
Devon Callister's page

95 posts. Organized Play character for Deussu.

Full Name

Devon Callister




Gunslinger 5/Fighter 2; HP 53/53; CMD 20; AC 19, t 15, ff 14; Fort +11 Ref +11 Will +4 (+4 vs. fear); Init +6, Perc +5








Chaotic Neutral



Strength 10
Dexterity 19
Constitution 12
Intelligence 8
Wisdom 8
Charisma 18

About Devon Callister

Current conditions:

Male Halfling Gunslinger (Mysterious Strangler) 5/Fighter(Weapon Master) 2
Chaotic Neutral Small Humanoid (halfling)
Player Deussu (2205-8)
Xp 19/21
Faction The Exchange
Prestige/Fame 12/34
Favored Class Gunslinger (+1 sp)
Init +4
Gunslinger Initiative As long as the gunslinger has 1 grit, +2 to initiative.
Senses Perception +5
AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 14; (+4 armor, +4 dex, +1 size)
hp 53 (7d10+7)
Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +4
Special Defenses +4 vs. fear, Deeds
Gunslinger's Dodge Immediate, 1 grit; move 5 feet (provoke) and gain +2 AC against a ranged attack or drop prone. Requires light load and light, medium, or no armor.
Speed 20 ft.
Small Dagger +8 (1d3/19-20, whetstone)
Small Mwk Nodachi +9 (1d8/18-20, whetstone)
Small Mwk Pistol +13 (1d6/x4, 20 ft. range, misfire 1)
Small +1 Lucky Pepperbox +13/+8 (1d6+1/x4, 20 ft. range, misfire 1-2 (5 ft.)
PBS Small +1 Lucky Pepperbox +14/+9 (1d6+2/x4)
PBS+DA Small +1 Lucky Pepperbox +12/+7 (1d6+6/x4)
PBS+RS Small +1 Lucky Pepperbox +12/+12/+7 (1d6+2/x4)
PBS+DA+RS Small +1 Lucky Pepperbox +10/+10/+5 (1d6+6/x4)
Special Attacks Point Blank Shot, Ricochet Shot Deed, Deadly Aim (-2 atk, +4 dmg), Rapid Shot, Deeds
Focused Aim Swift, 1 grit; +Cha to all firearm damage rolls.
Deadeye None, 1 grit per range increment; shoot at Touch AC, normal penalties apply.
Pistol-Whip Standard, 1 grit; melee attack (+6, 1d4+1), CMB to knock prone if hit.
Str 10, Dex 19, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 18
Base Atk +7/+2; CMB +6; CMD 201
Feats Gunsmithing(G), Rapid Reload, Blind-Fight(F), Ricochet Shot Deed, Point Blank Shot(F), Precise Shot, Deadly Aim(G), Rapid Shot
Skills (ACP ±0) Acrobatics ACP +12 (4), Bluff +11 1 (5), Climb ACP +2 (0), Craft (alchemy) +3 (1), Diplomacy +4 1,4 (0), Escape Artist +8 (1), Handle Animal +8 (1), Intimidate +8 (1), Knowledge (local) +0 (0), Perception +5 (1), Sleight of Hand ACP +12 1 (6), Stealth ACP +13 (1)
Traits Courageous (Combat), Successful Shirker (Racial)
Languages Common, Halfling
Fearless, Halfling Luck, Keen Senses, Sure-Footed, Weapon Familiarity, Deeds Focused Aim, Deadeye, Gunslinger's Dodge, Gunslinger Initiative, Pistol-whip, Utility Shot), Gunsmith, Grit (4), Lucky +1, Weapon Guard, Stranger’s Fortune
On person Small Dagger (½ lb), +1 Darkleaf cloth studded leather (5 lb), Small Mwk Pistol (2 lb), +1 Lucky Pepperbox (2 ½ lb), Small Mwk Nodachi (4 lb), Bullets (30) (½ lb), Adamantine Bullets (2), Silver Bullets (2), Powder Horn (1 lb), Black Powder (10) (½ lb), Alchemical Cartridges (paper, 5; flare, 1), Traveler's Outfit (1¼ lb),
Potion of Cure Serious Wounds, Cloak of Resistance +2, Wand of Cure Light Wounds (47), Backpack (½ lb)
In backpack Gunsmith's Kit (2 lb), Cold iron bullets (28) (½ lb), Black Powder (20) (1 lb), Pathfinder's Kit (Bedroll, belt pouch, clay mug, 2 fishhooks, flint and steel, sewing needle, signal whistle, 50 feet of string, 50 feet of thread, waterskin, 7 trail rations, whetstone; 6½ lb), Small Mwk (Battered) Pistol (2 lb)
Wealth ??? gp
Encumbrance 16¼ lb. without backpack, 26¼ lb. with backpack (24 ¾ lb. light/49 ½ lb. medium/75 lb. heavy)
G = Gunslinger bonus feat, F = Fighter bonus feat, 1 = +3 to avoid punishment by lawful authority, 1 = +2 to steal items without being noticed, 1 = +1 bonus to CMD against disarm and sunder attempts while wielding a pistol, 1 = +3 against members of the Sczarni faction

Member of the Thieves' Guild Nearly every community, from the smallest village to the teeming metropolis, has a criminal underground, and most have one or more thieves’ guilds to look out for the interests of those on the opposite side of the law. As a member of one such thieves’ guild, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Sleight of Hand checks to steal items without being noticed. You can use Sleight of Hand to make Day Job rolls.

Season 5 chronicles:

#5-18: Stranger Within
#5-99: Paths We Choose

Assault on the wound:
Society Field Agents (everyone)
Nearly 200 Pathfinders of varying ranks make up this army. Tasked by the Society with disrupting enemy movements, these agents use their esoteric relics and spellcasting to advance further into enemy territory.
N Large army of humans (bard 4)
hp 22; ACR 5
DV 17; OM +7 ranged
Tactics dirty fighters, expert flankers, standard, withdraw
Resources healing potions (1), ranged weapons
Special inspire courage, spellcasting* (+2)
Speed 2; Morale +2; Consumption 4