
Dasheel Kai's page

149 posts. Alias of hgsolo.


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M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

Initiative: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

As the creature rounds the corner Dash draws his bow and looses upon the thing before it closes. Once it is closer he drops his bow, and draws his wakizashi while advancing to slice at the monster.

Shortbow: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 6

Wakizashi: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

If at all possible, Dash will move in to flank the creature. If he can manage it let me know and I can update his rolls accordingly.

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

Still around, just been kinda busy. Also, I figured I'd let someone else respond to the coming threat first, as Dash is probably up front checking for more traps as we go along the hallway.

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

"Well I can't be certain what they mean, but whatever is going on in these images does not seem very pleasant." When he finishes speaking Dash turns his head to better hear a slight sound. "Uh, I think we've got company coming. No more time to enjoy the fine art."

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

I do not have darkvision past 60ft... yet! (Considering some racial feats.)

As for sharing the pics you could put them on google docs. Alternatively you could put them on pretty much any site that allows pictures and give a direct link to the image. Little known trick, if you want to show someone a picture that is blocked somehow, say a private facebook account that you can see and they can't, you can right click on the image and select "copy image location." It provides the direct link to where the pic is hosted. But google docs is probably the easiest.

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

Hey guys, I don't know what my posting today will be like. I'm heading back to the States and I will be traveling all day. I'll be leaving in about 2 hours, and while I should have wifi at the airport, I can't be sure.

BTW, nice update TCG. I just hope the owner of that room isn't a PhD of any sort, cause then we'd be in real trouble.

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

Dash breaks out laughing at Aky's characteristic nonchalance and has to work to reign himself back in. Between little chuckles that slip out Dash replies "Yeah it was! But we should probably get a move on at this point. There is still a horde somewhere behind us."

What's the layout of the hall look like at this point? I'm having a bit of trouble getting it straight.

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

I think Aky is going to perform a divination for us first.

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

Nevermind what I said before. Just realized what you had actually said and if you are picking up scorching ray I would worry less about burning hands, even though you won't have a lot of scorching rays available per day. Shield is a good option, and you might also consider grease (which I want soon for Dash), ray of enfeeblement or sickening, burning disarm (not just offensive), feather fall, or liberating command (goes along with the luck angle).

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

Offense might be a good idea, just to give you more options. Ideally, you want to avoid being in situations where shield is necessary (obviously not always possible though), and I just picked up identify as a bloodline bonus. I'd go for burning hands and maybe trade it out later when you hit 4th and have access to scorching ray.

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

"Well now that we have some space between us and the rampaging horde I won't object."

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

Dash laughs along with his human companion. "Sometimes, Aky, I feel like we could be long-lost brothers or something, if it weren't for us being different species. As for traps Al, it seems like everything we've encountered recently has been part of the same trap. I mean, what are the odds that we would run into a bunch of undead under the school, then get led to a town infested by undead by some strange message on Circe's blank, then find a message hidden in a mosaic talking about a tomb and our souls dying? Oh, and that last only occurred when we went through a extradimensional space, which could conceivably have dumped us out at practically any point on the material plane. I don't want to chalk any of this up to mere coincidence, and it might be better to explore and figure out who is behind all of this."

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

Dash sees the hidden writing just as Aky starts to read it off to the others, then grabs a piece of paper from his bag and scribbles down the message for future reference. "Hmmm. Well, 'Go back to the tormentor or through the arch, and the second great hall you’ll discover.' Could have something to do with the room we were just in, because it does say go back. But then again the other room was not much of a great hall, even if it was big. Unless this is the hall the poem is talking about... What do you guys think, should we go farther down this hallway or try pressing some buttons?"

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

"Guys, before we move on, check this out as well." Dash points out the buttons on either side of the door, "There is an identical pair on the other door as well. My guess is that you are right, Hemlock, and the buttons may have something to do with where the doors let out. Regardless, this hallway seems to be back on the prime material plane, so we could either explore here or we could try experimenting with the buttons."

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

As Dash peers down the new hallway he says over his shoulder to his companions, "Coooool. Guys, come check this out!"

Is there any way of telling if this leads back to the prime material plane?

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

Dash chuckles lightly as he is presented with the platter and takes one of the proffered spiders. He then proceeds to bite into the large arachnid almost as if it were an apple, getting a bit of juice on his chin, as he ponders the door in front of him. Suddenly, he stalks over to the door the group entered through and begins examining that one just as intently, which he then opens. Upon reentering the room he starts walking back to the far door, pauses halfway through the room to look back and forth at each door, and without saying a word, nods his head in a self-satisfied manner, as he thinks ::These buttons probably have something to do with where the doors lead... Let's see what's through door number 2 before messing with anything else,:: and proceeds to open the far door.

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

Let me just make sure I have this right. It looks something like:

)Entry) interior of the room )Exit)

With the convex portion of the parentheses being the buttons I could press?

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

Haha. I wasn't even directly considering that. Shows how attentive I am to actual campaign needs. XP

To be honest, I don't know how feather fall didn't jump out at me from the get go. I guess I was more concerned with trickster-type spells. Though I can totally see Dash using feather fall to freak out Circe.

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

Decided to go for feather fall for my spell this level. I thought about burning disarm, because that seems like something Dash would use, but feather fall just seemed more useful all around.

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

Disable Device: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26

UMD: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

"Actually, Al, Circe is probably right about leaving." As Dash is talking he quickly crosses to the second door, and says, "Grab some of that spider for me will you Hemlock?" as he begins working. "Do you guys see where we are? This place is some sort of extra dimensional space; meaning the owner of this place is clearly fairly powerful, or at least has access to powerful magics. In fact, I'd almost rather take my chances with that horde back there, but let's see if this door lets us out in a way that we can avoid both."

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

Rolling for HPs.

2d6 ⇒ (5, 2) = 7

Edit: Circe, I think witches get a d6. Also, I need help picking a new 1st level spell. Suggestions?

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

Sorry about the slow posts again guys. End of semester time. Ugh...

Dash will go to examine the desk, checking any drawers it may possess, being wary for traps the whole time.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

And since you asked; Spellcraft: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

As Circe examines the papers and Dash examines the desk he says to her "I'll check the exit in a moment. The entry door was easy enough to get through. In fact, with the types of magic we found there I would have thought it would be more difficult. Go figure." When Hemlock notes the food Dash perks up a bit. "Did you say spiders, Hemlock? Save a bit for me!"

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5
Circe Lavaush wrote:
I thought we weren't going to disarm anything? Just let Dash find out where *not* to step and then follow in his tracks.

I don't know what gave me this impression, but for some reason I thought the pit trap was the width of the hallway. I guess we'll see how this plays out.

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

Dash will try to find a path past the poker traps that his comrades can follow. Once he gets to the pit trap he will attempt to disable it, leaving the mechanism intact for pursuers to trigger if at all possible.

Disable Device: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (1) + 13 = 14

Oh boy... Also, TCG, you said there is no lock but I had to roll one page back to open the lock on the door we entered through.

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

Sorry guys, I should probably be making attempts to disable this hallway.

"I think you're right Hemlock. Hmmm, I'll be right back." Dash starts walking forward very gingerly, keeping his eyes peeled for any sort of trigger for (what is presumably) the dart trap. Assuming he doesn't set off any traps he will continue up to the pit to examine it.

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27

That's more like it.

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

"I might be able to, but we have to find the trigger first before I can figure out how to get around it. Look for anything that could trigger a hidden mechanism, probably a pressure plate or a trip wire."

Can I take another perception check to specifically look for a trigger now that Aky has pointed out the danger to me?

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

After a grunt of effort Dash sighs in relief and repacks his things. Picking up his sword again he pushes the door open and walks through.

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

Dash is still smiling up until he looks up at the same sound that Hemlock cut off at. "Yeah, right, leaving... The, um, the door looks safe but it's locked. Just give me a couple of moments." With that Dash takes a deep, steadying breath, pulls out his tools and begins going to work on the lock.

Disable Device: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (15) + 13 = 28

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

As Dash leans toward the door to take a look for traps he turns back for a moment and whispers "You really ought to be a little quieter..." He pauses for a moment as he snickers "Hemmy."

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

As the door comes into view and Dash sees Al approach it he whispers again "Wait up a moment Al. It will only take me a few seconds to check that door for any traps."

Assuming Al waits before opening the door; Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

Sorry I haven't been posting as frequently lately. The current level of posting is fine by me, as things are kind of hectic for me right now with school so it is nice that we are going a bit slower. I'm in Rome this semester and I'm heading home in less than a month though. My folks are in Philly and had no problems with the storm. Thanks for your concern, TCG.

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Stealth: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (9) + 14 = 23

Dash takes a moment to cast a Message spell and whispers to all those in front of him, "Gods! Could you people be any louder? Al are you ok up there or do you want me to come up so I can lead the way?" At the end before anyone can respond he adds "And just whisper your responses, my spell will carry them back to me."

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

Dash will bring up the rear, snuffing the candles along the way as Hemlock suggested, and muttering along the way "Woman's gonna get herself killed. Not even armed..."

He makes sure to slide the stone back into place behind him as well.

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

Dash's eyes snap to the shaking door, and then back to Circe. "I know we don't have a whole lot of time, but it will be safer if you give me two minutes to check things out. That door ought to hold that long at least."

Man I have been getting some terrible perception rolls lately. I rolled a 2 in my other online campaign earlier today. XP

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

After seeing the hatch Al has uncovered Dash perks up from his pensive state. "Hmmm, a new development! Maybe I should just scout it Aky, it ought to take less time and I can check this out without needing a light."

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

As the creatures increase their attack on the door Dash starts to look tense again. "I was thinking there is a chance that I could sneak around these guys by jumping from roof to roof, but even if I managed to pull that off I'm not sure what good it would do. We are too far out for anyone to help us, and it's not as if a one man flank would be of much help."

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

Now that the barricade is up Dash is, like Al, a bit more relaxed. He puts the tip of his sword on the ground and leans on the handle like a cane as he says, "You guys go on up. And feel free to relax a bit, Al. I'll wake you if there is trouble."

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

Sorry, for some reason my post got eaten. Paizo is acting a bit weird today.

Dash moves into position besides Al, instinctively moving as quietly as possible. Along the way he activates his wand again as he says "We should try to get on either side of the door so we can crush them between us Al. And I agree Aky, the bell tower should be a last resort. Be careful while scouting up there, Hemlock."

Just to clarify, casting mage armor and getting into position to flank the door with Al (assuming he goes along), then stowing the wand and keeping the sword drawn.

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

Dash slides silently into position besides Al while activating another use his wand. "We should stand at either side of the main door for when they come in so we can cut them down between us. And I agree Aky, the bell tower should be a last resort. Just be careful scouting that out Hemlock."

Just to be clear, moving into position to flank the door with Al and using one charge from the wand of mage armor. Then stowing the wand.

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

Sorry I haven't posted in a bit guys. I was away last week and internet was hard to come by.

Dash is standing next to Circe as the action with Aky and Al goes down. He is too slow to react to the creature before Aky and Al pummel it, but draws his blade after the fact. "That's a good idea Circe," he says, while slowly backing towards the church and trying to keep his eyes on all the sources of sound at once.

Initiative: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

"Frankly, it is a bit insulting that you think only scary things live in the dark Hemmick. It is only MOSTLY scary things living in the dark," Dash says sarcastically. "But Circe's idea is a solid one. Why haven't we scanned anything here for traces of magic?"

Casting Detect Magic.

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

Dash walks up to Hemlock as he is about to down his potion and claps him on the back. "Don't worry so much Hemlock, we'll be fine. I mean sure, we have no idea who brought us here or what they want, but nightfall is coming. Remember, the shadows exist to hide and protect us," Dash says cheerfully, with the tone of a proverb. He then looks at his friends and looks down a bit sheepishly as if he forgot who he was talking to. As he looks back up he says, "Then again, maybe Circe and I should just keep watch tonight."

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

Hey guys. Sorry I didn't post over the past few days. I went away for a weekend trip to the Bay of Naples for class and didn't have internet. Totally worth it for a day in the ruins of Pompei though!

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

As everyone is discussing what to do and get in preparation for the trip Dash opens his trunk and pulls out some essentials, which he packs into his bag. "Alright, I'm ready," he says with a bit of self-satisfaction at his somewhat paranoid level of preparation before such a situation arises.

When the group enters the abandoned town Dash starts looking around, and at Circe's question he stops scanning to think for a moment.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

"I've never really been out to this area Circe and I've got no idea what made people leave."

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

"If only we could go at night. I feel better at night, with Desna watching me. In any case, I can't see any choice but going to check this out, so I say we save Aky's divination skills for later."

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

Dash sighs deeply and his shoulders slump somewhat as he says "I guess you're right Circe. Let's get some food in us and then prepare to head out. Should we bring the books with us or leave them here?"

M Fetch Nin3/Sorc3|HP:44/44|AC:15(19w/MA)|T:15(19w/MA)|FF:11(15w/MA)|CMD:16|F+5|R+9 |W+4|Ini+8|Per+7|Res cold & elec 5

Dash stands behind Circe as she attempts to dispel the arcane lock, already visibly tense after failing to open yet another lock. When Circe's spell fizzles Dash lets out a deep growl of frustration, whips out one of his shuriken and hurls it at the bedpost behind him. After a couple of deep breaths he stalks over to the embedded missile and pries it from the wood, inspecting it for damage. "I'm sorry guys. This is all just starting to frustrate me. Normally I'd be intrigued by a lock this well-made, but considering our lives are in danger the stakes seem somewhat higher than usual," he says with no small measure of sarcasm.

Btw, TCG, don't take this as me being frustrated with the game; I'm actually enjoying the challenge. This is entirely Dash's response to the situation.

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