Sosiel Vaenic

Denyar's page

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It's clear that every alignment has in itself a certain amount of "extremism", and following this type of reasoning also the pure N alignment is extreme, but a N paladin which superior aim should pursue? Pure neutrality? Probably if that were so, that paladin should not even leave his house ... unless he pursues a religious doctrine, and so it would be nothing more than the "armed arm" of a church. But at this point would a paladin class still make sense? Would it not become rather a sort of "prestige class" for the cleric? He follows the doctrine of a deity, as a cleric, has limitations dictated by the doctrine, as a cleric, prays the deities, as a cleric, receives his powers/spells from deities, as a cleric ... he would have different abilities from a cleric, but it would still be a cleric.
In conclusion, what differences make a paladin what he is, and not simply a "fighter for his deity"?
That's what I mean when I talk about "extreme alignments", the need for a paladin to respond to something superior, to a "call" of Justice/Destruction/Freedom/etc and not just to a deity.

I would like to focus on something that will certainly go against the majority of the opinions.
I know that we are talking about fantasy worlds and that different races are one of the most appreciated topic, but I always found that "too much is not always too good".
There's a wonderful idea, already developed and played, that is called Starfinder, so I was thinking: why can't we have the same thing in the medieval ages ? Instead of filling the basic setting of Golarion with tens or hundreds of different playable races (which often are not even sufficiently described, and even less coherently played) wouldn't be better to think about secondary settings, on different planets (just like in Starfinder, but always in medieval ages) in which to insert the various "minor races"?
For example, I see many people talking about Catfolks and Ratfolks, why not to create a planet with only anthropomorphic animal races!? And this is just one of the many ideas it could be could think on.

In my personal opinion, Paladins should belonging only to extreme alignments, both good and evil, and I wuold like to see something as the PF2's Orders for Druids (i also would like to see that for the Monks, as to divide and explain LG, LN and LE Monks differences, but this is another topic).
For example, I would like to see the four main Orders for Paladins that belongs to LG, CG, LE and CE such as "Order of Justice", "Order of Freedom", "Order of Tyranny", and "Order of Destruction" (maybe using some new names, more original and coherent with Golarion), and perhaps adopting the descriptions on the old supplements such as Champions of Purity/Balance/Corruption to describe their Codes (I refer, in particular, to the three subdivisions used to describe the alignments: crusader, devotee, agent of freedom, despot, etc.)
I am not at all in agreement with the possibility of having neutral Paladins, under penalty of the devaluation of the Paladin/Hero concepts itself.
To become a Paladin should be something more like a "call", something extreme, and not just an alignment stance. For example, this is the reason why, personally, I am not enthusiastic about the concept of paladins linked to the deities. I find that the paladins should not be just the armed force of the churches, but instead should be unique persons that devote their-self to a cause and receive their powers from unknown entities.
Anyway, to summarize my ideas, I find that will be a great idea to use Orders for Paladins, in the same way it has been used for Druids.

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I apologize if this could be perhaps not very relevant with the threat ...
A topic that has been dear to me for some time concerns the Cleric/Druid spells list, and I keep asking myself why, Clerics and Druids, must always know ALL the spells ...
At the moment the list of divine spells is very short in PF2, but on PF1 I've often played PCs with the complete list of all the spells included in all the manuals ... seriously ... that list is enormously endless. .. ridiculously endless ...
I wonder why Clerics and Druids can not simply have a "Breviary", a sort of prayer book, in which to transcribe the spells they know, just like a Wizard does? I think it's much more convenient for those who play Cleric / Druid, and also that respect the idea of PCs' customisation much better.