
Davina's page

25 posts. Alias of Berenzen.

Full Name

Davina of the Pale


Angelkin Aasimar


Paladin 1








Lawful Good



Strength 18
Dexterity 11
Constitution 14
Intelligence 8
Wisdom 7
Charisma 18

About Davina


NAME: Davina
CLASS: Paladin 1
SIZE: Medium
GENDER: Female
ALIGNMENT: Lawful Good
DEITY: Lothian
AGE: 22
HEIGHT: 5'10"
WEIGHT: 160 lbs.
Eyes: Sapphire Blue


STR: 18 (16 + 2 Racial bonus)
DEX: 11
CON: 14
INT: 8
WIS: 7
CHA: 18 (16 + 2 Racial Bonus)

HP: 12
AC: 15 (10+ 5 Armor Bonus)
FLAT: 15

INIT: +0
SPEED: 20/x4
BAB: +1

FORT: +4
REF: +0
WILL: +0

CMB +5
CMD 15


Greatsword +5 (2d6+6/ 19-20/x2) Slashing


Diplomacy: +9 (+4 CHA +3 Trained, +1 Trait + 1 Rank)
Knowledge(religion): +4 (0 Int +3 Trained +1 Rank)


• Str: +2, Cha: +2
• TYPE: Outsider (Native)
• SIZE: Medium
• ANGELKIN MAGIC: Angelkin can use Alter Self once per day as a spell like ability (caster level equal to the aasimar's class level)
• CELESTIAL CRUSADER: Some Aasimars follow their destiny to war against the powers of ultimate evil. These individuals gain a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls and to AC against evil outsiders and a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (planes) and Spellcraft checks to identify evil outsiders or items or effects created by evil outsiders; they may use these skills untrained for this
• DARKVISION 60 FT: You can see in the dark up to 24 squares.
• LANGUAGES: Aasimars begin play speaking Common and Celestial.
• Automatic Languages: Common, Celestial
• Bonus Languages: Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Sylvan


• You have selected the following Archetypes:
- Oath of Vengeance (Paladin)


• FAVORED CLASS (Paladin) : You've gain the following bonuses: +1 Skill Point.
• AURA OF GOOD: The power of a paladin’s aura of good (see the detect good spell) is equal to 1. (PFCR 60).
• CODE OF CONDUCT: 0 (PFCR 63-64).
• DETECT EVIL: At will, a paladin can use detect evil, as the spell. (PFCR 60).
• PALADIN WEAPONS AND ARMOR: Paladins are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with all types of armor (heavy, medium, and light), and with shields (except tower shields). (PFCR 60).
• SMITE EVIL: 1 times per day, swift action to choose an evil target. Ignore its DR, take +4 to attack and +1 to damage. If outsider, dragon or undead, damage bonus is +2. Gain +4 deflection bonus to AC vs. target while smite is in effect
(until target is dead or paladin rests). (PFCR 60-61).


• SHIELD PROFICIENCY: You can use a shield and take only the standard penalties. (PFCR 133)

• ARMOR PROFICIENCY (LIGHT / MEDIUM / HEAVY): When you wear a type of armor in which you are proficient, the armor check penalty for that armor applies only to Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Sleight of Hand, and
Tumble checks. (PFCR 118)
• POWER ATTACK: Take -1 to melee attack rolls for +2 in melee damage bonus (+3 for 2HD or with natural weapons that do 1-1/2 Str mod, +1 for off-hand or secondary natural weapons). Lasts until your next turn. (PFCR 131)


• ARMOR EXPERT (Combat): When you wear armor of any sort, reduce that suit’s armor check penalty by 1, to a minimum check penalty of 0. (PFAPG 327)
• HUNTER'S BLOOD (Social): You earn a +1 trait bonus on diplomacy when used to gather information, Knowledge (religion) and Survival when used for tracking an undead quarry. Diplomacy is a class skill for you. The undead have a +1 bonus on any roll to learn about you, as your family's fame precedes you. (WyFr)
• MAGICAL KNACK (Magic): Your caster level in Paladin is 1 (2 less than potential). (PFAPG 329)

Ptolus Background:

• SQUIRE: You gain special contacts and live in Oldtown.

Davina's Backstory:

Davina was born in the Pale Tower, to an angel and a Knight of the Pale. Growing up, she learned much from her parent's background, learning ways to combat both the undead and supernatural forces of evil. As she gained in age, she idolized her parents more and more, eventually becoming a squire to Dierna Hillerchaun- the leader of the Knights of the Pale.

Learning how to fight was not a new experience to Davina, but learning how to be a Knight of the Pale was. Day after day, Davina wore heavy ceremonial armor and learned how to fight, particularly against supernatural forces. While not in training, Davina spent her time in church, worshipping Lothian's both sides, the Lawbringer and the Daykeeper.

Eventually Davina attained her knighthood, and was sent as part of a joint force with the Keepers of the Veil. She is currently guards the necropolis and sometimes heads down to clear out the undead.

Outside of her posting, Davina lives in Oldtown, nearby the Pale Tower. She lives a fairly stark life, and spends time with friends in the Pale Tower or in the Bladechapel more often than not.