
DeathsRhand's page

Organized Play Member. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters.

The Exchange 3/5

so i played pathfinder the other night n had to run one of the pregen npcs. i played the elf rog. i was blown away at how poorly made the character was, n to top it off her ability scores were completely wrong. so i looked into all the pregens provided by paizo. the first batch of characters, fighter, rogue, wizard, cleric all get a second ability point at lvl 7, instead of 8. the rogue herselfs stats get completely messed up when she makes lvl 7, she actually turns out to b a 25 point build if u count it up. Now the newer pregens, oracle, cavalier, n alchemist they are completely correct. Just a heads up b4 u make someone use those characters.