Dhargoh Stonewalker's page

2 posts. Organized Play character for EricMcG.


Liberty's Edge

Spiritual Weapon is a much better choice than a bow as long as you have spell slots available, bow is still a nice fallback. Note that it is in the form of a Rapier and has the crit range and multiplier of that weapon. If your level were equal to your team mates I would suggest Shield Other, but your HP is so far below them, it is just suicide.

Don't overthink your character too much. See what your group needs and try to fit into that, unless it's no fun for you. Thistlefoot alludes to groups that hit on a 2 and are hit only on 20s, if you are in this kind of group, there won't be much need for a healer which may not be a lot of fun for you. But you may also find that you are the only one who does any damage at all. I was recently in a level 6-7 PFS game with a 4th level melee specialized fighter and was the only one doing damage, with my bow. I had the only character with a range weapon of any kind. A lot of specialized builds see their damage output drop to 0 if the encounter is outside of their specialization. If there is a gap like that in your group you could try to fill it.

BTW the only equipment you really need is a holy symbol, and Cayden's is a tankard. ;)

Liberty's Edge

You appear to be undead as you don't have any Con stat. I would hope the omitted stat is at least a 12.

I can't tell if this is rolled stats or low point build. Either way, I'd switch Dex and Cha and get Breastplate/Shield as soon as possible. You need Cha 13 for Selective Channelling and Cha (lots) for more channels (and more effective when channeling to damage). Extra Channel is also good, particularly if you don't swap your Cha higher.

As your team mates level higher, their damage will continue to increase. Yours won't. If nothing else is going on that needs your specific abilities, then fire off an arrow and if you get a hit... Great!, but it'll still only be 1-8 damage. Your top fighter just did 60 and the arcane blaster maybe 30 if it saves. Your job is to keep your buddies standing, 2 or even 3 d6 isn't much, but it might be the difference between unconscious and the morgue. Build your Cleric accordingly.