Yu Baka wrote:
I think your cleric just created 17 Incredible Hulks.
I'm cooking up an encounter with goblin bandits (possibly involving a nerfed version of the pyro-goblin presented earlier in this thread) on the way to the boar-hunt with Foxglove. These bandits are attempting to rob a gnome named "Hobarth Stills" (expert 1, artificer 2) who's brought a large stock of his wares in hope of opening a shop in Sandpoint. The PC's will get a wand of their choosing (from a pre-generated list) as a reward for rescuing the terrified gnome. That's not an excuse to give them goodies, it's just a way to lead toward a larger subplot: Later on in the game Hobarth Stills will enter into a rivalry with with Brodert Quink (Sandpoint entry 8. "Sage"). Mr. Quink opened a book store (a few months after the Swallowtail Festival) and found out Hoberth has been using ammenuensis (a cantrip in the Spell Compendium that allows one to copy non-magical text) to copy Brodert's rarest books and compile them into a device of his own invention called a 'Bibliostone', which he then sells To be fair, Hobarth told Brodert about the spell, and without the Glove of Copying (ammenuensis 3/day) he commissioned from the artificer, Brodert wouldn't have a book store in the first place. But try telling him that. On the other hand, the Glove of Copying was the inspiration and prototype that led to the creation of the first Bibliostone. I'm going to play with piracy and freedom of information in a big way in this whole subplot, analogizing the "death of print" and the movement towards a PDF market. I got the idea while listening to this week's "On the Media". I'll do the stats for the Bibliostone and Glove of Copying when it's not quite so past my bedtime.
For starters, a PDF of the Rise of the Runelords Player's Guide can be downloaded for free.
Beyond that, I consider the forums to be a huge resource. There are multiple, searchable threads that are full of player-generated resources, including erotic Nualia art from Tsuto's notebook, Swallowtail Festival speeches, bonus encounters, and DM shop-talk. Also, check out the PbP forums (especially this one) to get a sense of Sandpoint as a living, breathing community, not to mention seeing how the DMs are running combat.
I'll be running the first session this friday, but the past few days of perusing the forums have made me 1000 times more prepared to run the module. I pity the alternate-reality-me that didn't think to check out Paizo's forums. /Paizo fanboyism
tdewitt274 wrote:
I think they should sell PDFs of the books right off their own website, for $10 american. That may be detrimental for the bookstores, but with clever strategic marketing techniques, it could be done quite easily. For instance, there is a PDF for the core rules and the complete line, but WotC publishes a bi-monthly paerback collection of all the prestige classes, feats, and supplemental rules that have appeared on the pages of Dragon.
WotC seems to spend so much time hemming and hawing over how cool their latest line of prducts, that they rarely actually release something that justifies it's price. PDFs and paper backs for the people with little money, and put out the hardcover behomoths for us hardcore gamers. |