About Derric the AdvisorDERRIC THE ADVISOR CR 19
AC 31, touch 15, flat-footed 26. . (+6 armor, +5 shield, +5 Dex, +5 natural)
Spd 30 ft.
Expensive Spell components:
Magic Jar: A gem or crystal worth 100 gp (Focus) Circle of Death: A crushed black pearl worth 500 gp (Focus) Programmed Image: Fleece and Jade dust worth 25 gp (Material) True Seeing: An eye ointment that costs 250 gp (Material) Project Image: A figure of you worth 5 gp (Material) Wish: Diamond Dust worth 25000 gp (Material) Have 13360 GP worth of Diamond Dust at the moment.
Str 7, Dex 14/20, Con 14/20, Int 12/18, Wis 10, Cha 30/36
Arcane When a spell level is increased by a metamagic feat, it gains +1 DC.
Male Homunculus LN Tiny Construct Init +2; Senses Darkvision, Low-Light Vision; Perception +3 -------------------- DEFENSE -------------------- AC 24, touch 14, flat-footed 22. . (+2 Dex, +2 size, +10 natural) hp 101 (2d10) Fort +6, Ref +10, Will +13 Immune Construct Traits (+0 HP), ability damage, ability drain, bleeds, energy drain, exhaustion, fatigue, death and necromancy effects, disease, mind-affecting, non-lethal damage, paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning; SR 25 -------------------- OFFENSE -------------------- Spd 20 ft., Flight (50 feet, Good) Melee Bite (Homunculus) +11 (1d4-1/20/x2) and . . Unarmed Strike +11/+6 (1-1/20/x2) Space 2.5 ft.; Reach 0 ft. -------------------- STATISTICS -------------------- Str 8, Dex 15, Con -, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 7 Base Atk +10; CMB +10; CMD 19 Feats Lightning Reflexes Skills Acrobatics +4, Bluff +18, Diplomacy +18, Fly +23, Intimidate +18, Linguistics +22, Perception +3, Sense Motive +3, Spellcraft +22, Stealth +12, Use Magic Device +8 Languages Celestial, Common, Infernal SQ Improved Evasion (Ex), Poison: Bite—Injury (DC 13) (Ex), Telepathic Link (1,500') (Ex) --------------------
Derric was born in a small town, to a hedge wizard and a witch. He grew up with a fairly normal life-style. Well, as normal as one could grow up to a pair of magical persons. Except for one thing, his magical heritage had manifested inside of his blood. Derric found he was incredibly charismatic, usually being the leader of the other boys in the town, taking them on adventures and pulling pranks. However, at some point it all had to come to an end. For Derric's little village, it was not in a peaceful way. While Derric and his motley crew were out in the forest playing, a summoner with an army of demons at his heels raged through the town, slaughtering everyone in their path. Derric and his friends watched from afar as their village burned. Devestated, Derric was driven to near-insanity with grief. Eventually, he headed to Oppara, and applied to the Pathfinder Society, with the eventual goal of taking down the slayer of his family. As he contracted out with the Pathfinder Society, Derric kept hearing a name- the Master of Whispers. As he started to investigate into this mysterious being, he found that he was opposed by summoners of evil creatures, threatening to tear open the walls of reality between the Abyss and the Material Plane. As he came closer and closer, he started to believe that it was someone affiliated with this Master of Whispers that had destroyed his hometown. Eventually, Derric tracked down one of the Master's lieutenants, a Hand as he called himself, slaying the summoner, Derric was given inklings of the Master's Plan- to tear open a rift between the Abyss and the Material Plane. Seriously worried about the Master of Whispers, Derric started travelling from country to country, trying to raise awareness of this entity's plans. Each time, however, he was rebuked, as the leaders of the world scoffed at the idea that someone would tear open the walls of reality and let loose a demon horde on Golarion. Each time Derric visited a city, he found one of the Master's higher ranks setting up a summoning circle. Each time, he disrupted the ritual, but Derric knew that time was running out. He had to find the Master of Whispers soon, else the world as he knew it would be destroyed. Unfortunately, Derric was unable to find much support beyond his friends and preestablished allies. He had managed to attract a small cohort, a group of spellcasters similar in ideals to him, knowing that if someone really did raise an army of demons, the world would be in deep trouble. Eventually, it happened. The Master's Hands led an army of summoned demons in order to try and stop Derric from preventing any more of their plans. Besieged in the city of Almas, Derric was able to divine that the Master had not yet discovered a way to bore a tunnel between the planes. With the help of the Andoran army, Derric managed to kill the Master's Hands and banish the summoned demons, breaking the siege. Before the last hand died, Derric was able to get the location of the Master's Sanctuary, which was located in the Aspodell Mountains, right near the border of Andoran. Leading his allies and his cohort to the mountains, Derric risked the accusation of a border violation with Cheliax to head to the Master's Tower. After a long trek, Derric and company managed to track down and infiltrate the tower, as much as a small army can infiltrate a place anyway. Fighting their way through the Master's followers and their summoned creatures, Derric started to feel reality warp as the barrier between the two worlds thinned. Demons started to step through the barrier, opposing the group from stopping the Master's ritual. After reaching the top floor of the tower, Derric and his friends encountered the Master's elite guard right outside their sanctuary. Consisting of a pair of Mariliths and their handlers, it proved to be an incredibly tough fight. Near the end of the fight, one of the Mariliths got a lucky hit on Maron, on of Derric's childhood friends. Devestated, he banished the Marilith that killed his friend, and then killed it's handler. Mourning his friend, he placed him in an alcove, away from any impeding traffic. Once he put his friend to rest, he walked into the Master's Sanctum, with great resolve to destroy this Master. Stepping into the Master's Sanctum, Derric faced off with him. In an arcane duel for the ages, Derric fought against the archmage, eventually defeating him. In his last action before he was defeated, the Master finished his ritual, opening a portal to the Abyss. Terrified, Derric hurried over, putting a dimensional anchor on the man, Derric's allies fought off the invading demons rushing out of the portal. In a flash of inspiration, Derric walked inside of the portal, bringing the spent Master with him. At the halfway point of the tunnel, Derric anchored the Master, then spent an incredible amount of energy travelling back to the Material Plane. With his arcane cohort, they managed to reverse the ritual, closing the portal between the two planes. Relieved and saddened, as this war with the Master had taken many of the people he called friends, Derric collapsed, exhausted. When he woke, he found himself in Master's old Sanctum, however, many of the evil arcane rituals had been wiped clean. Realizing that he needed a new base of operations for his cohort, he took over the tower, cleaning it out, and using it's library to imprison occult knowledge. In the couple of years since Derric overthrew the Master, he has done a couple things. Immediately after defeating the Master, Derric went out and started to track down the demons that managed to escape from the tower and started to terrorize the world. Once they were finished, he established the Guardians of the Rift, a group of spellcasters (his cohort) founded to prevent something like what happened with the Master from ever happening again. Aside from that, he now occasionally travels whenever he hears about a summoner or an outsider terrorizing the population. He uses the ruse of an advisor of rulers- a title that he has managed to attain after saving Almas- in order to divert attention. DESCRIPTION:
Derric is a human male well known by the courts of the world. Standing at a solid six feet tall, his heterochromatic eyes and platinum-blonde hair make him stand out in a crowd. While not incredibly athletic by any means, Derric is fairly handsome and incredibly charismatic. Some things that people might know DC 5: Derric was born to a hedge-wizard and a witch, which gave him the inherent ability to cast. While he spends much of his time in the courts, he helps out the lower classes in his travels. DC 10: Derric is known to be somewhat disdainful of priests and religion, believing that the races of Golarion are hindered in their development by worshipping gods. DC 15:A couple of years ago, Derric overthrew the Master of Whispers because the man threatened to tear a hole between the Material Plane and the Abyss. Shutting the man down, Derric trapped the man between planes for eternity and sealed the weakening barrier between planes that was forming there. DC 20: The fact that Derric advises is a facade. He uses the farce in order to track down wizards and sorcerers that try to conjure evil creatures from beyond the planes. While he does advise, his primary goal is to seek and destroy evil creatures and their summoners. The Guardian's Tower:
The Guardian's Tower LN Small Town Corruption -2; Crime -1; Economy +0; Law +2; Lore +4; Society -2 Qualities Academic, Magically Attuned Danger +0; Disadvantages - Demographics Government Magical Population 891 (400 Humans, 200 Elves, 100 Halflings, 191 others) Notable NPCs Head Mistress Marian de l'Assance (LN Female Elven Wizard 9) Librarian Dorn Lorekeeper (LN Male Azlanti Sorcerer(sage) 8) Disciplinary Mistress Alanna the Fair (LN Female Azlanti Magus 8) Marketplace Base Value 1,200 gp; Purchase Limit 6,000 gp; Spellcasting 8th Minor Items 3d4; Medium Items 1d6; Major Items - Spells Per Day Left:
10/9/9/9/9/8/8/8/6 |