
Dhéagláin's page

Organized Play Member. 16 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Liberty's Edge

Pt 1 of what is sure to be a long saga :)

I'm in the process of creating a half-elf I'm at step 4 which tells me to "determine starting skill points and spend them as you see fit"...but I can't find anything in the rulebook about how to do that. I have a whole list of skills, but nothing to indicate how many starting points I get. Tables 4-1, 4-2, etc. don't look like the right ones for this. Can someone point me in the right direction?

Sorry about the "jeesh if he's too stupid to figure this out he shouldn't be playing" thought inducing moment, but I have other redeeming qualities (smiles). Thanks!

Liberty's Edge

Howdy poster here, so be gentle :)

I just got the Core Set and the Bestiary. I plan to try and introduce Pathfinder to a small group with somewhat limited time to play...but not limited experience in RPGs, several have played 3.5 quite a bit, and one is in a current group that plays pretty regularly.

We've been playing Descent lately (with and without the co-op mode that someone posted on BGG). Everybody likes it, and being able to bang out a game in 4 or so hours is a great feature, but we'd like to do something that's much meatier in the RP department, but something we could break into similar time chunks.

Is it even *remotely* possible to play a 1st level adventure like Crypt of the Everflame with one of the players also acting as the GM? I know it might not be optimal, but with a small group like we've got, no one really wants to be stuck being the GM all the time. I got the PDF for this yesterday, and after I quick glance, it seems like it might lend itself to a player GM. I already own some of the flip mats, and if I'm not mistaken, some of those can be used with some of the adventures like Everflame, right?

I'm interested in hearing if anybody has tried being a player GM (at least for lower level "out of the box" adventures), and how it worked out. Thanks for any input.