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119 posts. Alias of Epic Meepo (RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32).

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RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

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The playtest rulebook uses the term, "Dent," to measure damage to dealt an object. To me, this terminology produces a fair amount of cognitive dissonance. How, for example, would I "Dent" a rope by attacking it with a sword? How would I "Dent" a piece of paper by cutting it with scissors?

It would almost make more sense if objects took generic "Hits" instead of "Dents," as in: this statue has Hardness 10 (5 Hits). That's slightly closer to plain English than the current terminology which equates "damage" with "dents."


Although I'm calling out "Dents," in particular, I think that term exemplifies a larger trend in the game rules. Lots of things are saddled with unusual keywords that don't exactly fit any sort of plain English definition: bulk as a unit of measurement, screening (an apparent neologism), awkward phrases like Focus Activation action, etc.

At times, as in the case of "Dents," the rules seem to read less like English and more like computer code, where the names of variables are assigned arbitrary values as needed, with no regard to the dictionary definitions of the names themselves.

This may or may not be a problem for other readers. I can only speak for myself when I say that much of the terminology in the rulebook comes off as awkward and artificial, so I hope it sees some sort of revision before the playtest process is finished.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

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The following are a few random questions I had while reading the rogue class.

Footpad’s Focus: Why isn’t there any sort of synergy between this feat and Bludgeoner?

Battle Assessment: How does this differ from a Recall Knowledge action? And, assuming there is a bigger difference than I am seeing, why is this a rogue feat instead of a fighter feat?

Dread Striker: Why isn’t this also a fighter feat?

Poison Weapon: Where is the simple poison generated by this feat coming from? Shouldn’t this feat involve some sort of rules for crafting a simple poison instead of just handwaving its existence?

Dispelling Slice: Is it intentional that you can use this on an ally to end a harmful spell whose effect is worse than the damage you would deal with Dispelling Slice?

Perfect Distraction and Reactive Distraction: How are these feats not powers? Isn’t every class ability that produces a spell effect supposed to be a spell in PF2? And even if they somehow aren’t spells, shouldn’t these feats have the same descriptors as the mislead spell they are duplicating?

Implausible Infiltration: How is this feat not a power? And even if it is somehow not a spell, how does it not have any descriptor indicating that moving through a solid object is a magical action?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The following are a few questions I had while reading through the paladin class

Oath Feats: Should you lose the benefits of these feats if you fail to follow your paladin’s code? As written, these feats are “other paladin abilities” that are not lost if you fail to follow your code, which seems a bit silly for something that’s supposed to be a sacred vow.

Armored Fortitude: Why does this grant you a bonus on saving throws against things like poison and disease, but only when wearing armor? Why is your immune system dependent upon (the non-magical properties of) the armor you wear?

Vengeful Oath: This feat says it cannot be used to determine a creature’s alignment, so what happens if I try to use it to damage a creature I believe to be evil but which is not actually evil? How does the feat fail to deal damage in such a way that I do not know it failed? There is literally no game mechanic which makes the “no determining alignment” restriction workable in that situation.

Loyal Warhorse: What do critical hits have to do with Retributive Strike?

Second Ally: Shouldn’t this list righteous ally as a prerequisite (since multiclassed and fallen paladins might not actually have a first righteous ally, let alone a second)?

Sense Evil: How long, exactly, does it take to sense an evil aura?

16th-level paladin feats: If you didn’t pick righteous ally (blade) on 3rd level, it is entirely possible you may not qualify for any of these feats on 16th level. Shouldn’t there be at least one feat on this level with less-stringent prerequisites?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

The following are a few assorted questions and comments I had while reading through the fighter class.

Open Feats: For clarity, shouldn’t all of these feats have the following reminder text: “Requirements: You have not used an attack action this turn.”

Press Feats: For clarity, when exactly can these be used? It seems like press feats are supposed to be used any time after you make your first attack on your turn, but the actual rules use circuitous language about multiple attack penalties, which seems to be a very roundabout way of explaining things. Wouldn’t it just be easier to add the following reminder text to each press feat: “Requirements: You have used at least one other attack action this turn.”

Exotic Weapon Training: Why does this grant trained proficiency with an exotic weapon when fighters are already trained with all exotic weapons? Is that just there for multiclassing purposes?

Revealing Stab: How does getting a weapon stuck in you necessarily immobilize you? If the answer involves pinning a target to a nearby surface, what happens if the target is flying in the air or swimming in a vast expanse of water? Also, what happens if the target is amorphous?

Whirlwind Strike: Why does this have the open descriptor? There are only a small number of edge cases where you are going to have more than three actions on your turn, so adding this restriction seems to be largely unnecessary.

Impossible Volley: How much ammunition does this require?

A question/comment about fighters in general: Why does the fighter class, in particular, involve so many conditional restrictions upon the use of its abilities?

So many fighter feats seem to read like, “whenever you are wielding a one-handed piercing weapon with one hand free, and are already in a dueling stance, and haven’t used an attack action yet this turn, and are adjacent to an enemy, you can Stride double your speed and Strike with the required weapon, but only if you end that movement adjacent to a different enemy, and when you do, your movement doesn’t trigger reactions if you move in a straight line and the phase of the moon is just right.”

I understand the desire to give fighters something more interesting to do than just move and attack, but to me, “keeping track of what conditional actions I get to use this round,” doesn’t qualify as interesting. That’s just bookkeeping. The fighter would be much more interesting if most fighter feats were useful in a wide variety of circumstances with a wide variety of weapons. Then, instead of asking, “Which of these conditional actions can my fighter actually use this round?”, I can ask, “Which of these broadly-applicable actions does my fighter want to use this round?” That’s much more interesting.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

The following are a couple questions I had while reading through the druid class.

Armor Proficiency: I understand that metal armor is anathema for druids, but how does that prevent their armor training in light and medium armor from applying to metal armor? If I am trained in light leather armor, how am I not also trained in light leather armor with metal studs on it? And if I somehow can’t conflate training in leather armor with training in metal-studded leather armor, how am I then proficient with ironwood-studded leather armor, which is functionally identical to metal-studded leather armor except it isn’t made of metal?

Druid Order Feats: Is it really necessary to add separate druid order benefits to certain druid feats? If a benefit granted by a druid feat is important to the identity of a druid order, wouldn’t it make more sense for that to be a benefit of the order itself, not the benefit of an otherwise unrelated druid feat? And if the benefit is more important to the identity of the feat than to the order, shouldn’t it just be a benefit granted to every druid who takes the feat, regardless of their order? In other words, shouldn’t a druid order work more like a cleric domain, in that it provides one or two thematic benefits without locking a character out of half of their feat benefits?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

The following are a few assorted questions I had while reading through the bard class.

Spellcasting: Why can’t each bard choose their own spell list instead of all bards using the occult spell list? Sure, many bards delve into occult lore. Aren't others inspired by nature and trained by druid circles? Aren't others professors at arcane academies? Aren't others inspired by deities to perform sacred hymns in temples? The bard is supposed to be the jack-of-all-trades class that can follow any number of paths, so it seems like a better candidate for the “choose your own spell list” benefit than the sorcerer class.

Bardic Lore: Shouldn’t your proficiency in Bardic Lore improve if you are legendary in any skill with the Recall Knowledge action, not just Occultism? Bardic Lore has no more of a connection with Occultism than it does with any other knowledge skill.

Eclectic Skill: Shouldn’t the benefit of this feat improve if you are legendary in any skill with the Recall Knowledge action, not just Occultism? Eclectic Skill has no more of a connection with Occultism than it does with any other skill.

Mental Prowess and Mental Stronghold: Why do these require Bardic Lore? Neither of these feats builds upon the benefits of Bardic Lore in any way, so the Bardic Lore prerequisite seems completely arbitrary, in a way that PF2 feat prerequisites are not supposed to be.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The following are a few assorted questions I had while reading through the barbarian class.

Totems: Why are the names assigned to barbarian totems not called totem themes, the same way names assigned to bard muses are called muse themes? It makes more sense to have a totem with a fury theme than a totem that is literally named Fury, for example.

Giant Totem Anathema: Is it intended that giant totem barbarians who refuse contests of strength suddenly forget how to use oversized weapons? The anathema for other totems are arguably reasonable, since other totems with anathema produce magical (or anti-magical) effects, but the benefit of the giant totem has no descriptor to indicate it is anything more than extraordinary weapon training that applies even when not raging. How can that suddenly go away?

No Escape: What happens if the triggering foe uses a movement type you cannot use with the Stride action granted by No Escape?

Cleave, Great Cleave, and Whirlwind Strike: Why do these feats have the rage descriptor? Aren’t these just adaptations of non-rage feats from PF1? Why add new restrictions on their use?

Animal Rage: Is this an action you can take while raging to modify your rage, an action you can take while not raging to start raging in a different way, or a continuous ability that modifies your rage? The feat has an action icon, but the first sentence in its effect describes a benefit that always applies when you rage, not an effect which occurs when you perform an Animal Rage action. Also, shouldn't this ability have a minimum duration that applies even after your rage ends? Otherwise, animal totem barbarians keep turning into animals and back again every 6 to 18 seconds, which seems weird.

Come and Get Me: For clarity, shouldn’t this say “until you stop raging” instead of “while you are raging”?

Dragon Totem Wings: For clarity, shouldn’t this say “until you stop raging” instead of “while you are raging”? Alternately, shouldn't this ability have a minimum duration that applies even after your rage ends? Otherwise, dragon totem barbarian will have wings that keep appearing and disappearing every 6 to 18 seconds, which seems weird.

Giant’s Lunge: For clarity, shouldn’t this say “until you stop raging” instead of “while you are raging”?

Contagious Rage: For clarity, shouldn’t this say “until you stop raging” instead of “while you are raging”?

Quaking Stomp: Where on the map do the permanent fissures created by this feat appear? If the answer is “GM’s discretion,” isn’t this essentially requiring the GM to create an alternate version of every tactical map in every adventure, each representing an existing tactical map with added fissures that will inevitably be created once the barbarian starts fighting?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

If I’m playing a cleric in PF2...

...I use my gold to purchase the magic items I want, and I then activate those items in nearly any combination by spending points from a single Resonance pool.

...I use my class feats to select the domain powers I want, and I then activate those powers in nearly any combination by spending points from a single spell point pool.

...I use my spell slots to prepare the spells I want, and... I’m locked into casting that exact, immutable combination of spells by an archaic fire-and-forget spellcasting system from the 1980s.

One of these things is not like the others.

Why can’t my cleric purchase magic items using gold, select domain powers using feats, prepare spells using spell slots, and then activate any of them by spending points from a single resource pool?

Or, at most, have two resource pools for magic: a generous number of spell points for routine things (like class powers and non-heightened spells) plus a few spell surges per day for particularly potent effects (like heightened spells and magic items designed to be used only a small number of times per day).

If necessary, limit the number of magic items that can be active at any one time and adjust the power level of non-heightened spells to match the power level of class powers and magic items available at the same class level. (Make a non-heightened 9th-level spell equivalent in power to a 17th-level class power, for example.)

That seems like it would be a simpler, cleaner magic system than the hodgepodge of Resonance, spell points, prepared casting, and spontaneous casting appearing in the PF2 playtest.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

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So your level 2 soldier takes a critical hit from a level 2 ember flame doshko. The attack deals 4 points of damage, all of which is dealt to your stamina. Then you fail a save against the weapon's critical hit ability and the doshko severs your arm... without having dealt any hit point damage. Monty Python level hillarity ensues.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

Most campaign settings I've encountered take place in original fantasy worlds. Our Earth might exist in a given fantasy campaign setting, but it is invariably distant (in time or in space) from the central focus of the campaign.

Has anyone published a fantasy campaign setting that instead takes place on an alternate version of historical Earth? Several computer RPGs have settings of that sort, but I'm more interested in settings for Pathfinder and other pen-and-paper RPGs. Do campaign settings of that sort exist? Is there any interest in campaign settings of that sort?

Examples would include things like a magi-tech interpretation of Plato's Atlantis, a dark fantasy version of Britain in the years following the death of King Arthur, or a timeline where the Trojans defeated the ancient Greeks using powerful ritual magic.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

Some shameless self-promotion:

My 5th Edition Background Generator is now available here and will soon be available in the Paizo store.

Can't find the right background for your 5e character? No worries, now you can build your own custom background with this 29-page PDF of modular background options. Also included: dozens of sample backgrounds, from bandit and courtesan to templar and vigilante. If you're looking for thousands of new background options, this PDF is for you.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

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Welcome to the playtest thread for the Custom Class Builder Preview. While the rules in this PDF have been playtested as much as possible by the designer, they allow more choices than any one person or group could playtest in a lifetime of gaming. Accordingly, any feedback from readers is greatly appreciated, and will be taken into account when finalizing the full version of the Custom Class Builder, which is scheduled for release in late 2016.

Note: This thread is being posted a few days before the Custom Class Builder Preview is released so text in that preview can be hyperlinked back to this thread. I will post a link to the preview once it is available for download. The preview will be released a few days after this post as a 64-page, pay-what-you-want PDF product.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

Animal Races: Clan of the Goat is now available in the Paizo store and here

Animal Races: Clan of the Goat introduces a new race of goat-like humanoids torn between good and evil. While selfless scapegoats and god-fearing Sheep Clan parishioners strive to better the world, black sheep and Goat Clan witches turn their backs on the gods. Play cloven-hoofed heroes, antiheroes, and everything in between, from gruff troll slayers to fainting Goat oracles.

Also included: new feat and trait options, new changeling and tiefling variants, bestiary statistics for the child-snatching krampus, and more.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka Epic Meepo

While looking over this year's Top 100, I noticed something interesting:

Since public voting began, I've predicted the Top 100 with a roughly 75% chance of success, and at least 75% of my items have made the Top 100. (I don't know if I made the Top 100 last season, since that information was never revealed.)

Also, over the past eight seasons, I've predicted the Top 32 (when able to view all items submitted) with a 25% chance of success, and 25% of my own items have made the Top 32.

Have any other Top 100 or Top 32 finalists noticed similar correlations?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

Animal Races: Clan of the Ox is now available here in the Paizo store and here.

This PDF introduces a new, playable race of minotaurs. Customize your minotaur with racial traits inspired by a wide range of bovines, from bison and buffalos to oxen and yaks. Grow large and stout as you gain in power. Get drunk on aurochs beer. Fight for glory in the bullring.

From sacred cows to raging bulls, this PDF has all you need to play a new breed of minotaur.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka Epic Meepo

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Greetings. On behalf of all the haunts and incorporeal undead sent packing for the next life by the latest batch of Superstar items, I would like to congratulate everyone who competed. I would also like to welcome this season's class of Top 32 finalists and alternates to the Top 32 Guildhall. (Pay no attention to the poltergeist activity in the room with the bloodstained floor. We're having that area dusted and fumigated. A dead guy I spoke to assured me that will fix the problem.)

As always, the Guildhall is a place for all past and present Top 32 finalists, alternates, judges, and Paizo staffers to hang out and chat during the course of RPG Superstar. If you belong to one or more of these listed groups, feel free to post in the Guildhall any time after the names of the Season 9 Top 32 have been revealed. Just keep in mind that posts in this thread are visible to the everyone on the boards, not just the Top 32. Don't say anything here that might result in a disqualification!

Again, this thread is intended for past and present Top 32 finalists, alternates, judges, and Paizo staffers. I ask that community members not belonging to these listed groups please create new threads when posting commentary, congratulations, or other messages to the Top 32. Posts from the voting public are important to the finalists. Such posts deserve their own dedicated threads so they don't get buried in Guildhall banter, where they might get overlooked by the finalists.

Thank you. Good luck. Let the games begin.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka Epic Meepo

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Having seen every item remaining in the competition, I can honestly say I have no idea what items I'll see when the Top 32 are revealed tomorrow. I have my own short list of favorites, but there are well over a hundred items I could see potentially making the Top 32. Depending upon which voters are seeing which items the most often, just about any of those hundred-plus items could make the Top 32.

I think it's a testament to the quality of this season's entries that I can't even begin to predict this year's Top 32. In previous seasons, I've been able to narrow things down to a list of fifty or sixty items I thought had a good chance, but not this year. I know what items I'd pick as my own personal Top 32, but if none of them make it onto the official list, I won't be particularly surprised. The competition is just that tight this season.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

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The carnivorous dinosaurs are here (and also here).

The herbivorous dinosaurs are here (and also here).

I am referring, in the above statements, to Animal Races: Dawn of the Carnosaur and Animal Races: Dawn of the Cerapod. Each of these two, related PDFs features a new, playable and customizable race of humanoid dinosaurs.

In Animal Races: Dawn of the Carnosaur, you meet the ruthless carnosaurians, the often-villainous upper class of the Great and Terrible Lizard Empire. In Animal Races: Dawn of the Cerapod, you meet the fierce but noble Bird-Feet, Bone-Heads, Horn-Heads, and Shield-Bearers that are the common folk of the same ancient empire.

All of that is ancient history, but history tends to repeat itself. Animal Races: Dawn of the Carnosaur includes the stats of a carnosaurian lich who may be scheming to revive his long-dead race, while Animal Races: Dawn of the Carnosaur details numerous ways an ancient race might survive its apparent extinction. (Hint: one of those ways involves an extradimensional zoo which may or may not be a theme park.)

If you feel like playing an anthropomorphic dinosaur (or someone who wants to revive an ancient race of anthropomorphic dinosaurs in the modern world), check out Animal Races: Dawn of the Carnosaur and Animal Races: Dawn of the Cerapod.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

Animal Races: Clan of the Raven is now available here and should be up in the Paizo store soon.

This new Animal Races product is all about the tengu. More specifically, it's about a customizable race of shapechanging variant tengu. Play a traditional crow- or raven-headed tengu, or play something more atypical: a Parrot, perhaps, or a charismatic Songbird. Take any existing feat available to tengus, or any of several new feats that add shapeshifting capabilities, voice mimicry, and other racial traits to your tengu character.

Also included: heraldic symbols inspired by tengus; a mysterious goddess known as the Phantom Queen; a variant race of psychopomps that attack their foes by generating flocks of murderous, flaming crows; and more.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Now available in the Paizo store and here...

Animal Races: Clan of the Swan introduces a playable race of avian shapechangers with ties to the realm of the fey. Born from the fires of the first Phoenix and the primordial magic of fairy-kind, members of the Swan Clans undergo a process of continuous reincarnation that has carried their ancient souls forward from a long-forgotten past into the present day world.

In addition to the rules you need to play Swan Clan shapechangers in modern times, this book includes guidelines for past-life adventures, allowing your character to relive memories from past lives to learn about bygone eras or to extrapolate historical trends into the future.

Whether you want to play a bird-themed shapechanger with ties to the fey or want advice for incorporating an in-character flashback to ancient times into your campaign, this PDF is for you.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

Now available in the Paizo store and here...

A race of shapechanging birds of prey!

Animal Races: Clan of the Raptor contains all the information you need to play a new race of bird-like humanoids that can transform into eagles, hawks, owls, and vultures. Take racial feats to expand your shapechanging prowess and to improve your capabilities in all forms. Celebrate your proud, Raptor heritage by taking bird-themed heraldic symbols as traits. Use your skills to impress Raptor Clan leaders and other potential allies by participating in ancient ceremonial dances.

The freedom of the open sky awaits. Will you heed its call?

Seriously. I'm wondering if they "unchained" the trade dress for this book by making page borders unique to Unchained instead of using the standard Pathfinder RPG page borders.

Also, any good artwork in this book?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

3 people marked this as a favorite.

On June 12th, 2015, the Animal Races series goes Jurassic.

More on that a bit later.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Animal Races: Clan of the Frog is now available in the Paizo store and here.

Products of alchemical evolution, members of the Frog Clans and their allies represent two new playable races of humanoid amphibians. Hailing from a mysterious land beyond the stars, these races now preside over ancient frog temples in the hearts of swamps everywhere. Led by templars equipped with technological relics and altered through strange alchemical and surgical experiments, these new races showcase dozens of new character options.

Spur your continuing evolution with new alchemist discoveries. Become a test subject for experimental body modification procedures. Wield circuit-threaded weapons, ray guns, and other strange gear. Worship at the altar of high technology with a new Technology cleric domain. All of these options and more are available to the boggards of the Frog Clans and to other characters who cross their path.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

Animal Races: Clan of the Rabbit is now available in the Paizo store and here.

This 13-page sourcebook introduces a new player character race of humanoid rabbits. Play Rabbits, Pikas, and Hares whose fast-paced culture is an ideal breeding ground for adventurers. Learn acrobatic feats that let you leap about the battlefield; race to reap the rewards of an adventuring life while evading the monsters that traditionally prey upon your people; or take a quiet moment to sit still and study the heavens, as some Hares are wont to do.

Also included: an overview of the Zodiac Council, its clerics, and the animal races that control each of its thirteen seats. Founded by ancient Rabbit stargazers anxious to preserve the astrological lore of their ancestors, the Zodiac Council is a church of astrologer-priests devoted to the preservation of knowledge and to the rule of law. It is also a cultural melting pot rife with political intrigue, so take care when participating in its internal affairs...

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka Epic Meepo

This year's Round 2 vote was the smoothest Superstar voting experience I've had in my seven years of following the contest. All told, it took just under thirty minutes to go from first my glance at the maps to knowing the eight that had earned my vote. My process went as follows:

Without reading any judge or voter commentary, I loaded all of the (original 32) maps into a slideshow. I played the slideshow once through to get a feel for all the available choices, then ran it again, deleting a few of the weaker entries as I went. After repeating this process three times, I had eight remaining maps. (When the 33rd map was promoted to the Top 32, I compared it to each of my eight favorites, in turn.)

I don't know that I'll compile any in-depth commentary to post in individual map threads, but here's a stream of consciousness run-through of my entire decision making process, from start to finish:

First Round of Eliminations

Anthony Pennington - How are these two levels even connected? Delete from slideshow.

Ben Parkin - A hex map that uses a scale incompatible with the hex map exploration rules in the PRD. Delete from slideshow.

Charlie Brooks - Some faint geometric shapes surrounding a giant circle. Delete from slideshow.

Christopher Donnangelo - What do all the color-coded squares mean? Delete from slideshow.

Frankie Trombetta - It's boat, just like every other boat. Delete from slideshow.

Jacob Kellog - A few blocky rooms and hallways. No more, no less. Delete from slideshow.

John Laffan - Not expansive enough to be a settlement map, not detailed enough to be an encounter map. Delete from slideshow.

Maria Smolina - A hex map that uses a scale incompatible with the hex map exploration rules in the PRD. Also, giant mountains obscure too much of the grid. Delete from slideshow.

Mark Hart - A chasm with no geological justification and lots of names of things that aren't visually described anywhere. Delete from slideshow.

Matthew Morris - Wait, is the green water? And is that half of a boat? Delete from slideshow.

Matt Roth - This map might be okay. I don't know. It's too faint to read. Delete from slideshow.

Taylor Hubler - You want me to draw how many obnoxious zig-zags on my battlemat? Yeah, I'm just going to ignore this map and pretend any encounter occurring at this location takes place in a Big Square Room. Delete from slideshow.

Second Round of Eliminations

Christopher Wasko - Where are all these waterfalls coming from? And how does a room-sized whirlpool work, exactly? I'm not entirely sure. Delete from slideshow.

David Higaki - Why is the temple a gray box with some squiggles and some dots? What does that mean? Delete from slideshow.

Jason Keeley - I don't know if that's an accurate portrayal of fish anatomy; either way, your map doesn't really sell me on it. Delete from slideshow.

Justin Riddler - A sarcophagus below the water level in a sewer? And a sewer that opens into a giant antechamber to accommodate a grandiose staircase, because reasons? Delete from slideshow.

Kalvero Oikarinen - Wait, are those white areas inside the mountain or on top of the mountain? And what's up with all those natural caves whose interiors are not shown? Delete from slideshow.

Newton Philis - Is this a map or a plot write-up? A note about the capabilities of a blacksmith has no bearing on the layout of a neighborhood. Delete from slideshow.

Olivier Lalonde - I'll admit it. I just dislike this one because I think the owner of this establishment could find a furniture arrangement that makes better use of the floorspace. (Sorry, but if you're submitting a tavern as your Superstar map, it needs to be a damn good tavern.) Delete from slideshow.

Patrick Kilcullen - What do the red and the green mean? And what are all the non-mountainous, grey areas in this Christmas-colored cavern of doom? Delete from slideshow.

Russ Brown - There seem to be things on the elevation view not appearing on the overhead view, and vice versa. I disbelieve! Delete from slideshow.

Third Round of Eliminations

Scott LaBarge - Two-thirds of the page is devoted to an elevation view and I still don't know how far I fall if I jump from the highest ledge to the second highest ledge. Delete from slideshow.

Benjamin Wilkins - It's a perfectly serviceable map of a monastery where there doesn't seem to be anything interesting going on. Just some routine monastery stuff. Delete from slideshow.

Dana Huber - Why bother with an elevation view if you're going to cram multiple, overlapping levels onto a single overhead map instead of using one overhead map per level, all of them tied together by the elevation view? That's what elevation views are for. Delete from slideshow.

Eight Maps Remain

By process of elimination, my picks for the eight strongest maps are those belonging to Ben Iglauer, Brian Fruzen, Charlie Bell, Chris Scaeffer, Gabriel Almer, Jeff Heikinen, Monica Marlow, and R Pickard.

A New Player Has Entered the Game

Allana Sliwinski - Your map is not detailed enough to unseat any of the eight strongest maps selected above.


So that's how I assigned my eight votes. What approaches are other voters taking to Round 2?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka Epic Meepo

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At least one person expressed an interest in seeing my personal Top 32 list in another thread. This year, I picked my Top 16 favorites (including my own item) but didn't bother ranking the next 32 items on my favorites list, so here are my own personal Top 48:

Epic Meepo's Top 16:

arbalest of aurochs
armor of hidden horrors
balladeer's waltz
black dragon wing
blade of the malik's messenger
covenskein net
ghast hide
mail of ash woven ramparts
moveable rod
occult hunter's net
piranha blade
rod of resonance
sacred boar hide
serpent's tongue
staff of the hidden blade
three-fold gemini

Epic Meepo's Next 32:

animated wrappings
betrayer's blade
blowgun of the accursed serpent
bow of the bard
breastplate of light's salvation
butterfly's jaunt
captain's nostalgia
cryohydra's coil
dynamic staff
grasping shield (218 words)
interrogator's ally*
raven leather
ring of the choking coil
rod of exorcism*
rod of gravimetric attraction
rod of illusory casting
rod of the iron rose**
scales of the scarab
scepter of the mist king
scimitar of dancing lightning
shield of the doubled ruse
shield of the paragon
sly smallsword
spectre blight*
staff of protean whim
storm bow
tempest bow
venom's kiss*
windpath razor

*Also an official Paizo Top 32 pick
**Also an official Paizo alternate

It appears that I have five of the Paizo Top 32 and one Paizo alternate in my personal Top 48 and none in my personal Top 16. If I had expanded my list to include my own personal Top 64, I believe I would have doubled those numbers, but my records this year were not precise enough to know for sure.

If anyone else has a list of favorites they want to share with the public, feel free to post it here in this thread.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka Epic Meepo

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Greetings and salutations from the Staff of the Top 32 Guildhall. As the wielder of this staff, I would like to expend all 10 of its charges congratulating everyone who decided to compete in this year's contest. In addition, I would like to welcome this year's class of Top 32 finalists and alternates to the newly-renovated, rune-encrusted Unofficial Top 32 Guildhall and Armory. (Mind your step around the pile of earth breakers just inside the door.)

As in previous years, the Guildhall is a place for all past and present Top 32 finalists, alternates, judges, and Paizo staffers to hang out and chat during the course of RPG Superstar. If you belong to one or more of these listed groups, feel free to post in the Guildhall any time after the names of the 2015 Top 32 have been revealed. Just keep in mind that posts in this thread are visible to the everyone on the boards, not just the Top 32. Don't say anything here that might result in a disqualification!

Again, this thread is intended for past and present Top 32 finalists, alternates, judges, and Paizo staffers. I ask that community members not belonging to these listed groups please create new threads when posting commentary, congratulations, or other messages to the Top 32. Posts from the voting public are important to the finalists. Such posts deserve their own dedicated threads so they don't get buried in Guildhall banter and potentially overlooked or forgotten.

Thank you. Good luck. Let the games begin.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

2 people marked this as a favorite.

My own messageboard tags are causing every post I make (and, by extension, every thread I post in) to exceed the width of my screen.

Would it be possible to have someone change the white-space setting for the .avatar-title{ style in the .css file for the Paizo messageboards from nowrap to normal? I can manually instruct my browser to make this change every time it displays one of your pages, so I know it fixes my problem, but I can't figure out how to automate that process, so my browser keeps defaulting to the nowrap setting in your .css file that prevents messageboard posts from fitting on my screen.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka Epic Meepo

8 people marked this as a favorite.

A few days ago, in this year's "So far I've seen" thread, several posters held a discussion about hypothetical, aspergillum-themed weaponry. Inspired by that conversation, I said I should publish a PDF of magic aspergillum weapons and put it up for sale in the Paizo store.

I decided to follow through on that. Enter: Aspergillman's Armory, a PDF with two full pages of new rules for aspergillum-related weaponry.Turn maces and morningstars into aspergilla. Splash your foes with holy water, or skip water and use alchemical splash weapons, instead. And that's before you add magic to your aspergillum to create one of eight new magic weapons.

Aspergillman's Armory has more than enough aspergillum goodness (and evilness) to meet all your aspergillum needs.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

Animal Races: Clan of the Deer is now available here, and should be up in the Paizo store, shortly.

Animal Races: Clan of the Deer introduces a new, customizable race of deer-like humanoids. From halfling-sized Musk Deer to hulking Elk, the members of the Deer Clans are more fearsome than their animal namesakes might suggest. These antler-crowned hunters are resolute defenders of the wilderness, more than willing to stalk and kill any opponent that dares to cross their path.

Strike at your foes from the heart of the wild as a member of this unique, new character race.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka Epic Meepo

3 people marked this as a favorite.

In case you missed it in theheadkase's "List of Items" thread:

theheadkase wrote:

Ok I created a new sheet because I don't know if I can set permissions on separate sheets.

Everyone can add to this list.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

Now available in the Paizo store and also here...

From panda bears to polar bears, Animal Races: Clan of the Bear introduces a new, customizable race of humanoid bears. Go berserk and maul your foes with your claws and teeth. Grow in size as you gain in power. Assume human form by drawing upon the shapechanging talents of your fey ancestors. Consider acquiring any of several selectable racial traits as you prepare for the chill of winter and any other hardships your future has in store.

Whether you identify more with big, cuddly bears or with raging, ursine terrors, this PDF is for you.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Another Animal Races product review, courtesy of

The short version: Clan of the Cat joins Clan of the Dog in earning 5 out of 5 stars and the reviewer's seal of approval.

If you want to know what a series of third-party race guide must do to earn such high praise from Endzeitgeist, I suggest reading the full review to get all the details. That and grabbing copies of Animal Races: Clan of the Cat and Animal Races: Clan of the Dog for yourself, of course. I hear they come highly recommended. :P

As noted on, you can get Animal Races: Clan of the Cat here. You can also get it here in the Paizo store, along with several other titles in the Animal Races series.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The Animal Races series has gotten its first review, courtesy of

Needless to say, I'm thrilled to see Clan of the Dog win over a veteran reviewer who was, before then, bored with animal-themed races. It is my hope that the Animal Races series breathes new life into animal-themed races for everyone who reads it, and this review tells me I'm off to a good start.

As noted on, you can get Animal Races: Clan of the Dog here. You can also get it here in the Paizo store, along with several other titles in the Animal Races series.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

10 people marked this as a favorite.

Have you ever wanted to make your own class but not known where to start? Have you ever wanted comprehensive class creation rules that remove much of the guesswork from the process?

If so, the Custom Class Builder, currently in development, is the book for you.


The rules in the Custom Class Builder allow you to create new base classes by combining abilities drawn from dozens of different sources. As of this post, these rules incorporate every class feature of every core class, base class, hybrid class, prestige class, and archetype found in first-party Core, Advanced, and Ultimate rulebooks (over three-thousand class features in all).

More than just a compilation of existing abilities, the Custom Class Builder revises and expands upon the included class features. Among other small but useful changes, redundant abilities and arbitrary restrictions are being dropped; ambiguous wording is being clarified; and many class features with limited uses per day are being tied to a single, universal resource pool.

All of these class features are utilized by comprehensive but straightforward class creation rules. Class features are sorted by theme and level into focused, manageable lists, with guidelines for quickly finding and selecting class features that fit a given class concept. The Custom Class Builder aims to make creating a new class no more difficult than creating a new NPC.


Needless to say, the Custom Class Builder is a rather complex project. As a result, I am not yet ready to set a firm release date. I can only say this book will be available in some form starting in 2015. My plan is to make the initial release a PDF-only Beta edition. Periodic updates of the Beta will be provided, free-of-charge, to anyone who purchases the PDF, as will a PDF copy of the final, non-Beta version of the Custom Class Builder.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

Animal Races: Clan of the Bat (available here, and coming soon to the Paizo store) introduces a new race of dhampirs.

Play a bat-like humanoid descended from ancient vampires. Fly on winged arms. Consult (or become) a nosferatu-descended oracle afflicted with the curse of the vampire. Turn your back on your vampire heritage, or evolve into a bloodsucking undead creature through a process available to any dhampir character, bat-like or otherwise.

Whether you're a fan of bats, dhampirs, vampires, or all three, this PDF is for you.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

Available now in the Paizo store and at DrivethruRPG, Animal Races: Clan of the Pig is all about orcs.

Whether you want old-school, pig-faced orcs, or something more exotic (hippo-headed orcs, perhaps?), look no further. In this PDF, you'll find interesting new options for orcs and half-orcs: infernal orcs with tiefling blood, orc witches who follow in the footsteps of Grendel's mother, orcs who have grown large with food. Aspire to become an orcish merchant prince. Worship a swine god who was killed and eaten by the Wild Hunt of the fey. Find new and interesting ways to express your orcish heritage.

If you want a break from orcs who are stereotypical, green-skinned marauders, or if you simply want new racial traits, feats, and other character options for orcs and half-orcs of all sorts, Animal Races: Clan of the Pig is the PDF for you.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

Animal Races: Clan of the Turtle is now available here in the Paizo store and here (if you'd prefer to pay via Paypal).

This PDF introduces a new, playable race of anthropomorphic turtles. Whether you want to play a conservative, Tortoise and the Hare style Turtle; a Turtle who defends kappas and their mushroom-like minions from Turtle-stomping foes; or a Turtle who happens to be both a mutant and a ninja, this PDF is your go-to place for walking, talking turtles.

Enchant your shell as magic armor. Gain early access to thematic prestige class levels. Don your heraldic colors.

It's turtle time!

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

Animal Races: Clan of the Raccoon is now available in the Paizo store.

If you've ever been inspired to play a walking, talking raccoon, you'll want to check out this illustrated, 11-page PDF (6 pages of content plus a title page, covers, and legal text). Inside, you'll find customizable feats and traits that allow you to play humanoid Raccoons and their close cousins: Badgers, Skunks, and Wolverines.

Animal Races: Clan of the Raccoon also includes an optional gunslinger archetype for roguish, gun-toting Raccoons, and some suggested villains for Raccoons, Wolverines, etc. who began their adventuring careers as test subjects in the secret labs of fiendish surgeons.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Now available here, Animal Races: Clan of the Dog.

This 11-page PDF (6 pages of content plus two covers, a title page, and some legal text) presents a new playable canine race, which can represent 0-HD descendants of adlets or an entirely independent race of humanoid dogs.

Included are a selection of customizable racial traits that are gained on 1st level, as well as numerous additional racial traits that can be selected over time with one of several new racial feats. Several of these racial traits provide expanded options for various class features.

Also included are rules for heraldic symbols that can be selected in place of traits, and a large amount of background information that can be used to flesh out any dog-themed character, covering topics such as folklore, religion, genealogy, and heraldry.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Now available here, Animal Races: Clan of the Cat.

This 11-page PDF (6 pages of content plus two covers, a title page, and some legal text) presents a new playable feline race, which can represent a catfolk subrace or an entirely independent race of humanoid cats.

Included are a selection of customizable racial traits that are gained on 1st level, as well as numerous additional racial traits that can be selected over time with one of several new racial feats. Several of these racial traits provide expanded options for various class features.

Also included are rules for heraldic symbols that can be selected in place of traits, and a large amount of background information that can be used to flesh out any cat-themed character, covering topics such as folklore, religion, genealogy, and heraldry.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

13 people marked this as a favorite.

"Animal Races" is a product line of playable, animal-themed races with an evolutionary twist.

This upcoming product line presents character options for animal-like humanoids in a way that has never been attempted before. Each product features one of over three-dozen clans of unique, animal-themed races, plus related options for character customization. Unlike playable races drawn from bestiaries, the animal races in this product line are tied together by a detailed family tree with roots in real-world genetics and taxonomy. Each race can be used alone, or as part of a tapestry of animal races that are explicitly related to one another.

If you are a player seeking new animal-themed character options, including new races, feats, and character trait options, "Animal Races" is for you. If you are a GM looking for a diverse group of animal-themed races that share a single, cohesive origin story, "Animal Races" is for you. If you are simply curious to see what high-fantasy variants of real-world evolution might look like, "Animal Races" is for you.

Keep your eyes on this thread for updates as the "Animal Races" product line evolves.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Where I've Been

As some of you may recall, towards the end of last year, I was preparing to self-publish an amateur PDF of campaign-related house rules. You may also have noticed that I decided to shelve that project a couple weeks before distributing online content I had prepared as promotional material.

Why did I put my amateur publishing project on the back burner? I decided at the last minute that I would rather spend my time establishing a viable, professional PDF publishing business, one involving an ongoing product line that generates a growing inventory of products to populate an online storefront.

Needless to say, planning a sustained product line with a regular release schedule has required much more of my time than cranking out a one-shot PDF. Hence my reduced presence here on the boards over the past six months or so, and my lack of product releases during that time.

My apologies for the sudden change of plans, and for the much-delayed progress report.

Where I'm Going

I still have months of work to do before I am ready to say anything too concrete about my new, improved publishing plan. I can say this: I have a vision for my first product line, and I am constructing a detailed outline that spans an initial run of roughly four dozen PDF products.

I'm hoping this level of advance planning will allow me to release products at a steady rate of two PDFs per month once the necessary groundwork is in place (but no promises). Whatever the release schedule, I will make sure all forty-eight of my planned releases form a cohesive product line.

I will also make an effort to keep anyone following this thread informed of my progress (but again, no promises). If nothing else, I will make an announcement on this forum when I release the first of the offerings in the product line I am planning.

Thank you for reading. I hope to have more details for you soon.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

This link first appeared in a thread with a slightly confusing title, so I'm reposting it here:

Kickstarter: Customizable 3D Printed Minis

(I have no affiliation with this Kickstarter. I just thought it was cool.)

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka Epic Meepo


After five years of running the Unofficial Top 32 Guildhall, I have gotten the go-ahead from our hosts at Paizo to open and run the first-annual Official Unofficial Top 32 Guildhall. Upon Paizo's announcement of this year's Top 32 finalists and alternates, this very official Top 32 Guildhall is open for business.

For those of you new to Superstar, the Top 32 Guildhall is a public thread where finalists can introduce themselves, hang out, and chat with fellow contestants. All past and present Top 32 finalists and alternates are invited to don their best torcs, pull up chairs, and join in the conversation. Also invited are all past and present judges, Champion Voters, and MVP Anthony Adams.

Be aware that everything you post in this thread can be seen by the voting public.
Do not post anything in this thread that violates the contest rules!

Good luck, and may the best designer win.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka Epic Meepo

Over the past few days, several voters have been kind enough to share their lists of favorite items with me.

I have used those lists to compile the following aggregate data:

Round 1 Exit Poll Results

Note that this data is purely anecdotal. Only the judges have an accurate list of the most popular items.