Initiate of Flame

Deger Skyhammer's page

52 posts. Organized Play character for eggellis.


| SP 1/7 HP 12/12 RP 3/3 | EAC 14 KAC 16| F +1 R +1 W +4 | Init +1 | Speed 20 feet |


Male Dwarf Mystic

Strength 16
Dexterity 12
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 15
Charisma 8

About Deger Skyhammer

Bot Me:
In combat Deger might use Telekinetic Projectile if being engaged in ranged combat. He would nearly always move in to stab with his pike though.

[dice=Stabby vs KAC]1d20+3[/dice]
[Dice=Pierce damage]1d8+3[/dice]

SFS # 170784-704
Experience 1
Slotted Faction Wayfinders
Wealth 1861 Credits

Reputation 2 Fame, 3 Global Reputation
Reputation with Acquisitives:
Reputation with Dataphiles:
Reputation with Exoguardians:
Reputation with Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo):
Reputation with Wayfinders: 3

Name Deger Skyhammer
Dream Prophet Mystic 1
LG Medium humanoid (dwarf )
Init +1; Senses Perc +6, SM +6, darkvision 60 ft

EAC 14, KAC16
SP 7 HP 12 RP 3
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +4

Speed 20 ft.
Melee pike +3(1d8+3 P) analog, reach
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks
Spell-Like Abilities
Share Pain DC 13
0 level
Known: Detect Magic, Psychokinetic Hand, Telekinetic Projectile, Telepathic Message

1st level - DC 13
Known: Mind Thrust, Detect Thoughts, Mystic Cure

Str 16, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 8

Intimidate(1) 3
Medicine(1) 4
Mysticism(1) 7
Perception(1) 6
Sense Motve(1) 6
Survival(1) 6

Reduce the DCs of Mysticism checks to identify spells as they are being cast and to recall knowledge about arcane symbols and magic traditions by 5. +1 bonus to Mysticism checks.

Heavy Armor Proficiency

Languages Common, Dwarven

Combat Gear
Hidden Soldier Armor 2 Bulk
Tactical Pike 2Bulk

Other Gear

Special Abilities

Slow but Steady
Dwarves have a land speed of 20 feet, which is never modified when they are encumbered or wearing heavy armor. They also gain a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against poisons, spells, and spell-like abilities, and when standing on the ground they gain a +4 racial bonus to their KAC against bull rush and trip combat maneuvers.

Dwarves gain a +2 bonus to Perception checks to notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone walls or floors. They receive a check to notice such features whenever they pass within 10 feet of them, whether or not they are actively looking.

Traditional Enemies
Dwarves still train to fight their ancient enemies. A dwarf gains a +1 racial bonus to attack rolls against a creature with the goblinoid or orc subtype and a +4 racial bonus to AC against an attack from a creature with the giant subtype.

Healing Touch (Su)
Once per day, you can spend 10 minutes to magically heal an ally up to 5 Hit Points per mystic level.

Connection- Mindbreaker

Share Pain (Su) - 1st Level
Whenever a foe deals damage to you, you can spend 1 Resolve Point as a reaction to shift some of the pain back onto that foe. Unless the foe succeeds at a Will save, reduce the damage you take from the attack by your mystic level (to a maximum of the attack’s damage), and the foe takes an equal amount of damage. This is a mind-affecting pain effect.

Boons Slotted this Adventure
Faction: Wayfinder Champion
Starship: In the Vehicle Training

All My Boons:

Wayfinders Champion
In the Vehicle Training
Souvenir Cestus

Adventure Log:

Character creation - 0xp, 0 Fame/reputation, 1000 credits
-purchased: tactical pike, hidden soldier armor

- 1-28 It Rests Beneath - 1 xp, 2 fame and 3 rep, 1105 creds

- 2-1 Data Breach - 1xp, 2 fame, 2way & 1 acq rep, 696 creds

Deger of clan Skyhammer spent his first few decades being raised on Absalom Station in a traditionalist dwarven family. In his 36th year he began to hear whispers.

Thinking he had gone mad he sought help from doctors of the mind. When they told him he wasn't insane but developing psychic talents he wasn't sure if he was relieved or even more worried. Through the next few years of study he realized that the whispers were coming from the Liavaran Dreamers and made his way to the distant planet.

On a station orbiting the gas giant Deger heard the whispers very strongly. One night as he slept he had an important dream. He couldn't remember much of it the next morning but he did recall seeing an alien sky. He had never held much faith in the belief some other dwarves held - that The Quest For Sky was still ongoing - but he couldn't think of anything else the dream could have meant. He returned home to spread the word but his family simply told him to stop buying into hoodoo like those other fool dwarves.

A few days later he told his family he loved them and that he would return one day. He then joined the Starfinders to search for the alien sky.