
Dark_Contract's page

9 posts. Alias of Johnny_Panic.

Full Name







Large Great Sword




Hell Blade

Strength 22
Dexterity 30
Intelligence 25
Wisdom 25
Charisma 25

About Dark_Contract

Mythic item-Follower Dark_Contract LNLE

<<<Commander Azal-Ki-Lin

Azal is bound and forced the to serve with this Devil 'Dark_Contract', It is her Mythic weapon, her bound partner but also her oversight from the Hells. Reporting back to the Hells everything she does in the fight to stop the destructive forces of Chaos. As a Black thorn Knight this is the way. Tasted to serve her while doing so. Dark Contract {real Name redacted} being bound to an item has diminishes ability to effect the world around it, relying in Azal welding it to do so. And having spent years with her, has become somewhat attached and protective of her. Not always doing what the Hells wish. If detect alignment is used, its shows as LNLE NOTE: It holds her soul, and on her physical death, it is banished back to Hell where it constitutes her 24 hours later.

Mythic Item, + Mythic Miracle = Mythic Possessed Magic item [+ Planar bonding spell Devil]

CoHort-Nemesis Devil (Advodaza)CR 18
LE Huge Large Great Sword outsider (devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful)
Init +20; Senses [as item] darkvision 120 ft., see in darkness; Perception +28
[ooc]Its movement is flight only [EX] and all attacks are based on Azals other than its SPECIAL ABILITIES and spell-like Powers. It has no con as its bound into the sword. Which has its own Hardness and HP. If the sword is destroyed it instantly goes back to the Hells.

AC 36, touch 15, flat-footed 29 (10+7 armor, +7 Dex, +14 natural, –2 size)
Hardness 40{impervious}, HP as Sword hp 377 (18d10+198)
Fort +21, Ref +20, Will +34
Defensive Abilities idol armor; DR 10/good and silver; Immune cold, dismissal, electricity, fire, poison, sonic; acid SR 31

Speed 40 ft, fly 80 ft. (Perfect)[EX]
Melee As Azaks Attack, Damage, bite +28 (2d6+12), 2 claws +28 (1d8+12 plus infernal wound), 2 slams +26 (1d8+6), tail slap +26 (2d6+6)Space 15 ft.; Reach: As Rosa's 15 ft. (20 ft. with tail)
Special Attacks infernal wounds [Blade 2d8]
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 16th; concentration +30)

At will
Greater Invisibility,
greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only), Scorching Ray, 3x4d6 points of fire damage rays 115'
whispering wind
blasphemy (DC 24),
dispel magic,
ethereal jaunt,
harm (DC 23),
heal (DC 23),
hold monster (DC 22),
wall of stone
1/day—greater scrying (DC 21),
summon horned devil (level 7, 60%),


Str 22, Dex 30, Con 30, Int 25, Wis 25, Cha 25
Base Atk 20/15/10 CMB +32 (+36 bull rush); CMD 49 (51 vs. bull rush, 53 vs. trip)
Feats Awesome Blow, Flyby Attack, Greater Bull Rush, Hover, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Power Attack, Toughness
Skills Acrobatic +25 (+29 when jumping), Bluff +28, Diplomacy +28, Fly +24, Intimidate +28, Knowledge (arcana, planes, religion) +27, Perception +28, Sense Motive +28, Spellcraft +24, Stealth +20; Racial Modifier +4 Acrobatics when jumping
Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal; telepathy 100 ft.
SQ devil mark, false divinity (Trickery)


Devil Mark (Su)
An advodaza can grant worthy servants a measure of its power. As a full-round action, an advodaza can touch a willing creature, marking it with a unique symbol. For as long as the creature is marked, it gains a spell-like ability it can use once per day. This spell-like ability comes from the advodaza’s chosen domain (see false divinity, below). The target can also telepathically communicate with the advodaza over any distance while on the same plane. An advodaza can dismiss its mark as a standard action, no matter where the bearer is. It can also, as a standard action, cause pain to a mark bearer that deals 6d6 points of damage with no saving throw. An advodaza can mark multiple creatures, up to a number equal to its Hit Dice (typically 18).

False Divinity (Su)
Each advodaza chooses one cleric domain and gains the domain spells (5th level and lower) of that domain as spell-like abilities. Each of these abilities can be used 3 times per day. The advodaza does not gain any of the domain’s granted powers. Most advodazas possess powers from the Evil, Fire, Law, Trickery, War, or Weather domains, though any domains except Good or Chaos are possible. These spell-like abilities are not included in the stat block above.

War Domain: divine power, flame strike, magic vestment, magic weapon, spiritual weapon

Infernal Wound (Su)
Slashing Damage done by the Hell Blade leaves to a vicious done not easily heal. The damage inflicts with its cuts leaves persistent wounds that deal 2d6 points of bleed damage. Bleeding caused in this way is difficult to stanch—a successful DC 29 Heal check is required to stop the bleeding, and anyone attempting to magically heal a creature suffering from an infernal wound must succeed at a DC 29 caster level check or the spell does not function. Success indicates the healing works normally and stops all bleed effects. The Heal check DC and caster level DC are Constitution-based.

Legendary Item Abilities

Your item carries a part of your immortal spark within it, and unless the item is destroyed you cannot be permanently slain. If you are killed, your body reforms 24 hours later in the nearest open space within 30 feet of the item. If you are affected by death effect or energy drain while wearing or wielding the item, you may expend one use of legendary power as an immediate action to negate that effect; this cost is doubled if the effect is a mythic effect and tripled if the mythic rank or tier of the effect’s creator exceeds yours.