Davina was born in the Pale Tower, to an angel and a Knight of the Pale. Growing up, she learned much from her parent's background, learning ways to combat both the undead and supernatural forces of evil. As she gained in age, she idolized her parents more and more, eventually becoming a squire to Dierna Hillerchaun- the leader of the Knights of the Pale.
Learning how to fight was not a new experience to Davina, but learning how to be a Knight of the Pale was. Day after day, Davina wore heavy ceremonial armor and learned how to fight, particularly against supernatural forces. While not in training, Davina spent her time in church, worshipping Lothian's both sides, the Lawbringer and the Daykeeper.
Eventually Davina attained her knighthood, and was sent as part of a joint force with the Keepers of the Veil. She is currently guards the necropolis and sometimes heads down to clear out the undead.
Outside of her posting, Davina lives in Oldtown, nearby the Pale Tower. She lives a fairly stark life, and spends time with friends in the Pale Tower or in the Bladechapel more often than not.