Psychopomp, Shoki

Dark Lord of Accounting's page

10 posts. Alias of mellowgoth.


With Psychics and psychic-list casters now among us, I thought I'd see how GM's are handling a basic attack cantrip, Telekinetic Projectile.

The spell wording just says "an object". Are GMs requiring casters to have objects on hand ("I keep a pouch of sling bullets on me," or, "I stop and pick up some rocks to keep in my pockets,"), or is this minor enough to hand-wave (There's always a rock lying around...)

As a character, I make sure I have something on my inventory, just in case, but I'm curious to see how my fellow GMs are handling or would handle this. OR if something has already been written down somehwere. Or, if the Campaign staff would care to chime in...

Here for your Out-of-character convenience...

Prepare, ye, and pay heed unto the Box Text...

Which will show up when we're all ready. Just putting the thread together, guys; no rush.

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This is a private PFS pbp game, running 1-29, The Devil We Know, part 1: Shipyard Rats.

Players, please check in here with your character's alias. It'd be handy to post the character sheet in the character's profile, if you could.

If anyone does not have access to either the spreadsheet or Hero Lab, let me know, we can slap something together.

We will be running Tier 1-2.

Questions? email me or post here.



Pity. This is one of the few MMO's I was really looking forward to...

Would it be possible to include a link to the PFS-specific FAQ on the left side of the home page, in the Pathfinder Society section?

Would a direct link also be possible under the Player Resources and GM resources sections on the Society page?


2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

I have not found official confirmation on a few whip and scorpian whip related questions.

1)Does a character weilding a whip with the Deadly property threaten squares within its reach?

2)Can a scorpian whip threaten and do lethal damage at range (15')? Is there a combination of feats that allows this?

3)Do energy damage properties (such as frost or flaming) applied to a whip deal lethal damage to armored targets? If so, does the whip-weilder threaten?

This is most relevant to a PFS character, so if I have missed offical rulings, I'd apprecaite any help finding them.



On page 32 of the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play, Version 5.0 :

"A free, supplementary document available for download at
details the secondary success condition for each scenario."

Am I missing an errata or some such? I do not see such a document when I follow the link.

Thanks, all.

The title pretty much says it all. I'm looking for some Pathfinder modules - motly thrid party - that could easily be set around Sandpoint.

Any suggestions?

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The Diaries of Cailo Ziim

Undated Entry

The last I remember, I was in the most desperate fight of my life. The cruelly smiling woman before me, her hatchets moved like the wind. She twitched the right hand axe, as if to swing low at my left thigh, and I swung my longsword down, point out, to intercept it. Too late, I realized the feint. The axe in her left hand connected with my chest. There were a variety of wet snapping and tearing noises, and pain beyond any I had ever experienced. And yet I could not seem to draw breath, even to scream. My knees buckled, and I could not hold the hilt of my sword.

As I was collapsing, I wondered how long this agony would go on. As if in answer, the hammer-back of her other hatched whistled toward my head. There was a thumping noise, a brief pressure at my temple, then blackness…

How did I come to be dying on the needle-covered floor of the Narlmarches, so far from my native Varisia? One could say that I was following a dream.

I was born the wandering clans, in the shadow of the Storval Rise, in the month of Neth, 4792. My Family moved throughout Varisia, among the ruins and monuments of an empire so powerful that not even the great Earthfall could blot its works from the face of Golarion. My earliest memories are of the statues and ruins of ancient Thassilon – a name I did not even know until my apprenticeship. My people knew that it was a realm of mighty wizards, and that its magic permeated the land even to this day: Many a Varisian was born a sorcerer, the magic inborn to them. I, alas, was not such a one, but magic fascinated me, and I was always full of questions about the wizards of old.

Legends of the empire that was have a dark cast in the tales of my people, and my fascination – obsession, some might say – was not greeted with enthusiasm. Every time the wagons passed some lonely stone sentinel, my eyes would be locked on it until it was out of sight – and my Family’s eyes would be on me.

I read voraciously, and learned everything I could of the wizard’s art wherever I could. The old hedge magician outside of Abken, the dwarven smith forging an enchanted hammer in Jaderhoff, the student of Korvosa’s Academae that traveled with us on his way home to Riddleport, the wandering Forlorn elf that walked with us for a season.

It was Vezariel, the elf wizard, that spoke at length with my family about my future. You will not turn aside this fascination, he said. He is more a child of Nethys, mysterious divinity of Magic, than of Desna. He was even born in that God’s month. His ways will not be your ways. Thus they spoke for many days. I was just entering my fifteenth year.

On the Pathfinder Society Open Call page, under "What Pathfinder Society is Currently Seeking," it states that you're looking for Tier 1-7 Scenarios. In the Guide To Organized Play 4.1, we have Tiers 1-5 and 3-7. Could someone from the staff either confirm that you are still looking for 1-7, or update us on what you want to see for the open call?

Many thanks.

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Can anyone point me to any rulings on whether guns firing with the scatter ability do damage as an area effect to swarms?


Hey, all. Under the generous auspices of our FLGS, The Vault Comics and Games, we are launching PAthfinder Society play December 4th 2010. THe Vault is a great, gamer-friendly shop in Greensburg, PA. Check out the events on this site, or the Vault's website at

There are still two open player psostions for tier 1-5, subtier 1-2. For our madien voyage, we are running Citadel of Flame.



Hey, all;

For those of us without a pdf writer, is there a version of the PFS character sheet that can be written on/to, updated electronically, rather than with a pencil?

Any help would be appreciated.
