Daplunk's page

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TomatoFettuccini wrote:
I would argue that these tools are essential not just to players, but to Paizo itself. I don't think they realize just how important they are now, or are else overestimating their popularity in their hubris. We've gone past critical mass; it is almost mandatory for an RPG system, particularly complex, crunchy ones like Pathfinder and Starfinder, to have community tools. If those tools aren't there, it makes it more difficult to get in to the game, and less community support will be forthcoming. Less community support means less buzz. Less buzz means less interest.

100% this. I pick the system I play based on the availability of the tools and availability of the data.

Pathfinder was an absolute breathe of fresh air for me. Coming from the 5e space where the data is available but hiding under a dark shelf. PF2e data was available in multiple places, available in multiple formats and unlocked some absolutely amazing potential.

I don't play the way I assume Paizo thinks I do though. I don't use the run of the mill tools though and don't want to. I use Obsidian.md to create my own internal wiki system that is completely customisable to how I play my game. I am however completely reliant on other popular tools for the data that enables me to create my notes.

I was afraid that Paizo had just turned the light off in a corner of the book shelf and was about to create a shaded area. The update posted above gives me hope that is not the case.

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In terms of community made digital tools that people use to supplement the game... I think most people will agree, including Paizo, that renaming things, causes absolute confusion. The aim is to make the game easier to play and changing the names of things has the immediate opposite effect.

Personally I would love a situation where the community could...

- Release data files for digital tools on an agreed platform like Pathfinder Infinite/Starfinder Infinite.
- Be allowed within that platform, to release content using the Proper Nouns without change.
- To expand on this... have access to the API. Imagine a world where you could unlock the Adventure Module X content in Pathbuilder because you downloaded an access code from Infinite. Infinite api has confirmed the customer has already purchased that pdf and thus the community is allowed to release that content to that person within the community driven tool.
- My personal situation. I use Obsidian.md and having statblocks and adventures in markdown format already that I could download and use would be a massive win.

I'd love to hear from Paizo on their opinion on the digital tools and if they want them to exist.

The community is trying to make it easier to play the game. And the "official" tools are fantastic, they don't fill every niche. They are lots of other smaller niche tools that fill essential gaps for lots of people. Does Paizo want them to go away?

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Really keen to see some clarity and direct attention to the digital tool space. I love to buy your books, I very rarely open them. I play physically at a real table rolling real dice, but we look up all those rules digitally. Every statblock has linked spells and rules and it's amazing.

Those tools are almost exclusively made by the community. Supported by the community. Passionately and with love to ensure we can all play PF2e easily.

Can we get a digital tool faq to clearly layout what can be used. Can the tools include copies of the spells, monster statblocks? Can only the monsters from the rule books be included? Or can statblocks from the adventures be included but the named npc statblocks cant be used?

It's really confusing since most people use AoN as a reference, but lots of people don't understand that they have a special license agreement in place.