
Delilah d'Corcaron's page

31 posts. Alias of Aest.


CG Human Investigator 2 | HP 16/16 | AC 16, T 13, FF 13 | CMD: 15 | F 1, R 6, W 4 (6 vs. Subconscious/Dreaming) | Init +3 | Per +9 (+10 vs. Traps)

About Delilah d'Corcaron

Dearest Vors,

I’m running away. If my family had ever once listened to my complaints about this marriage, maybe I could have stayed, but alas, our wedding is not to be. For me, it’s no great loss. I was meant for greater things; swordplay, drinking games, and tall tales by the fire of some inn. For you, though, this will be difficult. Just know that I’ll think of you when I’m counting my coins with a pretty young thing on my arm, in some inn far away.

With all my thoughts, but alas, not my heart,

Delilah d’Corcaron

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Delilah was a strange one, that much all the villagers in Hope’s Hollow could agree on. While most of the village’s daughters got over their fantasies about princes and lords’ sons, she held on to hers, nurturing and guarding them jealously. While most of her peers found themselves married off with children, she preferred the life of the tavern-girl, filled with fine ales and fantastic tales. Even as a teenager, she spent her free hours in the woods near the village, breathlessly running and swinging a birch sword against imagined foes.

As she reached her age of majority, however, her dreams stood in danger of being crushed. Her parents saw profit to be had in a marriage between her and Vors Solvarano, the eldest son of a rich farmer, and began pressing her to spend more and more time with him. She hit it off well enough with the tall, somewhat overweight young man, but when she looked in his eyes, instead of a happy life she saw chains and fetters. The day before her wedding, she abandoned Hope’s Hollow, heading southeast toward Oppara with her father’s rusty old rapier and a few changes of clothes.

The big city was nothing like Delilah had heard in the stories. People everywhere, and in such a hurry! Everywhere were new sights and smells, so fast they made her head spin. She quickly found, however, that her coin didn’t go as far as she’d hoped and, after one too many nights on the street, she started taking odd jobs of whatever kind she could with her blade and few other skills. Many of those jobs involved bodyguard work for the myriad minor nobles populating Oppara.

One of her jobs took her south and east again, heading to Zimmar. Her job was supposed to be simple; make good time, keep Lady Argentea happy and safe, and let the Ulfen bodyguards take care of any problems. However, as they neared the village of Heldren, they came under attack. The ulfen were able to hold the line against the bandits as Delilah and her charge fled, but then came the screams, and a blow to the head. When she woke up, Lady Argentea was missing and the only ulfen she could find were dead, frozen to the bone in the snow. That was the first time she’d really noticed it, but now that it was there, it was too odd not to think about...

Since her failure to keep the noblewoman safe, Delilah has been tracking who she thinks the kidnappers are and hoping she’s correct.


Character Sheet:

Delilah d’Corcaron
Female Human Investigator (lamplighter) 2
CG Medium Humanoid (human)
Initiative +3; Perception +8 (9 vs. Traps)
AC 16, Touch 13, Flat-Footed 13 (+3 Dex, +3 Armor)
HP 16 (2d8+2+2)
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +4 (+6 vs. subconscious effects)
Speed 30 ft.
Rapier +3 (1d6+1/18-20)
Light Crossbow +3 (1d8/19-20)
Special Attacks:
1st (3/day, DC 14): Cure Light Wounds, Anticipate Peril, Long Arm

Str 12 Dex 16 Con 12 Int 16 Wis 13 Cha 08
BAB +0, CMB +1, CMD 14
{Human} Skill Focus (Perception): +3 bonus on skill checks, +6 if 10+ ranks.
{1st} Weapon Finesse: +Dex to attack with some weapons.
Restless Wayfarer (campaign): Standard action, all allies within 30 ft. gain +2 trait bonus vs. Fear/Pain effects for 1d4 rounds, affected 1/day.
Lucid Dreamer (magic): +1 on Knowledge (planes), +2 to Will vs. effects on the dreaming mind or subconscious.
Skills (Format is name: total (explanation for total) (20 Ranks Total)
Acrobatics: 8 (2 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS)
Appraise: 7 (1 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS)
Craft (alchemy): 8 (2 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS)
Disable Device: 9 (2 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS, 1 class)
Knowledge (arcana): 8 (2 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS)
Knowledge (dungeoneering): 7 (1 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS)
Knowledge (history): 7 (1 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS)
Knowledge (local): 7 (1 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS)
Knowledge (nature): 7 (1 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS)
Knowledge (planes): 8 (2 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS)
Knowledge (religion): 7 (1 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS)
Perception: 9 (2 rank, 1 ability, 3 CS, 3 feat) (+1 vs. Traps)
Stealth: 8 (2 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS)
Languages: Common, Elven, Dwarven
Equipment (On Person): Studded Leather Armor (25, 20), Rapier (20, 2), Light Crossbow (35, 4), 20 Bolts (2, 2), Soldier’s Uniform (Free, 5), Backpack (2, 2), Waterskin (1, 4), 3 Days’ Trail Rations (.3, 3), Bedroll (.1, 5), Waterproof Hooded Lantern (12, 2)
Encumbrance: 44.1 (43<86<130)
Finances: 7 GP, 2 SP
Race/Class Features
Skilled: +1 skill point/level
Bonus Feat: +1 Feat at character creation.
Alchemy: Can prepare extracts as an Alchemist.
Inspiration: 4/day, can add 1d6 to skill checks. Knowledge, Linguistics, and Spellcraft are free, attack rolls and saves cost double.
Trapfinding: +½ level (Minimum 1) to Perception to find traps and to Disable Device, can use DD to disable magical traps.
Lamplighter: Can produce a flame to light a lamp or torch as a move action.
Alchemical Illumination: Standard Action, can burn an extract, infusion, or potion to cast certain spells of an equal level to the extract burned. At 2nd level, can cast "Light" and "COntinual Flame".


Formulae List:

1st: Expeditious Retreat, Anticipate Peril, Long Arm, Cure Light Wounds, Endure Elements