
Darius Rivenne's page

58 posts. Alias of Crustypeanut.

Full Name





Wizard (Evoker) 5











Strength 7
Dexterity 14
Constitution 10
Intelligence 21
Wisdom 12
Charisma 10

About Darius Rivenne

Darius Rivenne

Favored Class Wizard
Favored Class Bonus +5 Hit Points

Experience to Next Level:

Age 27

Reference Image

Male Chelish Human Wizard (Evoker) 5
N Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +1
AC 12 (Touch 12, FF 10)(+2 Dex)
Hp 27 (5d6+5[Favored])
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +5
Defensive Abilities
Speed 30 ft
Melee Metamagic Rod +0 (1d6-2/x2)
Ranged Ranged Touch +4
Special Attacks Versatile Evocation (8/day), Intense Spells (+2)
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 5th, Concentration +10)
3 3rd:Fireball(S)(DC 20 Ref), Fireball, Haste
4 2nd:Burning Arc(S)(DC 19 Ref), Burning Arc, Flaming Sphere(DC 19 Ref)[2]
6 1st:Burning Hands(S)(DC 18 Ref), Burning Hands, Burning Hands, Shocking Grasp, Shield, Mage Armor
4 0(At Will):Ray of Frost, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Drench

Str 7, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 21, Wis 12, Cha 10
BAB +2, CMB +0 , CMD 12
Feats Scribe Scroll(B), Spell Focus(Evocation)(1st), Spell Specialization(Burning Arc), Craft Wondrous Item(3rd), Greater Spell Focus(Evocation)(5thB), Spell Penetration(5th)
Skills (40 - 10[Base]+25[Int]+5[Human]) Craft(Alchemy)[5] +13, Spellcraft[5] +13, Knowledge(Arcana)[5] +14, Knowledge(Nature)[1] +9, Knowledge(Local)[1] +9, Knowledge(The Planes)[1] +9, Knowledge(Dungeoneering)[1] +9, Knowledge(Religion)[3] +11, Knowledge(Nobility)[1] +9, Knowledge(History)[5] +14, Knowledge(Engineering)[1] +9, Knowledge(Geography)[1] +9, Appraise[1] +9, Linguistics[5] +13, Intimidate[5] +13
Armor Check Penalty
SQ School Specialization (Evocation, Admixture), Opposition Schools (Enchantment, Necromancy), Arcane Bond(Familiar, Weasel)
Languages Taldane(Common), Thassilonian(B), Draconic, Giant, Infernal, Celestial, Abyssal, Ignan, Terran, Aquan, Auran
Traits Scholar of Ancients, Bruising Intellect, Magical Lineage (Fireball)
Drawback Hedonistic
Racial Bonus Feat, Skilled


Traits & Drawback:



Spellbook (100 Pages)[68 Pages Used]

3rd, 6 Pages Used:

Abjuration: [/i]
Conjuration: [i]

Divination: [/i]
Evocation: [i]Fireball,

Illusion: [/i]

2nd, 18 Pages Used:

Abjuration: Book Ward, Resist Energy, Protection from Arrows*
Divination: See Invisibility*
Evocation: Burning Arc, Flaming Sphere*, Continual Flame*
Illusion: Invisibility, Masterwork Transformation*

1st, 20 Pages Used:

Abjuration: Shield, Alarm*, Protection from Evil*
Conjuration: Mage Armor, Grease*, Air Bubble*
Divination: Identify
Evocation: Burning Hands, Magic Missile*
Illusion: Silent Image, Disguise Self*, Color Spray*
Transmutation: Expeditious Retreat, Crafter’s Fortune, Magic Weapon, Ant Haul, Enlarge Person, Blood Money*, Snapdragon Fireworks*, Touch of the Sea*

Cantrips, 24 Pages Used:

Abjuration: Resistance
Conjuration: Acid Splash, Drench
Divination: Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Read Magic
Evocation: Dancing Lights, Flare, Light, Ray of Frost, Spark, Breeze, Penumbra, Scoop
Illusion: Ghost Sound, Haunted Fey Aspect
Transmutation: Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Jolt, Root
Universal: Arcane Mark, Prestidigitation

* means purchased spells.
Purchased Spells: 10 1st, 5 2nd = 300 gp


Carrying Capacity:
Light (0-23); Medium (24-46); Heavy (47-70);

Current Load: 18 lbs (Light)
Handy Haversack Load:

HH = Stored in Handy Haversack

Combat Gear: (0 lbs)

Ammunition: (0 lbs)

Magic Gear: (11 lbs)
Lesser Metamagic Rod(5 lbs)(3000 gp)
Of Selective Spell
Handy Haversack (5 lbs)(1000 gp)[Crafted]
Pearl of Power I (--)(500 gp)[Crafted](HH)
Sleeves of Many Garments(1 lb)(100 gp)[Crafted]
Ioun Torch (--)(62.5 gp)[Crafted]
Vial of Efficacious Med.(--)(350 gp)[Crafted](HH)

Scrolls: (--)
Scroll of Shield[2] (--)(12.5 gp)[Crafted](HH)
Scroll of Invisibility (--)(75 gp)[Crafted](HH)
Scroll of Resist Energy(--)(75 gp)[Crafted](HH)
Scroll of Ant Haul[2] (--)(25 gp)[Crafted](HH)
Scroll of Magic Weapon(--)(12.5 gp)[Crafted](HH)
Scroll of Enlarge Person[2](--)(25 gp)[Crafted](HH)
Scroll of Prot. from Evil(--)(12.5 gp)[Crafted](HH)

Consumables: (0 lbs)(1 lbs HH)
Wand of Infernal Healing [31/50] (--)
Feather Token (Whip) (--)(250 gp)[Crafted](HH)
Universal Solvent [2] (--)(50 gp)[Crafted](HH)
Liquid Ice (1 lb)(13.3 gp)[Crafted](HH)
Antitoxin (--)(16.6 gp)[Crafted](HH)
Twitch Tonic (--)(15 gp)[Crafted](HH)
Soothe Syrup (--)(8.3 gp)[Crafted](HH)
Antiplague (--)(16.6 gp)[Crafted](HH)
Smelling Salts (--)(8.3 gp)[Crafted](HH)

Alchemical Spell Reagents: (0 lbs)
Brimstone [10] (--)(5 gp)
Saltpeter [12] (--)(15 gp)
Urea [40] (--)(20 gp)

Other: (7 lbs)(12 lbs HH)
Traveler’s Outfit (5 lbs)(Free)
Spell Component Pouch (2 lbs)(5 gp)
Spellbook (3 lbs)(Free)(HH)
Weapon Cord (--)(.1 gp)(Metamagic Rod, Tied to Belt)
Bedroll (5 lbs)(.1 gp)(HH)
Smoked Goggles (--)(10 gp)
Waterskin (4 lbs)(1 gp)(HH)
Trail Rations [4 days] (4 lbs)(2 gp)(HH)

Jewelry: (--)

Wealth: (--)
0 pp
4 gp
2 sp
0 cp
Total Coins: 10 (--)

Crotchbiter, Weasel Familiar:


Weasel Familiar
N Tiny Magical Beast
Init +2; Senses Low-light Vision, Scent; Perception +1
AC 17 (Touch 14, FF 15)(+2 Dex, +2 Size, +3 Natural)
Hp 11 (Half of Master, 4 HD)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5;
Defensive Abilities Improved Evasion
Speed 20 ft, Climb 20ft
Melee Bite +6 (1d3-4 plus Attach)
Space 2-1/2 ft; Reach 0ft
Special Attacks Attach
Racial Spell-Like Abilities (CL 4th, Concentration +1)
1/hour: Prestidigitation
Str 3, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 5
BAB +2, CMB +2, CMD 8 (12 vs Trip)
Feats Weapon Finesse(B), Critical Conduit(1st)
Skills (x) Craft(Alchemy)[4] +5, Spellcraft[4] +2, Knowledge(Arcana)[4] +2, Knowledge(Nature)[1] -1, Knowledge(Local)[1] -1, Knowledge(The Planes)[1] -1, Knowledge(Dungeoneering)[1] -1, Knowledge(Religion)[1] -1, Knowledge(Nobility)[1] -1, Knowledge(History)[3] +1, Knowledge(Engineering)[1] -1, Knowledge(Geography)[1] -1, Appraise[1] -1, Linguistics[4] +2, Intimidate[4] +1(-3 vs Larger)
SQ Share Spells, Empathic Link, Deliver Touch Spells (Improved), Teammate, Able Assistant

Carrying Capacity:
Light (0-1); Medium (2-3); Heavy (4-5);

Current Load: 0