Diseased Rat

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Organized Play Member. 66 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

http://wizards.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/2128/~/dungeons-%26-dra gons-virtual-table-beta-faq

It looks like Wizards is finally getting around to their promised VT.

Does Paizo have any similar plans in this direction?

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

School conjuration (creation) [fire]; Level sorcerer/wizard 8, summoner 6

Casting Time 1 standard action

Components V, S

Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)

Area cloud spreads in 20-ft. radius, 20 ft. high

Duration 1 round/level (D)

Saving Throw: Reflex half, see text; Spell Resistance: no

An incendiary cloud spell creates a cloud of roiling smoke shot through with white-hot embers. The smoke obscures all sight as a fog cloud does. In addition, the white-hot embers within the cloud deal 6d6 points of fire damage to everything within the cloud on your turn each round. All targets can make Reflex saves each round to take half damage.

As with a cloudkill spell, the smoke moves away from you at 10 feet per round. Figure out the smoke's new spread each round based on its new point of origin, which is 10 feet farther away from where you were when you cast the spell. By concentrating, you can make the cloud move as much as 60 feet each round. Any portion of the cloud that would extend beyond your maximum range dissipates harmlessly, reducing the remainder's spread thereafter.

As with fog cloud, wind disperses the smoke, and the spell can't be cast underwater.

Does this mean that by concentrating you can move the cloud any direction or just make it move away from you faster?

The descriptor of the Fire Snake Spell:

"Range 60 ft.
Area see text
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex half Spell Resistance yes

You create a sinuous line of flames that you may shape as desired. The fire snake affects one 5-foot square per caster level, and each square must be adjacent to the previous square, starting with you. The fire snake may not extend beyond its maximum range. Creatures in the path of the fire snake take 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level (maximum 15d6)."

Nowhere in the spell does it restrict the snake going back over squares it has already covered.

Let's say it shoots out to a target orc 10ft from a 10th level caster then goes back and forth between the empty space and back to the target, striking the square containing the poor orc a total of five times.

Now how about we make this an ogre? Now the snake can travel in a continuous circle through all 4 squares that the ogre fills , hitting it 9 times before it expires.

Is this right?


There are several monsters with poison attacks and my question is, after you've defeated them, what skill would be needed to drain their venom sacks without poisoning yourself and are their any guidelines listed for how much poison you can get from a creature?

I was thinking along the lines of making it a handle animal or survival check for doing it but for how many doses the players can get I'm kind of at a loss.

Maybe some kind of chart that gives you a number of doses depending on the creature's size, whether or not the poison delivery attack is a primary or secondary attack, or whether or not the creature uses the substance as a poison at all (i.e. Dragon Bile is stomach juice, not an actual poison attack).


Looking at the Adventurer's armory, thistle arrows are listed as doing bleed damage for 1d6 rounds afterwards.

Does this mean a longbow fired thistle arrow does it's normal (d8 + whatever) damage on impact and then the normal arrow damage (d8) for those extra rounds?

The "Bleed" condidtion in the core rulebook doesn't specify any amount of damage.


No objections?