Tin Golem

Dofon's page

73 posts. Organized Play character for Naal.

Full Name



LN Embri precog 4 | SP 12/20 HP 26/26 RP 6/6 | EAC 21 KAC 22 | Fort +1 Ref +8 Will +3* | Perc +4/8 darkvision | Init +4 | Speed 20 feet |


Paradoxes 1 4 - | L2 blessing of youth, invisibility L1 lesser remove condition, overheat, overheat | Conditions: -

Strength 11
Dexterity 18
Constitution 10
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 10
Charisma 12

About Dofon

Build and inventory tracking in mekanismi
Species embri (emissary)
Theme scholar (physical science, oceanography)
Class precog (fragmented past) 4
EAC 21, KAC 22
SP 20, HP 26, RP 6
Fort +1, Ref +8, Will +3; +2 vs enchantment spells and effects
Defensive Abilities chronomantic defense; Immune charm; Weakness masked emotions
Speed 20 feet (found heavy armor)
Melee survival knife +7 (1d4+2 S, analog, operative, thrown 20 feet)
Melee tactical baton +7 (1d4+2 B, analog, operative, thrown 20 feet))
Ranged anchoring underwater hunting rifle +7 (90 feet, 1d8+4 P, analog)
Ranged called tactical numbing beam +7 (50 feet, 1d6+4 C, nonlethal, staggered FDC 14)
Ranged called ember agitator +7; 60 feet (1d8+4 F [burn 1d4]; boost 1d4)
Ranged utility scattergun +5 (15 feet, 1d4+4 P, analog, blast)
Ranged tactical semi-auto pistol +7; 30 feet (1d6+2 F*&P [Knockdown], analog, fiery)
Ranged pulsecaster pistol +7 (30 feet, 1d4+2 E, nonlethal)
Precog Spells Prepared (CL 4th)
2nd-2/day-see ribbon
1st-3/day-see ribbon
0-level--detect affliction, detect magic, psychokinetic hand, stabilize, token spell
Base Atk +3
Skills Acrobatics +5, Athletics -4, Bluff +7, Computers +9, Culture +6, Diplomacy +8, Engineering +9, Life Science +3, Mysticism +5, Perception +4 (+8 when searching with scanning kit), Physical Science +7, Piloting +9, Profession (professor) +6, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +7
Feats Iron Will, Skill Synergy (Computers, Engineering)
Other Abilities anchor (fragmented past), paradox, shielded thoughts, temporal anomaly (future training [heavy armor, heavy weapons]), wary, weapon specialization
Languages Common, Embri, Goblin, Ignan, Infernal

Paradox Dofon's unique relationship with time allows them to dexterously manipulate its flow at key moments, allowing them to know what's going to happen before it transpires.
Each day when Dofon regains their spells, they also gain 3 paradoxes and lose any unused paradoes from the previous day. Whenever they gain these or any other paradoxes, roll 1d20 for each and record the result associated with that paradox. You can never reroll paradoxes.
Many precog abilities allow Dofon to use a paradox in place of a specific d20 roll they would make, using the paradox's associated result instead of rolling a random result. Dofon can't use a paradox for a die that has already been rolled or rerolled, and they can't reroll a paradox. Some precog abilities simply require them to use a paradox without using its associated result. Regardless of how Dofon uses a paradox, it is lost and can't be used again.
Dofon can use a paradox in place of their d20 roll for an ability score check, caster level check, initiative checks, Reflex saving throws, and skill checks (for skills in which they are trained). In addition, they can use a paradox on a d20 roll associated with their anchor's focal paradox; once per day when they do so, they immediately gain a new paradox.

Focal Paradox two trained skills (Computers, Engineering).

Chronomatic Defense Dofon can execute precisely timed moves that help them and others dodge incoming attacks. As a reaction when an attack is declared but before the result is known, Dofon can use a paradox to grant an ally an insight bonus to AC until the end of Dofon's next turn. This bonus is equal to the paradox result or a maximum bonus of +2, whichever is lower.

Temporal Aggression Dofon can view possible timelines and choose the precise moment that will inflict the most grievous injury upon Dofon's foes. When rolling damage dice, Dofon can use a paradox in place of rolling any one damage die. If so, treat the result as either the value of the paradox or the maximum result ot eh damage die, whichever is lower. Dofon can use thsi ability multiple times per damage roll, but only once per damage die.

Prepared spellcaster Dofon has the prepared spellcaster boon and knows the following precog spells:
Level 1 Biome Adaptation, Comprehend Customs, Comprehend Languages, Dampen Spell, Death's Door, Dream of Home, Erase, Hold Portal, Lesser Remove Condition, Overheat, Recall, Reflecting Armor, Swap Initiative
Level 2 Blessing of Youth, Bypass Password, Invisibility, Lesser Restoration

Gear Estex suit II (load lifter). Aeon stone (clear spindle), anchoring underwater hunting rifle, clothes (professional [professor]), consumer backpack, datapad, called ember agitator, called tactical numbing beam, fire extinguisher, hygiene kit, mass-produced tent (10 persons), pulsecaster pistol, survival knife, tactical baton, tactical semi-auto pistol, titanium alloy cable (80 feet), tool kits (broad-spectrum scanning kit, engineering kit, hacking kit, professional's tools [professor], thieves' tools, trapsmith's tools), utility scattergun
Consumables battery x 2, explosive small arms rounds (25), longarm rounds (25), mk 1 serum of healing x 3, silver scattergun shells (25), spell gem of comprehend languages, tier I antitoxin x 2
Projectile weapons are loaded with the listed ammunition.

Bot me:

Trained skills on bottom. Ignore spells and paradox use when botting. They are a limited resource.
Default action in combat is to shoot once, move once to a location that is away from the friendly lines of fire and preferably farther away from the enemy. If engaged in melee, step away, then shoot. If stepping away does not take Dofon away from enemy reach, draw a melee weapon and attack with it.

Ranged in default use order, assuming no enemy resistances
[dice=called ember agitator]d20+7[/dice] range increment 60
[dice=Fire Damage]d8+4[/dice] plus burn 1d4 on critical

[dice=called tactical numbing beam]d20+7[/dice] range increment 50
[dice=Cold Damage]d6+4[/dice] plus staggered (Fort DC 14) on critical

[dice=Anchoring underwater hunting rifle]d20+7[/dice] range increment 90
[dice=Slashing Damage]d8+4[/dice]

[dice=Utility scattergun]d20+5[/dice] blast 15 feet
[dice=Slashing Damage]d4+4[/dice]

[dice=Tactical semi-auto pistol]d20+7[/dice] range increment 30
[dice=Piercing & Fire Damage]d6+2[/dice] on critical Knockdown, extra damage all fire

[dice=Survival Knife]d20+7[/dice]
[dice=Slashing Damage]d4+2[/dice]

[dice=Tactical Baton]d20+7[/dice]
[dice=Bludgeoning Damage]d4+2[/dice]

[dice=Life Science]d20+3[/dice]
[dice=Perception]d20+4[/dice] (+4 to search with scanner)
[dice=Physical Science]d20+7[/dice]
[dice=Profession (professor)]d20+6[/dice]
[dice=Sense Motive]d20+6[/dice]