
Disgruntled Wargamer's page

RPG Superstar 7 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 7 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists.

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I do play with my kids (ages 11-14). We be Goblins is a good, quick PG romp, where the kids get to be the monsters, but not the bad monsters. They had a blast.

Kingmaker has some PG-13 drama in the first book, dealing with themes of abandonment and the villain having some father issues. Actually, if you're trying to avoid traumatic scenarios, avoid the adventure paths unless you're GMing. If you're GM, you can leave a lot out.

Master of the Fallen Fortress - PG for violence. Giant spiders, trog bad guys, straight forward plot with nothing more than "remove the monsters from the old ruin" worked great for us. I even let one of the kids run it, which resulted in dear old dad losing two characters and a single night of fun for everyone.