
DarthWader's page

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I'm also having an issue with an order (#37265628) that was placed on 1/ time of order, and acknowledgement I received, it indicated ALL items were instock and would ship in 11-20 days. We're now at 42 days, three (3) emails to customer service, and no responses whatsoever. Not even the courtesy of acknowledging my inquiry for a status update. I understand the situation with the run on products, but at the least can someone communicate something? Per this thread, my order should have been earmarked as it was nearly a week prior to the announcement of the account shows all the other books as in stock, but appears to be holding the whole thing due to the Core Rules (Pocket edition). As mentioned, I've inquired three times with customer service (even got a ticket number for it), but have gotten nothing but silence. A call got me an automated message advising no one is in the office and can't take calls, please email for an expedient response...I don't even know if I'm going to get the items and basically it seems the system is set up so you can't even contact anyone. Very much want to play PF2, but this experience is souring me rather quickly. Sort of a longshot posting here, but hoping that maybe someone can, at the least, give me an update?