Delilah d’Corcaron
Female Human Investigator (lamplighter) 2
CG Medium Humanoid (human)
Initiative +3; Perception +8 (9 vs. Traps)
AC 16, Touch 13, Flat-Footed 13 (+3 Dex, +3 Armor)
HP 16 (2d8+2+2)
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +4 (+6 vs. subconscious effects)
Speed 30 ft.
Rapier +3 (1d6+1/18-20)
Light Crossbow +3 (1d8/19-20)
Special Attacks:
1st (3/day, DC 14): Cure Light Wounds, Anticipate Peril, Long Arm
Str 12
Dex 16
Con 12
Int 16
Wis 13
Cha 08
BAB +0,
CMB +1,
CMD 14
{Human} Skill Focus (Perception): +3 bonus on skill checks, +6 if 10+ ranks.
{1st} Weapon Finesse: +Dex to attack with some weapons.
Restless Wayfarer (campaign): Standard action, all allies within 30 ft. gain +2 trait bonus vs. Fear/Pain effects for 1d4 rounds, affected 1/day.
Lucid Dreamer (magic): +1 on Knowledge (planes), +2 to Will vs. effects on the dreaming mind or subconscious.
Skills (Format is name: total (explanation for total) (20 Ranks Total)
Acrobatics: 8 (2 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS)
Appraise: 7 (1 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS)
Craft (alchemy): 8 (2 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS)
Disable Device: 9 (2 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS, 1 class)
Knowledge (arcana): 8 (2 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS)
Knowledge (dungeoneering): 7 (1 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS)
Knowledge (history): 7 (1 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS)
Knowledge (local): 7 (1 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS)
Knowledge (nature): 7 (1 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS)
Knowledge (planes): 8 (2 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS)
Knowledge (religion): 7 (1 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS)
Perception: 9 (2 rank, 1 ability, 3 CS, 3 feat) (+1 vs. Traps)
Stealth: 8 (2 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS)
Languages: Common, Elven, Dwarven
Equipment (On Person): Studded Leather Armor (25, 20), Rapier (20, 2), Light Crossbow (35, 4), 20 Bolts (2, 2), Soldier’s Uniform (Free, 5), Backpack (2, 2), Waterskin (1, 4), 3 Days’ Trail Rations (.3, 3), Bedroll (.1, 5), Waterproof Hooded Lantern (12, 2)
Encumbrance: 44.1 (43<86<130)
Finances: 7 GP, 2 SP
Race/Class Features
Skilled: +1 skill point/level
Bonus Feat: +1 Feat at character creation.
Alchemy: Can prepare extracts as an Alchemist.
Inspiration: 4/day, can add 1d6 to skill checks. Knowledge, Linguistics, and Spellcraft are free, attack rolls and saves cost double.
Trapfinding: +½ level (Minimum 1) to Perception to find traps and to Disable Device, can use DD to disable magical traps.
Lamplighter: Can produce a flame to light a lamp or torch as a move action.
Alchemical Illumination: Standard Action, can burn an extract, infusion, or potion to cast certain spells of an equal level to the extract burned. At 2nd level, can cast "Light" and "COntinual Flame".