Bloodstone Swords

Darvin the Shield's page

7 posts. Alias of Pixie Rogue.

About Darvin the Shield

Fighter (Shielded archetype, favored class) 1
Neutral Good
Init +2
Senses Perception +2
Speed 20 ft (Breastplate) or 30 ft (Studded leather)



AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 17 (Dex +2, Armor +6, Shield +1)
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (Dex +2, Armor +3, Shield +1)

CMD 16 (BAB +1, STR +3, DEX +2)

hp 13 (1d10 [fighter]+3 [Con]) wounds 0
Fort +4: [+2 fighter, +2 ability]
Ref +2: [+0 fighter, +2 ability]
Will +2: [+0 fighter, +2 ability]



Base Atk +1; CMB +4
Melee - Longsword & Shield
**longsword +2 (1d8+3, 19-20/x2)
**light shield bash +2 (1d3+3, 20/x2)
Melee - Longsword & Dagger
**longsword +2 (1d8+3, 19-20/x2)
**dagger +2 (1d4+3, 19-20/x2)
Ranged - Shortbow
**shortbow +3 (1d6, 20/x3, Increment 60')



Statistics STR 17, DEX 15, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 14, CHA 11
Feats Two-Weapon Fighting (1st), Improved Shield Bash (class bonus) (1st), Double Slice (racial bonus) (1st)
3 skill points: 3 (1*2+Int Mod(1)) FTR

Acrobatics -3 or +0: [+0 FTR ranks, +2 Ability, (-4 ACP, -1 ACP) or (-1 ACP, -1 ACP)]
Acrobatics (jump) -7 or +0: [+0 FTR ranks, +2 Ability, (-4 ACP, -1 ACP, -4 speed) or (-1 ACP, -1 ACP)]
Appraise +0: [+0 FTR ranks, +0 Ability]
Bluff +0: [+0 FTR ranks, +0 Ability]
Climb +2 or +5: [+1 FTR ranks, +3 Class, +3 Ability, -4 ACP or -1 ACP, -1 ACP]
Craft (Weapons) +4: [+1 FTR ranks, +3 Class, +0 Ability]
Diplomacy +0: [+0 FTR ranks, +0 Ability]
Disguise +0: [+0 FTR ranks, +0 Ability]
Escape Artist -3 or 0: [+0 FTR ranks, +2 Ability, -4 ACP or -1 ACP, -1 ACP]
Fly -3 or 0: [+0 FTR ranks, +2 Ability, -4 ACP or -1 ACP, -1 ACP]
Handle Animals +0: [+0 FTR ranks, +0 Class, +0 Ability]
Intimidate +0: [+0 FTR ranks, +0 Class, +0 Ability]
Knowledge (Dungeoneer) +0: [+0 FTR ranks, +0 Class, +0 Ability]
Knowledge (Engineer) +0: [+0 FTR ranks, +0 Class, +0 Ability]
Linguistics +0: [+0 FTR ranks, +0 Ability]
Perception +2: [+0 FTR ranks, +2 Ability]
Ride -3 or 0: [+0 FTR ranks, +0 Class, +2 Ability, -4 ACP or -1 ACP, -1 ACP]
Sense Motive +2: [+0 FTR ranks, +2 Ability]
Stealth -3 or 0: [+0 FTR ranks, +2 Ability, -4 ACP or -1 ACP, -1 ACP]
Survival +2: [+1 FTR ranks, +3 Class, +2 Ability]
Swim -2 or 1: [+0 FTR ranks, +0 Class, +3 Ability, -4 ACP or -1 ACP, -1 ACP]

Languages Common



Combat Gear:
Other Gear (carried): Backpack, Bedroll (in backpack), Belt Pouch, Flint & Steel (in Belt Pouch), Explorer's Outfit, Whetstone (in Belt Pouch)
Arrows (1 quiver; 20 missiles), Dagger, Punching Dagger, Longsword, Shortbow
Breastplate, Studded Leather (generally carried), Light Steel Shield,

Encumbrance 75.5 lb + 1.88 gp in coin
Light Load 86
Medium Load 87 - 173
Heavy Load 174 - 260



Experience Points: 0



Fighter Class, Shielded Fighter Archetype:
A shielded fighter focuses on both offense and defense, blending weapon and shield in perfect balance to impede his enemies while delivering deadly blows, and even turning the shield itself into a formidable weapon. These fighting school benefits apply when wielding a weapon and a shield simultaneously.
* Class Skills
The fighter’s class skills are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (engineering) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).
*Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.
*Class Features
The following are class features of the shielded fighter.
* Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A fighter is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, light, and medium) and shields (including tower shields).
* Bonus Feats: At 1st level, and at every even level thereafter, a fighter gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement (meaning that the fighter gains a feat at every level). These bonus feats must be selected from those listed as combat feats, sometimes also called “fighter bonus feats.”
Upon reaching 4th level, and every four levels thereafter (8th, 12th, and so on), a fighter can choose to learn a new bonus feat in place of a bonus feat he has already learned. In effect, the fighter loses the bonus feat in exchange for the new one. The old feat cannot be one that was used as a prerequisite for another feat, prestige class, or other ability. A fighter can only change one feat at any given level and must choose whether or not to swap the feat at the time he gains a new bonus feat for the level.
* Bravery (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, a fighter gains a +1 bonus on Will saves against fear. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 2nd.
* Active Defense (Ex): At 3rd level, a shielded fighter gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC when wielding a shield and fighting defensively, using Combat Expertise, or using total defense. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 3rd. As a swift action, he may share this bonus with one adjacent ally, or half of the bonus (minimum +0) with all adjacent allies, until the beginning of his next turn.
This ability replaces armor training 1, 2, 3, and 4.
* Shield Fighter (Ex): At 5th level, a shielded fighter gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls when making a shield bash. These bonuses increase by +1 every four levels beyond 5th. With a full attack action, a shielded fighter may alternate between using his weapon or his shield for each attack. This action does not grant additional attacks or incur penalties as two-weapon fighting does. This ability replaces weapon training 1.
* Shield Buffet (Ex): At 9th level, as a move action, a shielded fighter may make a combat maneuver check to use his shield to impede an adjacent enemy. If successful, the target suffers a –2 penalty on its attack rolls against the shielded fighter and a –2 penalty to AC on attacks made by the shielded fighter until the beginning of his next turn.
At 13th level, a shielded fighter may use this ability as a swift action. This ability replaces weapon training 2 and 3.
* Shield Guard (Ex): At 17th level, as a swift action, a shielded fighter may designate one square adjacent to him. He may designate two squares if using a heavy shield or three squares if using a tower shield, but these squares must be contiguous. Enemies in these squares cannot flank the shielded fighter and do not count for flanking with other creatures. This effect lasts until he moves from his position or uses another swift action to change the affected squares. This ability replaces weapon training 4.
* Shield Mastery (Ex): At 19th level, a shielded fighter gains DR 5/— when wielding a shield. This ability replaces armor mastery.
* Shield Ward (Ex): At 20th level, a shielded fighter gains evasion (as a rogue) while wielding a shield, and adds his shield bonus to his AC (not including enhancement bonuses) on Reflex saves and to his touch AC. In addition, his shield cannot be disarmed or sundered. This ability replaces weapon mastery.