Master Basaalee Minvandu

Devinn LeMont's page

104 posts. Alias of Vorduvai.

Full Name

Devinn LeMont of Flint


Human (Risuri) Bard (Sandman) 1st AC 14/12/12 / HP 9 / F +1 R +4 W +3 / Init. +2 / Perc. +7 / Sense Motive +3





About Devinn LeMont

N Medium Humanoid (human)
Age: 20 Birthday: Fellnight 11th, 479 A.O.V.
Init +2; Senses Perception +7
Hero Points 1
Prestige Starts at 2 for Dockers
Attractiveness 14


AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 Armor, +2 Dex)
HP 9 (1d8+1) Current HP 9
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +3
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Rapier +1 (1d6+1/18x2), Dagger +1 (1d4+1/19x2) or Touch Atk +1 (Varies/20x2)
Ranged Sling +2 (1d4+1/x2 50') or Dagger +2 (1d4+1/19x2 10')
Special Attacks bardic performance 7 rds./day, DC 14 (countersong, distraction, fascinate, stealspell) 7/7 remaining
Bard Spells Known (CL 1st; Concentration d20+4):
1st (2/day)(DC 14) Grease, Charm Person 2/2 remaining
Cantrips (at will)(DC 13) Daze, Message, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 17
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 13
Feats (Simple Weapons, Light Armor Proficiency, Shield Proficiency, Select Martial Weapons: Rapier, Longsword, Shortsword, Sap, Whip, Pistols) Docker’s Jank, Alertness, Deceitful
Trained Skills Bluff +10, Diplomacy +7, Disguise +9, Knowledge (Local) +5, Perception +7, Perform (Oratory) +7, Perform (Percussion) +7, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +7,
Untrained Skills Acrobatics +2, Appraise +1, Climb +1, Craft (Locks) +1, Escape Artist +2, Heal +1, Intimidate +3, Perform (Acting) +3, Perform (Dance) +3, Perform (Singing) +3, Ride +2, Sense Motive +3, Swim +1, Survival +1
Languages Common, Primordial, Dwarven
SQ Master of Deception (Ex)

Stored Funds: 1 Crown (gp), 7 Shillings (sp), 3 Pence (cp)

Personal Gear Worn:

Note: Assumes a standard travelers or “courier’s” load, and does not include backpack or sack carried

Lamellar Cuirass 15gp

Rapier 20gp
3 Daggers 6gp (1 in Bandolier, 1 in Wrist Sheath, 1 in Boot or Belt)
Sling –
10 Sling Bullets in Leather Pouch 1sp

1 Traveler’s Outfit 1gp
1 Reversible Cloak 1gp (Docker Performer, R.H.C. Constable)
1 Wrist Sheath 1gp (+2 SoH chk to conceal)
1 Pocketed Scarf 8gp (+4 SoH chk to conceal)
1 Spell Component Pouch 5gp
1 Tankard, Tin 2cp

1 Bandolier 5sp (up to 8 flask or dagger sized items, ‘retrieve as stored item’ move action)
- 1 Hip Flask 1gp (Whiskey)
- 1 Drill 5sp
- 1 Glass Cutter 5gp (SoH DC15 chk. to break quietly)
- 1 Oil Flask (lamp) 1sp
- 1 Marbles, Bag of 1sp
- 1 Alchemist's Fire 20gp

2 Belt Pouches 2gp
- ‘Uncle’s Repaired’ Pocket watch ?? (steel)
- R.H.C. Constable's Badge (+1 Diplomacy, Intimidate, Bluff on Risuri)
- Wooden Tipper (for Bodhrán Drum)
- 1 Flint & Steel 1gp
- 2 Tindertwigs 2gp
- 1 Ball of String 1cp
- 1 Spool of Wire 5gp (copper)
- 1 Bell 1gp (brass)
- 3 Chalk 2cp
- 1 Set of Dice 2sp

1 Waterproof Satchel 5sp
- 1 Journal 10gp (oilskin cover)
- 3 Inkpens 3sp
- 1 Ink Vial (black) 8gp
- 4 Parchment 8sp
- 3 Glue Paper 3sp
- 1 Deck of Cards 3sp

Enc: 38/43 lbs. (Light Load)

Backpack Gear:

1 Backpack, Common 2gp (leather)
- 1 Flint Blue Book 5gp (+2 to Local, Bluff, Diplomacy Checks for info gathering in Flint when studied)
- 1 Poncho 5sp (waterproofed)
- 1 Grooming Kit 1gp
- 1 Cologne Flask 5gp
- 1 Gear Maintenance Kit 5gp
- 1 Whetstone 2cp
- 1 Common Instrument 5gp (Bodhrán Drum)
- 5 Candles 5cp
- 1 Candlestick 1cp (tin)
- 1 Bedroll 1sp

Enc: 18.5 lbs.

”Changing” Sack:

1 Sack 1sp
- 1 Disguise Kit 50gp (+2 Disguise checks) 10/10 uses
- 1 Entertainer’s Kit 5sp
- 1 Entertainer’s Outfit 3gp (Docker)
- 1 Mask 5sp (docker’s)
- 1 Artisan’s Outfit 1gp (factory worker)
- 1 Peasant’s Outfit 1sp (beggar)
- 2 Wigs 10gp, 3 Hats 2gp
- 2 Scarves 1gp , 2 Kerchiefs 5sp

Enc: 27.5 lbs

Special Abilities
Bardic Performances: Use the Perform skill to create magical effects on those around him, including himself if desired. He can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + his Charisma modifier. At each level after 1st a bard can use bardic performance for 2 additional rounds per day. Each round, the bard can produce any one of the types of bardic performance that he has mastered, as indicated by his level. Starting a bardic performance is a standard action, but it can be maintained each round as a free action. Changing a bardic performance from one effect to another requires the bard to stop the previous performance and start a new one as a standard action.

Learned Bardic Performances:
Stealspell (Su): Can use performance to steal spells from his foes and add them to his list of spells known. Once the performance is started, the bard can steal a prepared spell or a spell known from another creature with a touch attack as a standard action. The target receives a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 bard's level + Cha bonus) to negate the effect. The sandman may choose a spell to steal, but if the target does not possess the spell, the bardic performance immediately ends. Otherwise the spell stolen is random, but it is always of the highest level that the bard can cast, if possible. The target loses the prepared spell or spell known and the sandman adds it to his list of spells known for as long as the performance continues, after which it reverts to the original recipient. While stolen, the bard can cast the spell using his available spell slots. This use does not consume the stolen spell. If the bard steals another spell while a spell is stolen, the previous spell immediately reverts to its original owner. This ability requires visual components. This performance replaces inspire courage.

Countersong (Su): At 1st level, a bard learns to counter magic effects that depend on sound (but not spells that have verbal components). Each round of the countersong he makes a Perform (keyboard, percussion, wind, string, or sing) skill check. Any creature within 30 feet of the bard (including the bard himself) that is affected by a sonic or language-dependent magical attack may use the bard's Perform check result in place of its saving throw if, after the saving throw is rolled, the Perform check result proves to be higher. If a creature within range of the countersong is already under the effect of a non-instantaneous sonic or language-dependent magical attack, it gains another saving throw against the effect each round it hears the countersong, but it must use the bard's Perform skill check result for the save. Countersong does not work on effects that don't allow saves. Countersong relies on audible components.

Distraction (Su): At 1st level, a bard can use his performance to counter magic effects that depend on sight. Each round of the distraction, he makes a Perform (act, comedy, dance, or oratory) skill check. Any creature within 30 feet of the bard (including the bard himself) that is affected by an illusion (pattern) or illusion (figment) magical attack may use the bard's Perform check result in place of its saving throw if, after the saving throw is rolled, the Perform skill check proves to be higher. If a creature within range of the distraction is already under the effect of a non-instantaneous illusion (pattern) or illusion (figment) magical attack, it gains another saving throw against the effect each round it sees the distraction, but it must use the bard's Perform skill check result for the save. Distraction does not work on effects that don't allow saves. Distraction relies on visual components.

Fascinate (Su): At 1st level, a bard can use his performance to cause one or more creatures to become fascinated with him. Each creature to be fascinated must be within 90 feet, able to see and hear the bard, and capable of paying attention to him. The bard must also be able to see the creatures affected. The distraction of a nearby combat or other dangers prevents this ability from working. For every three levels the bard has attained beyond 1st, he can target one additional creature with this ability.
Each creature within range receives a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the bard's level + the bard's Cha modifier) to negate the effect. If a creature's saving throw succeeds, the bard cannot attempt to fascinate that creature again for 24 hours. If its saving throw fails, the creature sits quietly and observes the performance for as long as the bard continues to maintain it. While fascinated, a target takes a –4 penalty on all skill checks made as reactions, such as Perception checks. Any potential threat to the target allows the target to make a new saving throw against the effect. Any obvious threat, such as someone drawing a weapon, casting a spell, or aiming a weapon at the target, automatically breaks the effect. Fascinate is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting ability. Fascinate relies on audible and visual components in order to function.

Master of Deception (Ex): 1/2 Bard Level to Bluff, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth checks. May also disarm magical traps with Disable Device as a rogue's trapfinding ability. This ability replaces bardic knowledge.

FELLOW MEMBERS OF "Ravissant Wolf" R.H.C. TEAM 42 (including Nicknames and Notes)
Anya Landreth, LG Human Female Cavalier: Nickname "Hero"
Alastair Rayne, NG Human Male Monk: Nickname "Easy"
Ifris Lanvaldan, LN Human Femal Soulknife: Nickname "Rails"
Reginald Filby, LN Human Male Alchemist: Nickname "Mast"
Rhegalion Arbalistre, LN Aasimar Male Oracle: Nickname "Heavens"
Talyssa Dane, NG Human Female Wizard: Nickname "Jet"

Establishments of Note
Flint, Bosum Strand: Thinking Man's Tavern, Bedlam House, The Avery Trade (coffee/tea house)
Flint, The Stray: Grey Goose Pub

The Dramatis Personae of Devinn LeMont's Stage:

Kevin Kentworth, R.H.C. Constable
Location: Flint
Dress: Varies (typically Traveler's Outfit or modified Scholar's Outfit)
Affectations: Locks of white hair under a rounded hat often seen in Central District parts, glass monocle, grey cloak, grey scarf, journal and inkpen in his hand. Plays up the authoritarian, no-humor straight-and-narrow mannerisms, flashes his R.H.C. badge a lot, etc.
Purpose: To conduct "formal" investigations in Flint and elsewhere when he wants to be noticed as an investigator of the R.H.C. or can't hide it.

Malcolm the Magnificent, Docker Performer
Location: Central (poorer parts of)
Dress: Entertainer's Outfit & Entertainer's Kit
Affectations: Blue hair spiked w/ green highlights, blue cloak, green or sea green scarf, often with a Bodhrán drum. Mocking and bawdy to the crowd, caters to the poorer artisans and workers, moves in a dancing/flowing manner.
Purpose: To entertain in the pubs and streets of the Flint Dockers areas, and also to share and obtain information on the street while performing.

Gavin the Docker Performer
Location: The Stray, Southern Bosum Strand
Dress: Entertainer's Outfit & Entertainer's Kit
Affectations: Brown hair in a ponytail, orange and yellow cloak, crimson and orange garish scarf, often with a small hand drum. Positive and lively to the crowd, performs magic tricks for the children, moves in a dancing/flowing manner.
Purpose: To entertain in the pubs and streets of the Flint Dockers areas, and also to share and obtain information on the street while performing.

Gladhand, Abel the Beggars
Location: Pine Island or The Nettles (Abel), Parity Lake or Central (Gladhand)
Dress: Peasant's Outfit
Affectations: Varies - long loose brown or black hair, dirty or sooty on his face, hair and hands, dirty clothes, yellowed teeth, bad breath. Speaks as little as possible but with the local dialect. Acts like a beggar or homeless refugee.
Purpose: To primarily establish a watch on an area and be forgettable and pathetic to passersby.

Meeks, Baggs, Rexx the Laborers (Factory worker, Dock worker)
Location: Bosum Strand (Meeks), The Stray or Pine Island (Baggs), Parity Lake (Rexx)
Dress: Artisan's Outfit
Affectations: Varies - brown or black hair tucked under a drab worker's cap, dark brown scarf, often uses a slight limp or favors an arm, sometimes uses a scar on the face or hand. Speaks with the local dialect. Acts surly, bitter, tired, in pain and looking for a drink and something to complain about.
Purpose: To enter local pubs or street games as a laborer off work to watch a place or gather information.

Master Terrence Saxton-LeVane, Courtier of Industry
Location: North Shore
Dress: Courtier's Outfit, Matching Jewelery
Affectations: A wig of the current style and color of known fashion, often topped with a hat of style. Cologne. A silken parasol of fashionable color. A blue or silvery-gray silken scarf. A slightly higher-pitched voice with clear enunciation, sometimes with a musical lilt to his voice, but more smiling than snooty. Graceful in his movements, particularly hand and arm motions. Positions his body to accentuate off leg and buttocks.
Purpose: To get into the higher-class parties and woo or seduce a woman with means, posing as the third son of a well-to-do "newer money" merchant family or entrepreneur from another Risuri city.

Others TBD...

Devinn LeMont grew up as a native of Flint in the Bosum Strand district, a boy to loving parents of modest means, as well as a dashing older sister and kindly uncle. Devinn’s ten-year old innocent childhood was disrupted in the last years of the Fourth Yerasol War when his father died as a soldier abroad in the Yerasol Archipelago, the after-effects of which estranged mother from eldest daughter; Devinn’s sister Lena left on her own the following year. Devinn turned to running with a pack on the street as his mother turned to consorting with the powerful men of the shadier elements of Bosum Strand, the need for coin becoming more paramount to her. Only his Uncle Landon was a tempering influence, which would be needed two years later when Devinn’s mother suddenly came down with sickness and died of fever. Running full-time now with his pack of orphaned ‘mates’ in their territory in the Bosum Strand, it was the uncle who kept encouraging him to give up life on the street, never giving up on the boy. A year later marked two near-death experiences for the thirteen year-old Devinn which changed his outlook entirely; luckily he abandoned the street-ratter ways to live with his uncle even as the final year of the Fourth Yerasol War brought the violent “Lastyear Riots” to Flint, wiping away most criminal elements in the harsh crackdown that followed the outbreaks of violence and protest.

Devinn embraced life with his uncle learning his letters and helping in his repair shop – Uncle Landon was a skilled tinkerer and repairman of locks, timepieces, music boxes, simple guns and other simple technological curios. Business was good in those post-war times, and his uncle was able to earn enough in two years to gain his fifteen-year old nephew an entrance to the Pardwright Preparatory School (affiliated with Pardwright University), in no small part because Devinn manifested a rarer arcane talent as a teenager, a bankable talent in Risur. In Pardwright Preparatory he found he was far from being the smartest or most accomplished in his classes, but his mother’s good looks and natural charm found him a small cadre of friends that he could rely on, most notably the kind-hearted Thomas Garresby and upstanding Effram Mifrain. Studies and rigors of the institution were hard on Devinn, but his past gave him insight on how to turn the ‘game’ of institutional learning to his advantage by befriending and manipulating his peers, and yet he surprised himself with a new-found love of language, music, oratory and magical performance arts. Unfortunately his lack of pedigree and affinity for Docker life earned Devinn ridicule as well, with a Central magistrate’s son Tiernan Mackaeron forming an intense dislike and unhealthy rivalry to Devinn and his “pauper” fellows.

As Devinn neared manhood his looks, wit, street-savvy and charm won many a prim young lady over to his side, but the mutual scorn and derision with Tiernan turned to hatred, with neither one innocent of plans to foil the other. In his last year, Devinn targeted and seduced Tiernan’s North Shore connected girlfriend Kendra at a cotillion gala, only to later reveal the tryst in public humiliation of them both, resulting in a brief duel between the young men that earned Devinn a few cuts and his rival Tiernan an arrest and near-expulsion. It also strained the relationship between Devinn and Effram, who found his friend's tactics shocking and much too cruel to dismiss out-of-hand.

In the two years since finishing his preparatory credentials (and knowing full well he did not have the means, desire or social connections to enter Pardwright University), Devinn found opportunities to mesh his charismatic performances and penchant for the finer things in life to new use. Unafraid to operate in the lower ranks of society as a courier in Central, a con-artist or information broker in Bosum Strand, a tavern performer by the Stray or an extra pair of hands for his aging uncle at his shop, he has also selectively cultivated at least four ‘relationships’ with wealthy women of the North Shore, disguising his true self to adopt a persona that was carefully constructed to attract them at preplanned events, his deceitful charm and savvy (whether at gala or in the bedroom). These brief affairs have been at great risk but also have given Devinn great reward, whether by grateful (and lavish) gifts given to him freely, or by choice objects of art secretly pilfered and fenced before his final departure. In this way he has made a solid acquaintance with a purveyor/fence of refined objects named Hal Colston in the North Shore, the two trading information and gossip to earn a fine profit for each.

For Devinn, however, the game is more interesting than the pure gain, squandering most of it within a couple months on other pleasures of the senses and fine fashion. It is usually after one of these highly executed cons that Devinn goes to ground to a different identity and simpler existence in one of the other districts for a time, until a chance piece of gossip or perceived tidbit of information sparks his mind to yet another new escapade.

Recent R.H.S. Background: Seeing an opportunity the R.H.S. recruited Devinn to provide an "in" with the Dockers as well as gain an infiltration and disguise expert. As an accepted member of the dockers, you would have frequented the docks in and around Bosun strand. Your work would have regularly taken you to such place as the Thinking Man's Tavern or the Bedlam House where you could keep your eye out for any potential news of dock or steel worker strikes. You would have also listened for any rumors of unusual activity during the construction of the R.N.S. Coaltongue and any persons of particular interest. Based on these reports the R.H.S. would follow up any potential leads for sabotage or espionage.

Devinn LeMont takes greatly after his mother Margery’s side, much smaller and wiry than either his father Jarrell or older sister Lena. Topping out at five-feet-six-inches, he is quick with a low center of gravity and graceful movements, but not overly broad of shoulder or muscular; at first glance his bearing is one who does not spend his life out-of-doors, but one who bears calloused and practiced hands that suggest a worker’s past besides scribing or counting. With shoulder-length dark black hair and piercing blue eyes, his handsome face carries a warm inviting smile that draws attention. When he speaks he tends to affect an accent or mannerism that is compatible with the other party, using body language instinctively for greatest effect. Devinn’s voice is deep and strong when he gives a speech or recites a poem or tale, but also possesses great clarity and range when he is engaged in song. He often displays his talent in balancing a coin or juggling a small object to reflect his dexterity and skill, smoothly moving into a feat of magical prestidigitation to draw eyes and smiles.

Devinn has learned to hide his true self over the years, the pain and anger over the loss of his parents and sister coupled with life on the streets hardening him to deal with Risuri life in his native city. Only with Uncle Landon or his good friend Thomas can he truly be himself. As Devinn grew older he realized his looks, wit and charm could get him what he wanted, provided he tailored his actions to suit his ‘marks’ for better manipulation or entertainment. While poor at times he was never subjected to absolute squalor, and his opportunity at a proper education means that the acquisition of money or power is not Devinn’s primary motivation; he merely wants to experience the good things in life and have the means to carry off his next exploit. He has a soft place for the plight of the Docker and the downtrodden, and finds delight in a chance performance on the streets of the Bosum Strand as enjoyable as a high hall performance in Central. In fact, he finds more true joy in a tavern song on the Stray than he does wooing a high class woman in the North Shore, for women are perceived more as games or trophies to win, a by-product of how he saw his mother use her sex appeal for personal gain after his father died. That is not to say that he believes women are inferior or weaker (his sister proving that concept as folly well enough), but has not allowed the passion and charms of a woman to touch his heart, assuming he would just be taken for a fool.
Though he lacks the true genius or knack at technology, he appreciates and embraces it as a product of his uncle’s influence upon him. He prizes a reclaimed and repaired timepiece by his uncle as his greatest treasure, and desires to own a pistol one day when he can properly maintain it. Telescopes, compasses and astrolabes fascinate him – the one ‘decent’ thing to talk about to a skyseer should he ever meet one. In a way Devinn is a true Risuri, embracing both innate magic and technology in equal measure, but not holding one in regard in detriment to the other. Devinn knows his mother’s maternal line is tinged with arcane fey heritage, one that led to violent conflict with the growth of Flint, though his uncle wouldn’t speak about it further. Devinn embraces the magic within himself but is wary of anything fey or of witchcraft, both of which had violent ties to Flint’s past.

Devinn regards religion as relics of the past and a waste of time for him, the dogma and rituals to be ignored and disregarded. It is the one main disagreement between Thomas and himself, but Devinn knows that Thomas is such a good soul and healer that the belief system is necessary for him in his case. While Devinn knows that the history and powers of the divine are ultimately real, they hold no practical appeal to him, unless as a means to an end. Certainly his prayers as a boy to bring his father home were foolishly useless, so why should he waste more time on the subject?

Quirks & Mannerisms:

* Enjoys giving acquaintances different names to call them by, in part to enjoy some humor at their expense. An example would be a R.H.C. supply clerk in the Quartermaster's Office, whom he calls "Sniveley".

* Will work out nervousness before a con or job by practicing acrobatic stretches and handstands if in a safe location...often with his shirt off (and especially if a woman is nearby that either might like that OR that would annoy her - both are fun to Devinn).

* Frightened of oceans and smaller boats - this after nearly capsizing and drowning in the Lower Flint Bay as a street ratter on an attempt to reach an adrift sailing yacht after a storm.

* Loves any sort of oratory, debate or poetry, and will take time to write a choice phrase into his journal as he can. He often looks for ways to expand on his own repertoire, though it is not limited to just the higher forms learned in school. Devinn is fond of the ‘word of the street’ and enjoys the street performances of the Dockers as much as any of the 'higher' forms found in more esteemed halls and parties of the city.

* Enjoys games of chance, but only those that he feels he has more control over. He likes side-betting on certain dice games in the local pub, loves contested card games at the higher gaming halls, and is known to proffer a bet to his mates in a tense situation.

* Has had a fondness for Leaf of Nicodemus in the past, which has gotten him into some trouble at times when he’s had ample coin to spend. He has vowed to not let it get out of hand…next time.

* He likes pubs and taverns for their energy, performing and gaining information from carefree (and drunken) lips, but for his own personal pleasure he enjoys Yerasol coffee and exotic teas from the more serene coffee houses. That's where he likes to read and work on his poetry.

* Openly disregards any hold to the Clergy or religion in general, and secretly embraces the ideals of William Miller and its favor amongst the poor and downtrodden dockers of Flint. His main issue is blind devotion to dogma and the assumption that faith "provides" to the devoted unquestioningly - he thinks that is the ultimate con job of history.

* Favors and desires a pistol, though he knows he doesn’t have the gunsmithing skill his uncle has, nor what his father had in using guns. Also favors fine military high riding boots, though he will never admit it is from his father’s memory.

* Wants to be at a "great" performance in the Navras Opera House to see its magic in person, though he feels he himself is not one to be gifted enough himself to ever attempt it.

* Has a restored timepiece from his uncle that he treasures as his favorite possession, even though it is heavily worn and been replaced with panels of dull steel instead of gold plate. It works for a few hours each day if wound correctly, and was a gift by his uncle to him upon his adult naming day.

Characters of Importance in Devinn's Life:
Landon LeMont (Uncle): Tinkerer, repairman and amateur timekeeper – raised Devinn after his father died in the Fourth Yerasol War and his mother died of a fever two years later. Uncle Landon is his mother’s older brother. Devinn turned to his uncle in his early teens after straying too close to the crime and violence of the seedier parts of Bosum Strand. Because of his uncle, Devinn took the LeMont name in his upbringing, forsaking his father’s family name. Uncle Landon is still alive in the Bosum Strand with his shop, though his health is not what it used to be.

Jarrell Clavell (Father): Died in the Yerasol Wars as a junior officer, but was rumored to be a competent soldier and skilled gunslinger, having trained at the accomplished Battalion Academy. Devinn is bitter about it as he believes his father was a fool and died for nothing on some forsaken island after years away from home, leaving his family in misery.

Margary LeMont-Clavell (Mother): A great beauty in her time, but with a frowned-upon magical fey lineage through her mother and aunts that she and her elder brother forsook. The loss of her husband in the war estranged her daughter entirely and largely led to the neglect of her son. Mired in her own desires and need to have means of support, Devinn was largely taking to the streets, and their last words were bitter to each other. Two years after her husband’s death she was suddenly afflicted by a fever and died two days’ later.

Lena Clavell (Sister): Athletic and strong like her father, she took much after his personality and fighting spirit. She left the year after her father was killed in the Fourth Yerasol War, using her skills and courage to join with a merchant caravan bound for the capital. Her whereabouts since then are unknown.

Thomas "Dowser" Garresby (Friend): Devinn's closest friend in Flint. A fellow bard of magical talent whom he met in Pardwright Preparatory School, Thomas embraces tenets of the Old Faith and the Fey, and has shown skill as a fledgling 'Songhealer' with his talents. He is from the fringes between Bosum Strand and the Parity Lake districts, and is a strong advocate for alleviating the plight of the poor and downtrodden in the city of Flint, and disagrees with those that would tear up the Strand for a new railway. Thomas is the one friend Devinn would risk ‘foolishness’ for without profit or fun, and has been dragged in on trouble with his kind and naive friend on more than one occasion (including a full-blown factory worker's riot). Devinn nicknames him "Dowser" both for his mystical ability to find what he needs in life, as well as his penchant to "find" unwanted trouble for Devinn due to some cause Thomas gets wrapped up in.

Effram "Miffed" Mifrain (Friend): A close school friend of Devinn, though whose relationship has been strained in the last two years over Devinn's final stunt to get back at Tiernan Mackaeron. Effram has a keen intellect and displayed magical talent in school; his pursuits were far more wizardly and scholarly than either Devinn or Thomas could manage, with them relying on Effram to help them get through the tougher exams. Effram has a strong sense of duty, and upon completion at Pardwright Preparatory School he joined the Flint Police Force in scene investigation. Eventually he was admitted into R.H.C. as a constable of their support wing. A "referral" of Devinn's in the admittance process, Effram did not hold back any sordid details of Devinn, but ultimately felt his school friend could be of service in R.H.C. with his rather colorful skillset. The two have mostly patched up their rift over the "incident" but Effram always has a disapproving air with his friend that Devinn likes to play up at times.

Tiernan Mackaeron (Enemy): An influential magistrate’s son from the privileged areas of the Central district, Tiernan led a group of like-minded spoiled brats that their preparatory school was too keen on letting in the riff-raff of the poorer districts, taking it upon himself to ridicule and scorn them as much as possible. He was proven to be a bright and keenly minded student, possessing powers of wizardry with a focus on abjuration. His rivalry with Devinn had gone on since he first arrived at school, but reached an intensity of hatred after Tiernan’s wealthy and well-connected girlfriend had slept with Devinn and been proclaimed in the student courtyard. Tiernan fell into such a blind rage that he challenged him to a sword duel, which Devinn accepted but only defended himself; eventually the duel was broken up by the professors and the blame of it was heaped mostly upon Tiernan, who realized too late that he had been manipulated by his own predictable hatred.

Kendra Devarre (Enemy): The Devarre family’s third daughter, her flowering beauty was overshadowed by her haughtiness that came from being from a wealthy family of new industrial money. The steady girlfriend of Tiernan Mackaeron due to his influence as the proper “elite” faction in school, she found herself suddenly entranced and intrigued by her boyfriend’s rival (whom up to then she had previously despised) at a student cotillion and gala. Kendra found herself spending the night with Devinn, whereupon the next awkward morning to her delight he professed his love for her and vowed to keep their night a secret. As it turned out, Devinn had lied to her, revealing her infidelity to Tiernan in front of their school peers in the student courtyard at the most public and embarrassing moment possible. Realizing she had been used and manipulated by Devinn’s magic, with Tiernan and most of her friends abandoning her and the news of the indiscretion reaching her father’s ears, she vowed revenge for the ruining of her reputation and the sheer humiliation he caused. It is unknown to Devinn what she did afterwards, though rumor in the North Shore hinted she might have been sent away to another city in Risur.

Hallam “Hal” Colston (Contact): Hal Colston is a minor purveyor of objects of art and assistant to the wealthy patrons of North Shore, having spent time acquiring whatever is needed and desired. However, Hallam is not one of the elites and is not treated well by many of the families, who view his services as much as they would a moneychanger. As such, Hal has found a sideline job in fencing certain objects to wealthy buyers of the less elite echelon who treat him with greater respect. In this area Hal became acquainted with Devinn, who found they had a common interest in duping the wealthy for personal gain. Devinn and Hal have only run a few jobs together, but the trade of gossip and information has proven fruitful in the past, and Devinn’s priority of caution over greed suggests the high-class fence will continue to offer gossip to him on the actions of North Shore happenings.

Secrets Devinn LeMont knows (and doesn’t know):
Secret: Devinn’s sister Lena learned that her mother was having an affair with another man in the year before her father’s death, desiring the finer things that his monthly soldier’s stipend could not afford her. It was this secret coupled with Jarrell’s death that split mother and daughter permanently, though she would not tell Devinn because of his age and his utter devotion to Margery.

Secret: Devinn’s mother was poisoned, a murderous act of revenge for breaking off the relationship with a senior criminal lieutenant of Bosum Strand whom she had an off-on relation with. Uncle Landon knew this was what happened to his sister (or mostly suspected), but kept the truth from Devinn, as he was sure the boy would try to seek revenge and get himself killed.

Secret: Devinn the “boy” has killed before, or at least thinks he has. In a particularly dreadful skirmish between rival gangs in the last year of the Fourth Yerasol War, he watched several of his mates knifed and clubbed down in a street ambush, with the rest scattering including himself. Down to a one-on-one chase, he rounded the corner into an alley and abruptly turned to face his attacker with a drawn knife. His pursuer did not anticipate the small and scrawny Devinn to have stopped running and came around the corner fully unprepared into his knife, taking a vicious wound to the chest. Devinn reflexively stabbed him again in the side of the neck and then fled as the other boy collapsed in a heap. He never knew what happened to him, but assumed the boy had bled out before being found.

Secret: Devinn the “young man” was involved in a Docker riot when he was eighteen in the last year of their schooling, while he was accompanying Thomas Garresby in a demonstration against unsafe conditions in the Parity Lake District. When the factory guards (backed by the local police) attacked the protesters, Thomas and many others were beaten and accosted, causing the crowd of dockers and assembled poor to boil into anger. Devinn grew enraged at the assault of his friend and charmed a policeman onlooker into attacking the factory assailant, then used his oratory to incite the crowd that the police were on their side and to drive off the “thug” strongmen. A full-blown riot ensued, and Devinn (in disguise) was barely able to escape the ensuing chaos without being arrested or seriously beaten. For a month he figured he’d be identified and arrested, but somehow he luckily evaded identification.

A Note about Alignment:
Devinn’s alignment is true neutral, but unlike perhaps those of his mother’s line in the past, he is not interested in committing to true balance. Rather, he is at a crossroads in his life, finding some laws good for society while others needlessly oppressive to hard working folk. He can easily view others as marks to con or exploit for gain, but just as easily he can give coin to a beggar or street urchin who need a helping hand…or who instead have a good con act going that he can appreciate! Devinn leans towards goodness the more he is with those that have earned his trust, but that trust is hard to give in Flint. For now, serving the goals of his own pleasure and gain denote a certain amount of selfishness that keep him where he is. Perhaps one day that will change.

Comparisons to Movie Performances for Context:

1) Matt Damon's character "Linus" in the Oceans Eleven movies: Looking at it from the standpoint of the cons that Linus performs and his prep in scouting out marks. Also good stuff as a "junior" member of the team that has solid skills, but doesn't know everything. I would draw on this a bit as it relates to Devinn's professional interactions within the team.

2) The character Flynn Rider in the animated movie Tangled: An early Flynn Rider is actually perfect for Devinn when he is trying to turn on the "smolder" with the ladies, and in general show off his cocky and self-assured manner! Wit and sly humor without being over-the-top is key here.

3) Henry Cavill's character "the boyfriend" in the movie Stardust: Just a minor reference here in playing Devinn as a cocky jerk to someone he dislikes or would dismiss and berate, maybe with a rapier in hand!

4) Henry Cavill's character in the Tudors 1st Season: Drawing from his early portrayal as a charming but somewhat rakish romancer with the ladies - a good sense of what he might do in one of his North Shore romancing cons.

5) Daniel Craig's character "James Bond" in Casino Royale: Bond and the spy trope is too obvious, but specifically the scene where he meets and banters with Vesper on the train - that banter with a woman who sees through some of his practiced charm is perfect Devinn!