About Derren OrlovskyBackstory:
It’s a little tavern in Restov, the candlelight competing with the fading sun. Though it’s popular with those in the sword-schools, Derron sits alone tonight, drinking from a silver flask. It bears a crest; that of an eagle over a field of yellow, and as Derron notices you, he sees you looking at it. ”’High Above’. Pah!” Derren spits eloquently. ”The rest of the Orlovsky’s may be ‘high above’ their neighbors, perched in that castle at the top of Eagle’s Watch, but for the third son of the minor line of the house, the name and the motto get you precisely nothing. Well, maybe a free drink at a local tavern or a second glance from one of the barmaids, or maybe your father’s old rusty sword, but not power, not wealth, and certainly not fame. “Ah, but first, introductions are in order. Derren Orlovsky, (yes, of the noble house, no, that doesn’t mean I’m a ‘lord’) at your service. Trained in the modified Aldori method of fencing, using blade and tip in combination. Also, trained in the Chelaxian method of diplomacy, the Taldan school of riding, and the street school of quick tongues (that’d be intimidation and thuggery, fast and away from the fighting, and lying my arse off, respectively). In fact, I’d say the only part of my education that’s lacking is, well, education! Schooling’s all well and good, but for a boy of my dubious social rank, fighting, lying, and running away always seemed more important skills.” He takes a pull from his silver flask, shuddering as it goes down, and continues. ”Now, why would a man like me, with all the power and prestige of the Orlovsky family, be interested in Restov and the Swordlords? Well, I was always told I was lucky to be given my name, lucky to be the nobility, and I suppose I wanted to prove that I could make my own luck. Turns out, I was right. The Restov sword-schools don’t care what your name is, they’ll beat you, curse at you, and if you’re not quick enough, cut you just the same as and peasant. I got my graduation gift, Hawkstalon, two years ago from Uncle Orlov-er, Lord Orlovsky. It’s a good sword, fits my style well. It came with a note, something like Do not disappoint me, or the rest of those who wielded this blade-Lord Orlovsky, as if he, or any of the others, ever used it in a battle, or even a duel.” Taking another drink, Derron empties the flask and goes to find more liquor. When he returns, he takes yet another drink and carries on with his story. “Of course, lying, fighting, and running away gets old, and so do the barmaids and the free drinks. Even the duels get old after a while. But the worst are the duels that happen when the barmaid turns out to be a noble’s daughter. I’ve lost my fair share of those, mostly because I was drunk at the time. Oh, did I mention that? I’ve been known to have a drink or two. “I received a letter, a few days ago, from my old teacher. An opportunity to keep making my own luck, it was, and I guess I’m taking it. It’s a Swordlord-chartered trip into the Stolen Lands, to, what? Colonize? Conquer? Are there any people, or creatures, worth conquering there? It doesn’t matter. I might have offended the wrong people in Brevoy during one of my tavern trips (by which I mean a number of minor nobles who weren’t happy with my fighting, my lying, my taverning, or all three), and I think getting out of the cities and into the woods and wilderness might be just what I need to stay happy. And alive.” Derron slides the flask into a carefully-designed loop on his belt and steps toward the door. List of Backstory-significant NPCs
Though he can come across as bitter, sardonic, and pessimistic, Derren’s enjoyed his life and he’s enjoyed the opportunities his birthright has given him. The name has gotten him further than he’d have others believe, and he works hard to keep it that way. His sense of honor is such that he’ll willingly kick sand, strike low on his enemies, start before enemies are ready, and generally do what it takes to win, but if his opponent drops his weapon, the fight is over. He’s not a coward, but neither is he particularly brave, and loyalty, like everything in his worldview, isn’t something bought or given freely, but something that’s earned. His sense of humor is sarcastic, and pessimistic, but his actions usually contradict his biting words. Though he’s not opposed to using his family connections to his benefit, he’s frustrated with the system of nobility in Brevoy, believing that the best potential rulers are being squandered because of their birth in minor lines and lesser houses. Though he’s read Hosseter and Jubannich, the two Galtian thinkers who triggered the revolution there, he doesn’t see the common rabble in general as more capable than the nobility. That may change, and the experiment of Andoran’s government has done a lot already to sway his thinking, but the shadow of Galt lingers in his mind.
With long, well-groomed blonde hair, a blue-feathered tricorn hat, and a somewhat foppish grin, Derren doesn’t seem to fit the Brevoy stereotype. His sharp, angular face and skinny but agile frame contrast with many of those in the kingdom, and even many of the women he pursues in the taverns and inns are stronger than him. He wears worn but stylish clothing, including leather-padded breeches, riding boots, his tricorn hat, and a threadbare coat over his mail shirt. Of his Orlovsky heritage, Derren brings only two mementos to the Stolen Lands. The first, his father’s flask, was a gift on leaving the household and joining the sword-school, while the second, an old, ill-maintained dueling sword, was sent by his uncle when he graduated the schools. Character Sheet:
A Quick Note for the GM: I'm messing with feats and traits a little bit. I've got Heirloom Weapon chosen, giving me proficiency with one specific Aldori Dueling Sword. What I'm hoping you'll be okay with is using that trait to act as a substitute for Exotic Weapon Proficiency until level three, when I'll take EWP. If not, I don't meet the proficiency requirements for Slashing Grace. Hope you'll allow this; if not, I'll need to rebuild feats and traits slightly. Derren Orlovsky Male Human Swashbuckler 1 CN Medium Humanoid Initiative +6; Perception +1 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 19, Touch 14, Flat-Footed 15 (+4 Dex, +4 Chain Shirt, +1 Buckler) HP 12 (1d10+2) Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +1 Speed 30 ft -------------------- Offense -------------------- Melee Hawkstalon (Aldori Dueling Sword) +7 (1d8+4/19-20) Ranged Longbow +5 (1d8-1/x3) -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 9 Dex 18 Con 12 Int 10 Wis 12 Cha 16 BAB 1, CMB 0, CMD 14 Feats: {Human Bonus}Weapon Focus (Aldori Dueling Sword): You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make using the selected weapon. Slashing Grace Grace (Aldori Dueling Sword): Choose one kind of one-handed slashing weapon (such as the longsword). When wielding your chosen weapon one-handed, you can treat it as a one-handed piercing melee weapon for all feats and class abilities that require such a weapon (such as a swashbuckler's or a duelist's precise strike) and you can add your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier to that weapon's damage. The weapon must be one appropriate for your size. Traits: Sword Scion (Campaign): You begin play with a longsword or Aldori dueling sword and gain a +1 trait bonus on all attacks and combat maneuvers made with such weapons Reactionary (Combat): You gain a +2 trait bonus on initiative checks. Heirloom Weapon (Equipment)(Proficiency): When you select this trait, choose one of the following benefits:proficiency with that specific weapon OR a +1 trait bonus on attacks of opportunity with that specific weapon OR a +2 trait bonus on one kind of combat maneuver when using that specific weapon. Skills (Format is name: total (explanation for total) (5 total) Acrobatics: 6 (1 rank, 5 ability, 3 CS, -3 ACP) Bluff: 6 (1 rank, 2 ability, 3 cs) Intimidate: 6 (1 rank, 2 ability, 3 CS) Ride: 6 (1 rank, 5 ability, 3 CS, -3 ACP) Sense Motive: 5 (1 rank, 1 ability, 3 CS) Note: -3 ACP Languages: Common -------------------- Equipment -------------------- Father's Dueling Sword, Chain Shirt, Longbow, 20 Arrows, 60 GP, Light Horse (Combat-Trained), Flask, Riding Saddle, Fighter's Kit (This kit includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, rope, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.), Explorer's Outfit -------------------- Spells/Domain Powers/Class Features/Race Features -------------------- Panache: 3/day: More than just a lightly armored warrior, a swashbuckler is a daring combatant. She fights with panache: a fluctuating measure of a swashbuckler's ability to perform amazing actions in combat. At the start of each day, a swashbuckler gains a number of panache points equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). Her panache goes up or down throughout the day, but usually cannot go higher than her Charisma modifier (minimum 1), though feats and magic items can affect this maximum. A swashbuckler spends panache to accomplish deeds (see below), and regains panache in the following ways. Critical Hit with a Light or One-Handed Piercing Melee Weapon: Each time the swashbuckler confirms a critical hit with a light or one-handed piercing melee weapon, she regains 1 panache point. Confirming a critical hit on a helpless or unaware creature or a creature that has fewer Hit Dice than half the swashbuckler's character level doesn't restore panache. Killing Blow with a Light or One-Handed Piercing Melee Weapon: When the swashbuckler reduces a creature to 0 or fewer hit points with a light or one-handed piercing melee weapon attack while in combat, she regains 1 panache point. Destroying an unattended object, reducing a helpless or unaware creature to 0 or fewer hit points, or reducing a creature that has fewer Hit Dice than half the swashbuckler's character level to 0 or fewer hit points doesn't restore any panache. Deeds: Swashbucklers spend panache points to accomplish deeds. Most deeds grant the swashbuckler a momentary bonus or effect, but some provide longer-lasting effects. Some deeds remain in effect while the swashbuckler has at least 1 panache point, but do not require expending panache to be maintained. A swashbuckler can only perform deeds of her level or lower. Unless otherwise noted, a deed can be performed multiple successive times, as long as the swashbuckler has or spends the required number of panache points to perform the deed. Derring-Do (Ex): At 1st level, a swashbuckler can spend 1 panache point when she makes an Acrobatics, Climb, Escape Artist, Fly, Ride, or Swim check to roll 1d6 and add the result to the check. She can do this after she makes the check but before the result is revealed. If the result of the d6 roll is a natural 6, she rolls another 1d6 and adds it to the check. She can continue to do this as long as she rolls natural 6s, up to a number of times equal to herDexterity modifier (minimum 1). Dodging Panache (Ex): At 1st level, when an opponent attempts a melee attack against the swashbuckler, the swashbuckler can as an immediate action spend 1 panache point to move 5 feet; doing so grants the swashbuckler a dodge bonus to AC equal to her Charismamodifier (minimum 0) against the triggering attack. This movement doesn't negate the attack, which is still resolved as if the swashbuckler had not moved from the original square. This movement is not a 5-foot step; it provokes attacks of opportunity from creatures other than the one who triggered this deed. The swashbuckler can only perform this deed while wearing light or no armor, and while carrying no heavier than a light load. Opportune Parry and Riposte (Ex): At 1st level, when an opponent makes a melee attack against the swashbuckler, she can spend 1 panache point and expend a use of an attack of opportunity to attempt to parry that attack. The swashbuckler makes an attack roll as if she were making an attack of opportunity; for each size category the attacking creature is larger than the swashbuckler, the swashbuckler takes a –2 penalty on this roll. If her result is greater than the attacking creature's result, the creature's attack automatically misses. The swashbuckler must declare the use of this ability after the creature's attack is announced, but before its attack roll is made. Upon performing a successful parry and if she has at least 1 panache point, the swashbuckler can as an immediate action make an attack against the creature whose attack she parried, provided that creature is within her reach.