Doctor Majubas original home was located in the heart of the northern forests and his father was the town leader/elder. His father and grandfathers before him had been village elders for over 250 years The village was home to roughly 300 orc outcasts who grew their own food, hunted, fished and raised livestock.
When Majuba was 10, the village was attacked by the bearclaw clan. His father Xender realizing that they were going to be overran and slaughtered, Xender tasked majuba with the task of taking the youngest children to safety, he was given the towns meager wealth and tasked with finding a safe village for protection. Although he wanted to stay and defend the village, he knew better than to defy his father. He escaped with "Family",the village history tomes, his crossbow and 10 younger children. They fled south until they came upon the savage hills and the wolftooth clan. After scouting and hiding the hills for a week, they noticed a half orc leave and return to the village regulary with game.Being that the half orc lived on the outskirts of the village. Majuba approached her and asked for asylum in the village for himself and the children.
He has spent the last 7 years training with Aurra the village witch, he started earning his keep by doing chores. He soon learned to channel his hatred of the bearclaw clan into witchcraft.
Now he removes the thumbs of the bearclaw clan members that he kills as a trophy and keeps the bones in a pouch on his belt. His favorite evening game is "Pick up Bones".
Majubas goal of resettling his old area and becoming leader is a pipe dream at this point as he is too bitter and full of vengeance(Chr. 10) and he is not the brightest tool in the shed to lead people in a peaceful productive manner.