
Dimitrie Arcos's page

35 posts. Alias of The Rising Phoenix.

Full Name

Dimitrie Arcos


Male Human Sorcerer 12 | HP: 120 | AC: 28 | F: +20 R: +21 W: +20* | Speed: 25 | Perception: +19 | Spiritsense (60) | Aura Sight





Special Abilities

Dimitrie's personality traits: Inquisitive, resources, intuitive, cultured, impatient, stubborn, overconfident.





Strength 10
Dexterity 19
Constitution 16
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 16
Charisma 20

About Dimitrie Arcos

◈◈[dice=Soothe upcast to 6th]6d10+24[/dice]

[dice=Harrow Casting, Omen: Keys]1d54[/dice]

Harrow Casting:

You draw a card from your harrow deck just before you cast a spell to infuse your magic with its destined potential. If your next action is to Cast a Spell, the suit of the card you draw enhances the spell in one of the following ways. If the card you draw matches the suit of your active harrow omen, the effect is enhanced further as detailed below. When you Harrow Cast, attempt a DC 11 flat check. If you fail this check, you lose your active harrow omen at the end of your turn.

1. The Avalanche (Shields)
2. The Bear (Shields)
3. The Big Sky (Stars)
4. The Brass Dwarf (Keys)
5. The Carnival (Books)
6. The Courtesan (Crowns)
7. The Cricket (Keys)
8. The Dance (Keys)
9. The Demon's Lantern (Stars)
10. The Desert (Shields)
11. The Empty Throne (Keys)
12. The Fiend (Keys)
13. The Foreign Trader (Books)
14. The Forge (Shields)
15. The Gem (Books)
16. The Hidden Truth (Books)
17. The Joke (Crowns)
18. The Keep (Stars)
19. The Locksmith (Keys)
20. The Lost (Stars)
21. The Mute Hag (Stars)
22. The Owl (Keys)
23. The Paladin (Crowns)
24. The Peacock (Keys)
25. The Publican (Keys)
26. The Queen Mother (Crowns)
27. The Rakshasa (Books)
28. The Theater (Crowns)
29. The Tangled Briar (Books)
30. The Teamster (Shields)
31. The Unicorn (Stars)
32. The Wanderer (Keys)
33. The Waxworks (Keys)
34. The Bear (Shields)
35. The Big Sky (Stars)
36. The Brass Dwarf (Keys)
37. The Carnival (Books)
38. The Courtesan (Crowns)
39. The Cricket (Keys)
40. The Dance (Keys)
41. The Demon's Lantern (Stars)
42. The Desert (Shields)
43. The Empty Throne (Keys)
44. The Fiend (Keys)
45. The Foreign Trader (Books)
46. The Forge (Shields)
47. The Gem (Books)
48. The Hidden Truth (Books)
49. The Joke (Crowns)
50. The Keep (Stars)
51. The Locksmith (Keys)
52. The Lost (Stars)
53. The Mute Hag (Stars)
54. The Owl (Keys)

Hammers: The force of the spell is enhanced. This effect only enhances single-target offensive spells that require you to make a successful spell attack or require a saving throw from the target to resist. If you hit the target, or if they fail their saving throw, the spell inflicts additional force damage equal to the spell’s level. This additional damage doubles if your harrow omen is Hammers.

Keys: Some of the magic remains behind, infusing your defenses. Until the start of your next turn, you gain a +1 status bonus to your AC and all saving throws. If your harrow omen is Keys, this increases to a +2 status bonus.

Shield As the spell’s magic takes effect, it heals you as well, restoring Hit Points equal to 2d6 + the spell’s level. If your harrow omen is Shields, the Hit Points restored increases to 4d6 + twice the spell’s level.

Books: The spell’s magic infuses your mind with sudden insights about the target. You can attempt to Recall Knowledge about the target as a free action, using your spell attack roll to make the check. You gain a +2 status bonus to this roll if Books is your harrow omen.

Stars: The spell’s magic bolsters those it aids. This effect only enhances single-target spells cast on willing subjects. The magic restores Hit Points to the affected target equal to 2d6 + the spell’s level. If your harrow omen is Stars, the magic also grants the target a +2 status bonus to all saving throws until the start of your next turn.

Crowns: The spell’s magic is hidden and subtle, and observers may not realize you’re doing anything more than manipulating cards in your harrow deck. Attempt a Fortune‑Telling Lore check against all observer’s Perception DCs. If your check is successful against an observer’s Perception DC, that observer doesn’t notice you are Casting a Spell, even though normally spells have sensory manifestations. This hides only the spell’s spellcasting actions and manifestations, not its effects. If your harrow omen is Crowns, you gain a +2 status bonus to your Fortune-Telling Lore check.

Dimitrie Arcos
Male human sorcerer 12 (Advanced Player's Guide, Dark Archive, Lost Omens Character Guide, Lost Omens Gods & Magic, Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide, Lost Omens World Guide, Rage of Elements, Secrets of Magic)
Medium, Human, Humanoid
Heritage skilled human
Background crown of chaos
Perception +19; spiritsense (imprecise) 60 feet
Languages Common, Fey
Skills Acrobatics +24, Arcana +16, Deception +25, Fortune-telling Lore +14, Intimidation +19, Medicine +18, Occultism +19, Performance +19, Thassilon Lore +14, Underground Terrain Lore +14
Str +0, Dex +4, Con +3, Int +0, Wis +3, Cha +5
Items club, crossbow, dagger, longspear, morningstar, bag of holding ii, ball[LOGB], belt of good health, bolts (10), boots of elvenkind, bracers of armor i, cape of the mountebank, cassisian helmet[TV], cloak of elvenkind, coin of comfort[LOGB], decanter of endless water, deck of illusions[SoM], deck of mischief[SoM], everburning torch, greater enveloping light[LOGB], hat of disguise, hat of the magi, healer's gloves, lesser antidote, lesser antiplague, loaded dice[LOGB], marbles[LOGB], pendant of the occult, retrieval prism[SoM], scroll of alarm, scroll of cauterize wounds, scroll of darkness, scroll of fireball, scroll of invisibility, scroll of liberating command, scroll of restoration, wand of comprehend language, wand of faerie fire, wand of mage armor, wand of shrouded step[TV], purse (425 gp, 9 sp, 7 cp)
Spiritsense (Imprecise) 60 Feet Spiritsense enables you to sense the spirits of creatures, including living creatures, most non-mindless undead, and haunts within the listed range. As with your hearing and other imprecise senses, you still need to Seek to locate an undetected creature. As spiritsense detects spiritual essence, not physical bodies, it can detect spirits projected by spells such as project image or possessing otherwise soulless objects. It can’t detect soulless bodies, constructs, or objects, and like most senses, it doesn’t penetrate through solid objects.
AC 29; Fort +20; Ref +21; Will +20; +2 status bonus vs. hostile divination effects
HP 120
Speed 25 feet
Melee [1] club +16 (thrown 10 ft.), Damage 1d6 B
Melee [1] dagger +20 (versatile S, thrown 10 ft., agile, finesse), Damage 1d4 P
Melee [1] longspear +16 (reach 10 feet), Damage 1d8 P
Melee [1] morningstar +16 (versatile P), Damage 1d6 B
Ranged [1] club +20 (thrown 10 ft.), Damage 1d6 B
Ranged [1] crossbow +20 (range increment 120 feet, reload 1), Damage 1d8 P
Ranged [1] dagger +20 (versatile S, thrown 10 ft., agile, finesse), Damage 1d4 P
Arcane Arcane Tattoo Spells DC 31, attack +21; 3rd (1 slots) agonizing despair[APG] 1st (1 slots) elysian whimsy Cantrips (6th) daze
Occult Sorcerer Spellcasting DC 31, attack +21; 6th (4 slots) phantasmal calamity*, scintillating safeguard[APG], soothe*, true seeing 5th (4 slots) infectious comedy, prying eye, shadow siphon, synaptic pulse, tongues* 4th (4 slots) dimension door*, invisibility curtain[SoM], steal voice, suggestion 3rd (4 slots) haste, heroism, invisibility sphere*, wanderer's guide 2nd (4 slots) augury, dispel magic, hideous laughter, resist energy 1st (4 slots) ill omen[APG], magic missile*, true strike, ventriloquism Cantrips (6th) dancing lights, detect magic, guidance, shield, telekinetic projectile
*Spells marked with an asterisk are signature spells; these spells may be heightened freely
Arcane Spell Runes DC 31, attack +21; Cantrips (6th) produce flame
Focus Spells 2 Focus Points, DC 31; 6th Invoke the Harrow, Unraveling Blast
Rituals harrowing
Ancestry Feats Arcane Tattoos[LOCG], Ornate Tattoo[LOCG], Virtue-forged Tattoos[LOCG]
Class Feats Advanced Bloodline, Anoint Ally[APG], Benevolent Spirit Deck, Dangerous Sorcery, Experienced Harrower, Harrow Casting, Harrower Dedication, Magic Sense, Occult Evolution, Reading The Signs, Runescarred Dedication[LOWG], Soulsight[APG]
General Feats Incredible Initiative
Skill Feats Aura Sight[DA], Battle Medicine, Cat Fall, Charming Liar, Disturbing Knowledge[APG], Godless Healing[LOWG], Kreighton's Cognitive Crossover (occultism, arcana)[LOPFS], Quick Disguise, Slippery Secrets
Other Abilities blood magic (harrow), bloodline, component substitution, harrow, signature spells, signature spells

Dimitrie's life is a tapestry of mysticism, tradition, and personal struggle. Born in the culturally rich Varisian landscape, he inherited the arcane in his blood before he even drew his first breath. The absence of a father cast a lingering shadow, but in the warmth of his mother's love and the wisdom of his grandmother, he found solace and guidance.

As a child, he was eerily comfortable around the Harrow cards that his grandmother often used for divination. Under her tutelage, Dimitrie displayed an intuitive understanding of the cards and their meaning. His grandmother's reputation in their community as a skilled Harrow reader made her an enigmatic figure in his life, shaping his own views on the arcane and mysticism.

His mother, meanwhile, delved into the lore of ancient Thassilon, filling their home with scrolls and tomes that would become the bedrock of his scholarly pursuits. Dimitrie was inquisitive, hungry for knowledge, and these ancient texts fed his imagination. His questions were incessant, ranging from the traditions of Varisian folklore to the complexities of arcane magic. It was clear that he was not just resourceful but also deeply cultured, shaped by the mixed heritage and knowledge passed down through generations.

When Dimitrie came of age, it was inevitable that he would venture beyond the safe cocoon of family and tradition. Perhaps it was youthful impatience, or maybe stubborn self-assurance, but when a group of adventurers caught wind of his unique skills, he left without looking back. The blend of his inherited intuition and self-taught knowledge made him a formidable sorcerer. While he was an expert in arcane magics, he showed exceptional mastery over occult magic—a rare combination that further enhanced his reputation.

As the years went by, the thrill of new challenges only intensified his natural overconfidence. Even as he collected arcane secrets and enhanced his magical prowess, he often found himself plunging into situations he hadn't fully considered. His instincts usually bailed him out, but it was clear that his impulsive tendencies were both an asset and a flaw.

Then there was the perpetual weight of legacy and expectation that accompanied him. His grandmother's reputation, the gaps in his family history, and the very real runes etched onto his flesh—a silent testimony to his connection with the ancient powers of Thassilon. As he ventured deeper into the labyrinthine complexity of arcane and occult magic, the same runes appeared to grow more vibrant, as if in response to his evolving power and understanding.

Now 25 and an experienced adventurer, Dimitrie finds himself at a crossroads. The breadth of his experiences has filled him with rich knowledge but has also shown him how much he still has to learn. The boy who once found wonder in a deck of Harrow cards has become a man grappling with the duality of his nature—drawn to both the arcane and the occult, rooted in family legacy yet eager to forge his own path.

In a way, the Harrow cards that once fascinated him so much are a metaphor for his own life: full of symbols and meanings, dealt by fate but interpreted by choice.


Dimitrie embodies a blend of his Varisian roots and the arcane prowess signified by his runescarred flesh.
He stands at an average height with a lean, agile build that belies his enduring constitution. His skin is slightly tanned from years of travel and outdoor adventure, a canvas marred and beautified by the intricate Thassilonian runes that adorn his arms, chest, and back. These runes glow faintly with arcane energy, especially when he's in the thick of spellcasting or emotionally charged moments, illuminating the arcane symbols in a spectral dance of light.

His brown hair, sun-kissed at the tips from long days on the road, is kept at a medium length, falling slightly over his forehead and framing his sharp, inquisitive eyes. A thin beard traces his jawline, kept neat and groomed in adherence to Varisian tradition. His eyes are a deep brown, almost mirroring the earth itself, carrying a spark of restless intelligence and insatiable curiosity.

His clothes reflect his Varisian heritage—vivid, colorful, and intricately designed. A long, flowing scarf with traditional Varisian patterns is often draped around his neck or shoulders, an emblem of his culture and a nod to his grandmother, who wore something similar in her time. His shirt is loose and airy, embroidered with symbols that resonate with his magical lineage. Completing the ensemble, he often wears a light cloak fastened with a clasp shaped like a Harrow card, paying homage to his harrowing abilities and the legacy of his family. His nimble fingers are occasionally seen toying with a deck of Harrow cards or tracing over the Thassilonian runes on his skin, a tactile focus for his ceaseless thoughts.

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Dimitrie's life is a tapestry of mysticism, tradition, and personal struggle. Born in the culturally rich Varisian landscape, he inherited the arcane in his blood before he even drew his first breath. The absence of a father cast a lingering shadow, but in the warmth of his mother's love and the wisdom of his grandmother, he found solace and guidance.

As a child, he was eerily comfortable around the Harrow cards that his grandmother often used for divination. Under her tutelage, Dimitrie displayed an intuitive understanding of the cards and their meaning. His grandmother's reputation in their community as a skilled Harrow reader made her an enigmatic figure in his life, shaping his own views on the arcane and mysticism.

His mother, meanwhile, delved into the lore of ancient Thassilon, filling their home with scrolls and tomes that would become the bedrock of his scholarly pursuits. Dimitrie was inquisitive, hungry for knowledge, and these ancient texts fed his imagination. His questions were incessant, ranging from the traditions of Varisian folklore to the complexities of arcane magic. It was clear that he was not just resourceful but also deeply cultured, shaped by the mixed heritage and knowledge passed down through generations.

When Dimitrie came of age, it was inevitable that he would venture beyond the safe cocoon of family and tradition. Perhaps it was youthful impatience, or maybe stubborn self-assurance, but when a group of adventurers caught wind of his unique skills, he left without looking back. The blend of his inherited intuition and self-taught knowledge made him a formidable sorcerer. While he was an expert in arcane magics, he showed exceptional mastery over occult magic—a rare combination that further enhanced his reputation.

As the years went by, the thrill of new challenges only intensified his natural overconfidence. Even as he collected arcane secrets and enhanced his magical prowess, he often found himself plunging into situations he hadn't fully considered. His instincts usually bailed him out, but it was clear that his impulsive tendencies were both an asset and a flaw.

Then there was the perpetual weight of legacy and expectation that accompanied him. His grandmother's reputation, the gaps in his family history, and the very real runes etched onto his flesh—a silent testimony to his connection with the ancient powers of Thassilon. As he ventured deeper into the labyrinthine complexity of arcane and occult magic, the same runes appeared to grow more vibrant, as if in response to his evolving power and understanding.

Now 25 and an experienced adventurer, Dimitrie finds himself at a crossroads. The breadth of his experiences has filled him with rich knowledge but has also shown him how much he still has to learn. The boy who once found wonder in a deck of Harrow cards has become a man grappling with the duality of his nature—drawn to both the arcane and the occult, rooted in family legacy yet eager to forge his own path.

In a way, the Harrow cards that once fascinated him so much are a metaphor for his own life: full of symbols and meanings, dealt by fate but interpreted by choice.


Dimitrie embodies a blend of his Varisian roots and the arcane prowess signified by his runescarred flesh.
He stands at an average height with a lean, agile build that belies his enduring constitution. His skin is slightly tanned from years of travel and outdoor adventure, a canvas marred and beautified by the intricate Thassilonian runes that adorn his arms, chest, and back. These runes glow faintly with arcane energy, especially when he's in the thick of spellcasting or emotionally charged moments, illuminating the arcane symbols in a spectral dance of light.

His brown hair, sun-kissed at the tips from long days on the road, is kept at a medium length, falling slightly over his forehead and framing his sharp, inquisitive eyes. A thin beard traces his jawline, kept neat and groomed in adherence to Varisian tradition. His eyes are a deep brown, almost mirroring the earth itself, carrying a spark of restless intelligence and insatiable curiosity.

His clothes reflect his Varisian heritage—vivid, colorful, and intricately designed. A long, flowing scarf with traditional Varisian patterns is often draped around his neck or shoulders, an emblem of his culture and a nod to his grandmother, who wore something similar in her time. His shirt is loose and airy, embroidered with symbols that resonate with his magical lineage. Completing the ensemble, he often wears a light cloak fastened with a clasp shaped like a Harrow card, paying homage to his harrowing abilities and the legacy of his family. His nimble fingers are occasionally seen toying with a deck of Harrow cards or tracing over the Thassilonian runes on his skin, a tactile focus for his ceaseless thoughts.