+Class+Other(+Conditional)
+6-Acrobatics +4+2+0(-3 Load)
+1 Appraise +1
+0 Bluff +0
+2-Climb +2(-3 Load)
+6 Craft (Bowyer) +1+2+3
+0 Diplomacy +0
+0 Disguise +0
+4-Escape Artist +4(-3 Load)
+4-Fly +4(-3 Load)
+0 Handle Animal +0
+1 Heal +1
+0 Intimidate +0
+8 Perception +1+2+3+1 Seeker+1 Hawkeye
+0 Perform +0
+4-Ride +4(-3 Load)
+1 Sense Motive +1
+6-Stealth +4+2+0(-3 Load)
+6 Survival +1+2+3
+2-Swim +2(-3 Load)

175 GP budget
05.0.0 Artisan's Tools (Bowyer/Fletcher) 5#
75.0.0 Longbow 1d8/x3/100'/P 3#
20.0.0 Greataxe 1d12/x3/S 12#
03.0.0 60 Arrows 9#
15.0.0 Lamellar Cuirass +2/+4/-0/5%/30' 8#
09.0.0 Fighter's Kit 29# (backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, iron pot, mess kit, rope, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), waterskin)
48 Gold on hand.
66# (Medium Load) w/ Pack
27.5# (Light Load) w/o Pack

58# Light Load (--/11/30'/x4)
116# Medium Load (+3/-3/20'/x4)
175# Heavy Load (+1/-6/20'/x3)

Character Creation Notes:
5 14 S 14 +2
13 17 D 19 +4
2 12 C 12 +2
2 12 I 12 +1
2 12 W 12 +1
1 11 H 11 +0

+2 Dex
Normal Speed
Bonus Feat
Languages Common, Elven

Figther (Archer Archetype) 1
Bonus Feats
All Simple & Martial Weapons
All Armors & Shields
Hawkeye +1 (5')

Planned Feat Tree:
R Point-Blank Shot
1 Precise Shot
+ Rapid Shot
2 Weapon Focus (Longbow) (Level 1)
3 Deadly Aim
4 Weapon Specialization (Level 4)
5 Quickdraw (Level 1)
6 Clustered Shots (Level 6)
7 Manyshot (level 6)
8 Greater Weapon Focus (Level 8)
9 Snap Shot (Weapon Focus, Level 6)
A Combat Reflexes
B Improved Precise Shot (Level 11)
C Greater Weapon Specialization (Level 12)
D Penetrating Strike (Level 12)
E Improved Snap Shot (Level 9)
F Greater Snap Shot (Level 12)
G Greater Penetrating Strike (Level 16)
H Pinpoint Targeting (level 16)
I Critical Focus (Level 9)
J Bleeding Critical (Level 11)
K ???